Page 34. Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, June 22. 1994 Hosilboard ebr rg edtoresign FROM PAGE 1 Street Pachino officiaIs were hauleci bofore the committee. «W. read the. riot act ta them and told them th>y'd have ta dlean up thoir act,» ho naid. yod numorous complaints from area homoownors about un- necessary water and hydro dis- ru ptons. "When I talked ta our staff they said they were not too pleased with these guys,» h. said. Brunelle, a member of regional council'e works commttee, passed on thone concerne ta the committee and when a second job came up for work on Anderson «It would just b. normal seat- ing, not completely around...geared ta accommodato the. parents of the kida," said Stimming. «It would b. a full ice surface, but not something for 5,000 peo'pie,» ah. said. Acecording ta Stimming, hor proposal would satisfry the. need of Whitby's minor sports toama for more ice facilities. Last summer more than 500 parents waited in lino - some for as many as 10 hours - in order ta register their children for this past wintor's hockey season. But the demand far exceeded the number of openings and several chiidron ha&d ta b. placed on a waiting list. "Our proposai ta the. Town would meet the. requirements of minor hockey and ringette," ah. said. In fact, accommodating tue needa of minor sports is a major selling point of the proposai. "W. are citizen. of Whitby and have aîways been in Whitby. This i. set up ta, support miner hockey," said Stimming. uQutside sources (proposais from non-Whitby groupuý) are not interested in mînor hockey, only Boat runs aground An Oshawa mnan faces charges after running his boat ashoro near the end of Thickson Road South late Friday evening. Police say the 37-year-old man was returning home fromn Nia- gara Falls around il p.m. when h e ran the. boat aground near Crystal Beach Boulevard. NeighbourE; called police, who found the mian stili behind the wheel of the vessel which was on shore. "Tie usual signe of impar- ment wore obvious,» says Dur- ham Regional Police Inispector Walter FHall. The. man was arrested and 'Assault chtarge is laîi A 20-year-old Whitby man faces several charges after an incident Sundýay which began when h. kicked in the. door of hi. girlfriend's apartment. Poiice say h. went ta her Hickory Street apartnient to con- front lier about their recent break-up. An argument ensued and police wr. cà lled. Tii. accused took off ta hi. own apartment, on Mary Street East, and barricaded the door before police arrivod. After some negotiations, the nman came out cf -hi. apartment and was ai-rested. H'. charged with break and -enter with in- tent, assault and breach of undertalcing. Police aty the ilfriend was g abbed durinig the argument ulI wantseriousiy hurt. I OIT3fUARY ABRAHA M EWiiTBAEN Abraham (Brian) Nieuwstra- ten of Whitby died at hi. home on June 12, 1994. Ho was 48. Ho was born in Denhague, the Netherlande, on July 10, 1945 son cf Aile Nieuwtraten and Kiara Van de Siuys.' Ho marriled Anne Nieuwstra- ten-Hollemn on June 28, 1968 in Scarborough. A teacher, Mr. Nieuwtraten was a member of the. United Church and board member for the Chldren's Aid Society. He i. survived by hi. wife, son Terence, daughter Carolyn (and her husband Gerald), grand- daughiter Kayla-Ann, brother, and sisters, nephews and nieces. TI%. funeral was held on Wed- nesday, June 15, 1994 at Centen- niaI United Church,, Rev. Bill Tadeja conducting. Interment at Ilornton cexnetery. charged with impaired care and contral of a vesel and exceeding .080 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliitres of blood. aduit hockey,' ah. claimed. While ah. wouid not disclose the monetary aspects of herp ro- p o sai, Stimming said It could b buiît at two-thirds the coat of one constructed with public funda. USomneone (Town officiai) said there was no way we could buiid it for that » said Stiniring, a finanicial a visor with the Royal Bank. "As a banker I do private financing and tii... numbèe are dead on," ah. said. "Our position i. that private enterprse could build it ch.aper than he public.» If the arena i. ta b. buiît Stimminlf requires some sort et cost-sharnng arrangement with the. municipahity ta operate it, especialiy since it wouid serve mrnor sports, ah. stressed. "Ini reality, ther. would be no return on your investment," aaid Stimming. "AnI investor would b. crazy to put mon.y in without expecting some kind of return." Although Soccer City wouid ewn the arona, Stimming 15 pre- pared ta givo the Town a long- term lease. Tih. municipality could then recover its caste from the. ice users, she said. Stimming believes this type of arrangement would b. more acceptable ta the average Wýhitby Pachino con fract bid FROM PAGE 1 But more problems aroe with tuis project, Brunelle said. Some area residents had acceas to their homes needlessly cut off and one person had his basement flooded with water. «The. last thing w. needed in Brooklin, whre tiey're ipping up every road, is a cernpany with a public relations problem," he said. When the, staff recommenda- tion came forward, BrunelIe's questions foroed committee ta, table the matter. In the interim, Brunelle obtained documents which in- dicated that Pachino had submit- ted more than 40 work orders -- which wer. henoured -- for an extra $22 1,00 "I asked the. gys at the. Town and was tald tei usual is about 10," h.e aid. «Forty i. rather Iiivar plan FROM PAGE 3 plan," he said. But by net permitting any- tng less than 20,000 square foot, Whitby would rule eut such businesses as Consumera Dietni- butin gLOBO and Penningtan's fromn [c tinhiere, Jarvis said. Jarvis added that while Aiken- head'sfHome Depot i. committed ta, begin construction in 1995, they would like ta go ahead tuis if they saw th!ey could get other acti*vity around them.» (Earlier this year, Ainerican retailer H omo Depot purchas.d 75 p r cent of Aikenhead's from MoIsn ompanios Ltd. It i. the. largest home improvement chain in the. United States.) Councillor Rosa Batten, com- mitte. chair, also had concerne. "What you are proposing i. completely contrary ta, what wo look.d at in our commercial dev.lopment analysis and com- pletely different ta, our concept of a commercial nodal area," eaid Batten. «What we envisioned was a minimum of 20,000-square-foot warehouses. W. neyer envi- sioned looking at smaîler retail uses,"he said. "We have other commercial areas where wo se. these type of uses ontertained." Invar's application wil now b. circulated odr furtiier public and agency comment b.fore coming back ta, committe. with a recom- mendation from planning staff. extreme." In addition, Pachino sent both Whitby and Durham Region let- ters demanding a furtiier $29 1,000.- «I asked why we were giving another contract te someone who waa threatening te sue us, asaid Brunelle. Meanwhube, word of Brunelle'. opposition resulted in several telephon. c alla ta uis home. «Cran individuels, who shal remain nameless, tald me I should leok a littie further,» h.e said. Brunelle reperted tiiese allega- tiens ta Reien officiais and police were seon contacted. Brunelle said h.e couid net discuse the matter further, but did say h.e ha. been questioned by lice. Afor Callei's dlaim, Brunelle denied ever threatening to make sure Pachino ever received anothor contract. ai nover said that, that's non- sens.,"»lh. declared. 0f the, incident in qusion, Brunelle said a Pachino employee was observed driving through a stop sign, so ho con- fronted tii. proect superviser. «i tald hum to make sure they obey the. law,» hoe said. Brunello said Calleil is mis- taken if the. company president believes h.e carnies a grudge or wields that kind of power. «Tii. fact that he didn't get the. contraet i. not based on what I did " ho said. Zilii problemns go way beyond Marcel Brunello.» Calleil need only check with Whitby'a works departmnent ta learn how Town staff feel about the, firm's performance, said Brunelle, who ha. no regrete about hi. actions. "Pm doimjb, that'what people in thoTow of Whitby ay me for, ta look at contracta," e aid. «On, of my jobs is ta make certain contractors have some conideration for the public when they do their jobs.» Calleri said both the Ies of the contract and hi. outstanding $29 1,000 dlaim are in the. hands of hi. lawyer. (Whitby and Durham Region have each offered $25,000 ta settle the. dispute.) «They're trying ta destroy honest good working people," said dalleil, who hias ben in business for 20 years. "Now it (Brooklin project) will cost thom more mone.y becauso it won't be finished on time." resident, rather than the trown addingz a third ice pad to Iroquois Park for examplo. «W'hy shouid ail the citizens of Whitby pay for ice wvhen they're not using it?" ah. asked. Stimming ha. not been given any time fraine for when ah. can expect a responso, to her pro- posal. Councillor Judi, Longfield, chair of the Town s operations committee, said the Soccer City proposaI, is just one of many that have corne forward in the past year. "I don't know aIl tihe details of thia on., staff lare looking into it7 »ahéesaid. 1 'But before council makes a commitment to building another ice rink, it muet decidé what its next major apending<frojects will b., Longfieldstrea. «There is no doubt we need it, but it's the. same as the (expan- ded) librar! ad (refurbished) Centennial Builnng,» ahe said. Since the three-way infrastruc- ture funding pro am will allow the. Town to build a new fire hall and enlarge the senior citizenB? centre, council can now draft its priority lijt of future projecta, longfield said. "Te roblem is there are only four andaaîaf monthe left with this council. There is- some thought we shouid lbave it ta the next council," se.said. «'I don't think it would b. fair to put this on the now council." Councili-or DonMitcheil agroed thýat tho ëout-going council shiould not inipos its wvill on the new on --"t as the currrft body should not have had to adhere to the Prvious council's wishes. «Wenover w. talk capital prioritios everyone says it was the last council's priority," ho said. «Frankly,1Ididn't think it was their business," naidMitchel adigthat ln «%y view" oniy thelirary and a fourth iceril are prorities. Mitchell who has been the Most vcaý1 advocate of a new arena, admits that none of the private sector proposaIs to this point have caught hie oye. «Soccer City may bo different, Vin not toc, familiar with it,» ho said. "Most of the other proposais invoive the Town iproviding land and helping to bui d it or guaran- teeing ice time. None of which involve long-term benefit to the Town and taxpayers." Mitchell said council had hoped to see a private sector proposal that would use private dolars to build and run the facility. «We were hoping to se. the supposed efficiencies of the pri- vate sector. We haven't aeen any- thing yet," he said. 77 ------- ------- Play Hockey Now! "b1e Hockey or Bail Hockey alilSummer!" Choose f rom either igndoor or outdoor facilities. The Parks and Recreation Department has lce ail summer long for those who wish to strap on the blades. For the bail hockey enthusiast, we have both indoor and outdoor facil dies. For--more information please- cail Iroquois Park Recreation Complex at 668-7765. OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW AND. UPDATE STUDY OPEN HOUSE & PUBLIC MEETING JULY 4e 1994 The Open Houa. willi b. from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.. foliowd by the Prosentatlon to the Planning and Developm.nt Commtte. starling et 6:30 p.m. at the Meting Hal Whltby Municipal[ Building 575 Rosaland Road Eat, Wh ltby You are invîted to attend an Open House and Presentation ta the Planning and Deveiopment Committee for Phase 5 of the Town of Whitby Officiai Plan Review and Update Study. Phase 5 comprises the preparation ai a Recommended Officiai Plan for the Town. The Recommended Officiai Plan is a refinement of the Phase 4 Draft Officiai Plan presented in December 1993. It has been prepared in the context of the new Durham Regianal Officiai Plan and is based upon the selected growth strate gy developed through Phase 3, the policy changes idenified th rough Phase 2 and the consideration of input received throughout the entire Reviw process, including detaiied public and agency respanses ta the Draft Officiai Plan. The Towns consultant, M.M. Dillon Limited wiil make a prese ntation of the Recommended.-Officiai Plan at 6:30 pm Deputations an the Recommended Officiai Plan wl.ttbe scheduled for this Planning and Development Committee Meeting. Deputations ta the Planning and Deveiopment.. Cammttee regarding the Phase 5 Recommended Officiai Plan will b. considered on Soptember 7 1994 commencing at 2 p.m. Deputations may be scheduied through the ClerksgDepartment. For more information please cali the Town of Whitby, Planning Department at (905) 668-5803. Your participation wilil h.Ip shape Whltby's futur.