Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1994, p. 31

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Whilby Fro. Preos, Weckiosday, Jun. 22, 199, Page 31 1 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Altorations- and ropair on draperies. Affordable prlos. For your free.in-home shopping anid estimate Calil '432-1714. Customer's fabrtcs are weloome. PRONALHOUEKEPNG &window cleaning services. Let us free Up your timo. Reasonabte rates. Cali for an appointment, Sue or Terry at 579-6266. PROFESSONAL PILOT TRAiNIN C-150, club rates, $55/hour for private, commercial, instructor & instrument courses. Tacata Alrways, Greenbank, 905-985-7683. HANDYMAN - dlean yards, basements, cut trees, build docks & fonces. Cati 655-3004. FURNITURE MAKERICABINET MAKER - Custom designer & builder of fine furniture and cabinetry. Speciaiizinq in entertainment units, libraries and buift-ins. Over 15 years oxperience. Quatity workmanship giuarantee. References supplied. Designers weicôme. For a free quotaton cali Gary ad 666-1913. NEWSLETTER PRO - i wiII prof essionally edit & publish your newsletter. Journalism g rad with Mac & experlence. Cali 579-0242. TREE CUT11NO & TRIMMING. Fuliy Insured. Fr. estimates. 433-7140. itroking stone - retaining watts wood fencing & decks FREE-COMPETI TI VE ES TI&M TES Written-Guarantee 666-9690 Derek Dutka Speaializing in tax and retirement planning since 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. _ e 9HOWIOOM - MOBILE Sff uiy WINDOWS & DomR 0 STR SR CAEMNT CPAIO RST- ffFREE ESTEMATEI O WAYNE HUTCHISON 696 KING ST w SALES. SERVICE S INSTALLATION OSHAWAONTARIO 04o 5 - 5792222 [1J 2L3 3-1180WI.OIA AOOIIMOHS WANTE - fuit time reliable bak sitter required In our north Wh .by home, Monday to Frîday. Must be a non-smaker & have own tranj ain. Cati after 6:OOpm QIJALITY DAYCARE avaitabte in my home. DaiIy outings inctude ttbrary, pa"k & Y-Pace. Nutritous meals include breakfast, tunch & snacks. Cati 666-5452 for mnore iformion. WE ARE LOOKING for a warm, caring individual to take care of our 3 girls (ages 7, 3 & 16 mos.) ln aur Whitby home, beginning late Aupst. First aid or chiid safet tra nng wouid be an asset. References requested. For an interview please cai 668-0114 between lpmn & 9pm. MATURE STUDENT AVAILABLE in yur home for babysitting and/or houecieanlng this summer. Please cait 430-6831. UMIVERS1TY EDUCATED french mom cf 19 mo. old toddler would iike to lve &care for 2oher chikiren 18 mos. & up (flexible) in ber Otter Creek home. 430-8657. JACK( AND JILL Nursery School 300 Dundas St W. (Alit Saints Anglican Church). Spaco available for September 1994. Visit us any week-day momning or cati 668-4966. *Insured - Free Esfmates~ 433u7140 M&L'Ioperty Services *GRASSCUTJ1ING 9583 " LAWNCARE 9583 *TRIMMING - TILUING COMJmàdia " DECKS/FENCES RUnIeIa *YARD CLEANUP Seniors Dscount The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cati for quoMan 1e 66--9669 e 432-72161 RR.F ANUTE GI*sRR B PRIVATE HOME DAYCARE - Brooktin mcm with 18 yrs. experienco off ors crafts, fresh air and T.LC. Receipts given. Phono 655-8600. MOTHER OF TWO wtIt car. for 1 or 2 toddlers, or 1 toddier and 1 Infant, in my home. Fenced yard. Cochrane & Vernon. 430-8202. REUABLE, LOVING mother of three woutd love to car. for your child in our home. Good food & fun. Gardeffiossland area. Cati 430-0750. * MATURE BABYSIlTER NEEDED for an 8 yr. old, Monday-Friday, 8am-5:3Opm during the summer holidays. Garrard/Dryden area. Ploase cali 725-4751. QUALITY DAYCARE avaitabie in my home. Nutritious meais & snacks. Close to Beiiwood Public schooi. Cait 430-8670 for more inf o. Speciatizing in Early Chitdhood Education. For Peace of Mmnd. Perry Ho use Child Care Servces 129 Porry St., Whttby 668-9476 WHITDY - clean, quiet, fully fumished room in privete home. Privilepes include kitchen use 9cabl parteng. Suit mature, working mate $9-0 weekly. Avalable immediately. 668-3640. FURNISHED ROOII FOR RENT $80/week. Share bathraom Ï' ktchen. Student or workor preerrd.Wak to aliamenfties. Pleae cli 66-376 ater6prn. WHITBY - furnished room for mature, workîng adult. Use of f acilittes. Brook & Starr area. $80/weekiy. Cail 430-2598. CLASSVID Ans RT R96W.&TU Wheher you're ng or selIng, put" dssu to wrk for youi To plae your ad, cati 66"-111 ______________________Scieceof Mental H..th- by L Ron wli our»($3100).Pa, Hubbard, and it's Home Study STiARTi your own business, with ore(310.Ci -800-561- nationally mdv. rti sed product. 5808. Investmont s.cursd by inventary. Coii SunFree Ontario 1-800-808- 0569 or 1-90566M-1673. OWN VOUR OWN RETAIL STORE. Exciting opportunlties exist cmii Canada. Cali 1-800-665-5085 for details on TRUE VALUE HARD- WARE and V & S DEPARIMENT STORES. AT&T, MCI 900 NUMBERSI $ start- ingla tumn-key 900 lino as a side business la easi.r thon you think. Cali for Information now 1-800-417- 49W0. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY ln tei re-us. recycle field. Geographically potected arasa. Proven resuits. Nondislosreagreement reqîired. Prices start et $2.000. Cai 519-M3- 3970, ta enqure. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- TUTE of Vancouver offers corre- ipondonce courses for the certifi- coe of Counssllîng Studios to begin the 1 Sth of thes manth. For brochure phone: 1 -0Ã"-665-7044. QUALITY TRAMPOLINES Fmctory Direct. 13' Sq. Spiash Bounce, 16' Round Mega Baune. 1-800-663- 2261 paris, repai: ail moaes. SAESHEPWANTED START YOUR OWN home-bmîed busines Watkins is today's boit business opportunityl For FREE information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 218 Msglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK 57H 4Z6 (1- 800-263-2999). *A coot wIIl b. lncurrd. DIAL A DATE. No need ID b. lonsly. Cali 1-900-451-4010, Code #1222. $2.99/minut.; 18 years plus. Inquiries 1-800-230-7636. pERSnALS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, Friends and Famiiias. ..find out facts the Society dosn't wmnt you ta know. Confidentimi. Write JW Facts, Box 294, Nelson, B. C. Vi L 5P9. GAIN MORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read 8Dimnotics: The Modem SINGLE AND UNATTACHED? Singles World (sInce 1960) offert dinfing, dances, omuiséeend tours, plus uniur .tworking service. Fornformation and treu magazine, eu 1-800-665-4163. GOT A CAMPG ROUND member- shipltimeshare? We'Il tek* Iti Americe's largest, oidest raele clemringhou s.. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. fimesthar. rentais needsd. Cui 24 houri a dey. FIND OUT WHY more end more people buy and reccmmend FUTURIE for Quaiity, lnt.gvfty end Service. Cmli for spéciali puces on Hay Ste rage Buildings 1-80S-668- 8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top quaiity strmightwaii, wood/steei & iali/steel buildings, CSA certified, workshops, borns, arenas, stables, etc. Large or amal, contrmcting and tiancing avaîlable, 24 houri 1400W-561-2200.' BUILDINGS ... FACTORY DIRECT!" FINAL CLEARANCE. 23x26 $1,650.00, 27x30 $2,282.00, 32x42 $3968.00 , 40x62 $6644.00, 44x64 $7, 798.00, 46x66 $799900, 50x84 $10,724.00. Other sizes. End& optionat. Planter 1 -800-M66-422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Straitwaiî Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12,887; 50xg0 $18,378.; 60xl26 $28,150 - other sizes available - Misc. clear- ance - Paragon - 24 houri 1-60W- 263-8499. BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. Proudiy made in Canada for rural, industrial, com- mercial. Drawings with buildings. Drop packages or erected. Fme estimfates cml (705) 431677. ONE-AND TWO DAY WHITEWA- TER RAFTING Adventures on the famous Ottawa River, bmsed from aur 650 acre outdoor Adventure Resait. Famnily rsftig avallable. Calit now for a free brochure. WId.fmu Tours 1-800-267-9166. J Whit.byFa P ss 6$6 Il.OfkeH u :Modyt Fr ay 0Ornt 500pn F 6 -0 4 ?e4m4 <ee«W a 44W,.. r BRIAN'S .Lawnmower Repair 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free Pick Up & Delivery LAWN MOWER SPECIAL I TUNE UP Only $49.95 +parts Used mowers available OuaiftyPoteiture Of VoUr Home. FROM $29. WedCns, anniversaries, abes, promotional, Photography groups, boudoir, copy custom colour plus ~blaclç & white work ________ DON'T BE SHYI SPECIALIZING IN.- Flower Beds - Transpianting Grass Cuting <from 20 per week> I ...........pl.... w.... References available. Richard Aity *RaAff>tah V n *W ay* eon n 0"RA Northem Ontario $63 * Eastem Ontario $91 *Western Ontwto $162 * Central Ontario $168,0 Ail Onta" $380 *Nofionai Packags AvaibI Cati this a pifor datah i a râc M.

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