Page 18. WL.ý*bY Free Press, Wednesdiay, June 15, 1994 CAPIC The Canadian Association for Production and Inventory Con- trol will meet on Tuesday, June 21, 7 p.m., at the Earl of Dur- ham Brock Street South, Whitiy. Ben Schlussel of BMS Associates, Toronto will discuss 'Strategy and Tacties.' For more information eall Lyn or Pauline at 721-3320. SCI-IZOPIIRENICS Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics, Durham Regional chapter, will meet tonight (Wed- nesday), 7 to 9 p.m.,, at Whitby Psyhiatric Hospital, building 30. Gýuest speaker will be Susan Poole, ehapter coordinator at the f rovincial office. Admission is ree. This is the last meeting until September. For more infor- mation, and for familes who have more than one person with schizophrenia, cal] 404- 130 1. LAWN BOWING Tiie Whitby Lawn Bowling Club w.lcômes new members. F'ree Instruction is ofered Mon- day afternoons and evenings at tb. club on Brock Street South. For more information, cali 668. 4366. ANNUAL MEETING The. 'Our Home Projece for Community Living of Durham Region wiil hold the annual general meeting Monday, June 201, 7 p.m., at Ajax Public Library, 65 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Guest speaker will b. Irene Phelps. AUl welcome. Cali 436-1750 for more information. COFFEE HOUSE The. Christian Lâife Centre will hold a 'Christian Singles Coffe. House' on June 18, at 7 p.m. at Rossland Road and Ravenscroft Road, Ajax. Guest speaker is therapist, Dr. Norman Brown and the topic is <What 1 wish I had been taught about relationships in high sehool.' For more inomain cali Verna at 728-9720. ONE PARENT FA?#ERlES The. Oshawa chapter of the One Parent Families Association will uneet on Tuesday, June 21, 8 p.m., at the Croatian Cultural Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. A guest speaker wiii discuss 'Children's self-esteem.' For more information cali Doug at 728- 1011. Non-profit communi tO roup hha rezbasei n Whitby or have a substantiel Whitby Membershlip May place their upoomina meetings or activiles on this page et no cost. Profit Mming or Of.1t I Fritty t p KGat Comm unit>' ,Day KC THE BEAR, shown planting a kiss on Constable Tunde Reti, much to the amuse- ment of Constable Dan Denyer, and Leo thepolice do9 wilt be on hand Saturday for Durham Regional Police's Community Day to be held at the Whitby detachment on Rossland Road (west of Garden). The event, organized by Reti and Tunde, wilI include a bike rodeo, dunk tank, goldfish races and lots of games. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Press BINGO The Multiple Scierosis Society (Durham chapter) holds bingo every Sunday, 4 Vo 6 p.m., at Caesars Bingo Palace, 88 King St. W., Oshawa- Proceeda to the Durham MS Society. Nevada tickets are aiso availabie. For more information, cali 728-2789. GOOD NEIGHBOUR To celebrate Good Neighbour Day in Whitby on Saturday, June 18, a seniors' pancake breakfast and art and crafts show will be heid at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre from 9 a.xn. to noon. SENIORS' DANCE Dancing, Vo the sound of Janette DeSouza, will b. held at the Whitby Seniors' Activit Centre on Saturday, June 25 7:30 p.m. For tickets, $6, cal1 668-1424. FUNDRAISING Durham Free-Net Imc. has iaunched a fundraising caxnpaign Vo compiete theF test phase of establishing , a Free-Net in Durham 'Regi'o. Letters have been sent Vo lawyers and accountants in the region. There will b. a mailing each week until ail groups have been canvassed. Mie Ontario goverrnment just approved a notice of intent that wiil provide matching funds on a dollar-per-dollar basis. Prelimi- nar estimates put the cost of the pIect et $320,000. For more information, contact John Norman at 668-2889. Send donations Vo Durhamn Free-Net Inc., Box 368, Wbitby, Ont. LMN 581. Agency seeks new board memibers Resources for Exceptional Chidren-Durhaxn Region seeks new board members. mhe non- rofit aencspein- tegrates chifdren wthyeca needs and offers services Vo fam- ilies of children with special needs including consultation, pre-school and school-aged sup- port in child care centres, and parent support groups. For more information cail exe- cutive director Suzanne Tigweil at 427-8862. .*.' . .A<R DurhamRegion Aut are Study AN ADDITIONAL 0 # Public ooting To discuss Hospital Services in the Durhamn Region will be held in Whitby on MONDAY.9 JUNE 20 from 3p.m. to5p.m. at St Matthew the Evangelist Catholic School 60 W-fllowbrook I>ive, Whilby Copies of the Discussion Paper describing the proposed mode/ for hospital services in Durham are available at your local public library branch or at the District Health Council offices, located at 1614 Dundas Street East, Suite 214, in Whitby. For more information, or if you require special assistance, please oeil the District Heaith Council at (905) 433-4262 Generations Nanny and Companion Service We supply qualified nannies for if hildren and companions for the We Care! elderly or disabled, to provide We Caretreliable care in your home. 214 King Street East, BowmanviIle, Ontario LiC 1P3 (9005)> 2-43 CRILDREN'S PAIIT Tihe Arthritis Society wiil hold 'Artie's Party, ' for children and Young aduatswlth juvenile arthritis and their farnilies. Artie's Party wilI be held, in part, Vo hold an informai. survey Vo determine if a continuai support group is needed for fanulis dealing with arthritis. Tii. party will feature Artie, the Bluebird the Arthritis Socipty's mascot, a puppet presentation by Nids on the Block, and free pizza. It will b. held et the Grandview Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa, Thursday, June 23. For more information contact Pat or Robyn at 434-7221. ONE PARENT mhe North Oshawa On. Parent Families group wiil meet on Wednesday, June 22, 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, vmdary and Hilicroft streets, Oshawa. A discussion night wxlll be held, with new members and guests weioome. ANNUAL MEETiG The annual generai meeting of the Durhamn Region Community Caro Association wili b. heid on Thursday, June 23, 6:30 p.m., at the Uxbridge Soniors? Centre, 75 Marietta St., Uxbridge. Guest speaker will >be Paul Tutti., senior policy analyst, long-tenu care. To congrm attendance, oel 668-6223 by June 20. SUMMER CAMP Wbitby Montessoni Summer Camp will hoid an information/registration fair at the Whitby Public Ià brazy, June 18, 1 Vo S p.m. Camp is available for children aged 2 i/2 to 8. LUNCIIEON OUT Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus 'Luncheon OuVt' is0 held Moýnays, Wednesdays anid Fridays, at noon at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Brock St. N. in downtown Whiitby. Ail seniors are weicome. There is a nominal charge. rFor more information cali 668-8334.