Whltby I-me Pies. Wueub.dy, Juno 29,1994l, Page 23 WHITBY STUDENT Craig Donaldson poses with some of the many awards he's won for his athletic and academic achieve- ments. Among them are the 1994 TSN Dr. Randy Gregg Award, g iven to the Cana- dian university varsity hockey team mem- ber who best combines athletic and acade- mic excellence, community involvemrent and leadership; the Bronze W Award, given to the University of Western Ontario (UWO) athiete who's achieved three colours in their sport and the Pu Blanket Award, given to a senior ati" who has four first colours, ail-star se tions, excelled in varsity sports and rel sented UWO at the provincial or natiN level. Donaldson is hoping to returri UWO as a medical student (and to pla fifth year of hockey) -- he's intereste< sports medicine. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby FreeF Whitby players, coaches in tournament EOBA Blair Hardy of Whitby scored the winning run in the final and catcher Josh Miller of Whitby was one of the defensive stars of the tournament as the Eestern Ontario Besebaîl Association won the championship of the Toronto Blue Jaya Youth Tour- nament over the weekend. Hardy caine home on a triple by Larry Houston of Oshawa te 7 ve the EOBA a 4-3 win over Itercounty in the final. LETTER: To the Editor. I read with great intereet about yet another private proposaI for an extra ice surface in Whitby. Another ice pad i. much needed and long overdue, but I must point out whoever provides it will net get our local goverinent officiais "off the hoek" as demand would still continue te outstrip the. supply. Whitby needs two more pada, net just one. Ini addition, there i. no magfic want they cmn wave te reduce ectuai ceet imply by délivering this product in a diffrent package. Moet, if net ail, demande for extra ice coeing frein major user greujs would fall into the 'Prime tie category, mearnn weeknighta frein 6 te 10 p.m. and weekends fri-n noon te 6 p.m. On.e more pad sounds like a bot wins Cuçý The EOBA team, with Whitby coaches, Brian Bates, David In- eson, Dean Keating and Bren dan Power, won ail five of their games in the tournament. Ken Calway of Whitby was the sterting itcher in a 7-2 win over Team. North. The EOBA then defeated Sun Parleur, the defen ding champion team from the Windsor-Saria area, 7-1. The EOBA blenked Western %Ontario 8-0 to advance to the semi-final againet Toronto. Metro had eliminate EOBA from the tournanig past three years. This ye EOBA won 7-3. Other Whitby players EOBA teain that was prE with the Blue Jay Cup we Imeson, Brent Heaslip, Hewitt Brad Newport a: boy Kyfe McFarlane. Gait versus Gait. Firstuplace Redmen to battie Six Nations The top two teams in Ontario major box lacrosse will nieet tnight (Wednesday) at Iroquois Park. Brooklin ]Redmen maintain a two-point edge over Six Nations Redmen after the teazns, their attacks each bolstered by a Gait brother, each won two games in the past week. John Fusco, on a great indivi- duel effort with lese then a minute remeininM, gave Redmen an 8-7 win over Peterborough on Saturday. Fusco interrupted a Peter- borough pas. in t he Redmen end scooped up the looss bail end Ã" went the length of the floor to score wîth 50 seconds remeining in the gaine in Peterborough. Gary Gait hed scored with just f irst over three minutes remaining to ie tie the score at 7-7. ilete 1%e two bats goals spoiled a >marvelleus efr by Peter- lec- borough goalie Craig Milligan, pre- who frustrated the Redmen onai attackers with spectacular saves, 1 to especially on Gaît. a Gait and Peter Park eech had in agoal and three assista, Fusco added wo assista and Wayne Press Grant had two goals. Dave ----- McWhirter, Bill Pasefleld and Tom Wreggitt abso scored for Redmen. George Bé uperche had three goabs and uia assist for Peter- brough. Brad Ferguson had two goais and two assisa, Kevin Biggs a goal and three assiste and Gerry Hiitz the other goal. I Last Wednesday, Redmen defeated Brampton 11-6 as Gait fired six goals and Fusco had a goal and five assiste. Metro Grant had two goals and two assiste, Park and Mike Hardingr ed the each had a goal and goalie Pad._ ent the dis OToole thiree assista. ear, the OToole was outstending, espe- cialiy in the second period when Brampton, still in the hunt for on the top spot, pressed Redmen. -esented Van Tsat scoed two goals for ere Tim Brampton. )Camn Redmen have wins in 10 of and bat their il1g aies this season. Six Nations h ave nine wins and Two more ice pads needed of ice, but, as an example, Whitby miner hockeys. 18 rep teamns abone would consume aIl this and more, given the opportunity. The total of this extra prime tinie ice amounts te a meager 32 hours per week, or 832 heurs over their 26-week playing season. Currently, assocation rep teams; are aibotted about 1,250 heurs of ice for the entiré season, inciuding tryouts and pre-season ~ atce ice. About 830 more o0urs per season would only aiiow these 18 teams twe regularly scheduled practices and oe gaine per weelc, similar te what the teains they compets against get in surrounding centres right now. And what about the other 65 or se hous league and select teains? Ueing the above example as a scenarie, there would probably be enough extra Saturday morning ice te eliinte the hous league waiting list, but still no extra time for additional select activities or essential referse, piayer and goalse devlepment programe. 0f course, thie je aIl based on the assumption that mineir hockey woubd be able te exclusively procure the new ice every weeknight, plus ail day Saturday and Sunday. The other deserving user groupe in thie town would receive nothing, which realistically would net hanfortunateiy, real coets for a facility continue long after the 830 heure of prime time and 200 heurs of Saturday/Sunrday morning ice is quicly sold off to the many wiiiing buyers. Someone has te .pay for the remaining 7,800 heurs, and if 1 were a private coricern wanting to build an arena in Whitby, Fd ask for financial guarantees frein the Town (taxpayers), tee. Otherwise, projects like this are unworkabbe and unfeasibis for investere who expect and are entitled te a reasonable return on their capital investinent. The bottoin lins i. that it was and stibi is the responsibility of our Town councii ýto provide adequate ice facilities for al Whitby ids and this obligation has net been undertaken by previeus or present councîls in the bast 10 years. Any council consideration- te farm eut tis responsîbility te private groups will net deflect any cri ticisin or exonerate thein fer past failures addressing this issue and will certainly net make those chibdren piaced on waiting lists feel any better. Larry Danoey Tournament director, Whitlby Miner Hockey Association three losses but their loses were early in the season. Paul Gait, added to the Six Nations lineup, has 32 points in only five games. Six Nations defeated Owen Sound 13-5 on Friday. Re dmen will -host Peter- borough next Wednesday night in Brooklin, will play in Fergus on Thursday, July 7 a'nd in Six Nations on Sunday, JuIy 10 and host Brampton on Wednesday, July 13. VVarriors host the al-stars Whitby Warriors will have five players on the east division teami that will face the best from the west as Whitby plays host to the Ontario junior A lacrosse ail-star game on Saturday niht, Juiy 2. Jonas Derks,Bgrad McArthur, Shaydon Santos, Matt Shearer and goalie David Power will be on the east team that also fea- tures leame-leading scorer John Grantof Peterborough (119 points in 16 games). Warriors are hosting the gaine as p art of the celebration of their 25th anniversary year. Ail-star action actualiy will begin in the afternoon when the annual skills jtitions get underway at 2 p.m. a eso and most accurate shot will be among the even t.. Te finals of those competi- tiens will be held between periods of the ail-star gaine that starts at 7 p.m. Ontairio ma~jor lacrosse Scores J une17 Six Nad ions J une 18 Owen Sound Brarpton J une22 Branpton June23 Fergus J une 24 Peterborough J une 25 Brookhn Six Nat ions 18 Frgue a 9 Six Nations 23 il Patertorough 7 6 Brookin il 12 BrnIpton 13 9 Fergus 5 9 Peterborough 7 13 Owen Sound 6 Stmbyns et of June 25 Brooklin Six Nations Bram~pton Peterborough Owen Sound Fergus Top S scorsrs John TavareSi x Nâdion Bob Hamldey. BraffVon Troy Cordingley. Bruipton Tom Wreggetl. Brooklin Duans Jacobs. Six Nagions Paul Gait. Six Nîtions John Fusco. Brooklin Peter Park, Brooklin Bob McNib. Owen Sound Ranidy Means. Six Nigion Danrs Kilgots. Six Nations Jef Wilong. Brarrptar Rob CançW o. Owen Sound Jaril Grimokby. 0. Sound Mike Mwfray. BrIafio Kit Drury, Pdewonr)ouh Chris Rsd. dFegus