Page 18. Whîtby Free Press, Wednesday, June 8, 1904 ________A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE A f ew facts aouustom- built homes FROM PAGE 17 own contractor, hiing one builder to construct the foundation and another company to build on top of it. which ie a common scenario in pre-fab homes. Another item to remernher is that property-related items are warranted depending upon whether you or the builder supply the land. ONHWP underlines the importance of researching the subject of custom-built homes by reading literature on the topic, interviewing builders and homeowners, visiting home shows and inspecting some models. This information armns the consumer with a good idea of what they want in a custom-built home and guarantees a more educated, happy decision. Pricing out the process of constructing a custom-built home is another vital step. Calculating the building budget bas to be a realistic exercise. Too often people attempt te build big homes on small budgets and ultimately corners are cut and compromises are made on quality materials and construction. Established in 1976, ONHWP is the only mandatory new home warranty program in Canada requiring Al builders and vendors Whitby Ravine! Why Rent When You Could Own! 3 bdrm. 2 1/2 bath, on gorgeous 2 bdrm. brick bungalow, leaded glass ravine lot. 2 wlo's, family roorn, firepi., windows, hrdwd floors, w/o basernnt with 1 fin. basement, cent, air, new brdlm bdrm, liv. rm. bath & 2nd kit., 6 appl., new throughout. Must be seen $1 72,900. forced air, gas heating. OnIy $119,900. Gall Danili, 436-1800. Gall Danil, 436-1800. BIfaWBuc/ianan te register and enrol, each home or dondominiumn unit they sell. The program provides $100,000 total maxçimum coverage on each newly constructed home or unit within a three-tiered warranty system for up to seven years. There are 5,300 buildere currently registered with ONHWP. Chooeing a reputable builder is a crucial element to the project's success. The information gathered during initial taîke and visits with homeowners will reveal reactions to the builder's workmanship, how quickly and pleasantly complainte are answered and whether defects are fixed right the first time. A builder should have a wide range of experience with contract home construction, renovation and custom building and should be willing te supply references. To determnine whether the Prime rNortnwest Wlitby, Walk ta Public Sc hool! 3 bedroomn bungalow, w/o from living roomn ta deck and southemn exposed yard. Central air, some newer windows. $1 43,900. Blair Buchanan. 436-1800. builder is registered and bis current after sales service status, ask for the registration and enrolment number that ONHW assigne each builder and each home or condomninium unit. Cali ONHWP for the builder's current after sales service rating as it je published in the annually updated Home Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service. This 160-page report card on 5,307 registered builders is a home buyere bargain selling for $5 per copy including tax. Afler settllng on a builder, a lawyer should be hired to draw, up a contract to include a payment echedule which should co-ordinate with the building echedule. If the consumer does the necessary research and follows the proper steps, the custom-built home can be a drearn corne true. To obtain a copy of the 1994 Home Buyer's Guide to Aûter Sales Service, write to the Ontario New Home Warranty Prograxn, c/o Grenville Printing and Management, 25 Scarsdale Road, Don Milis, Ontario, M3B 2R2. Each copy costs $5 each and cheques should be made payable to ONHWP. Payment must accompany each order. Home safety iÃp By First Alert HOME SECURITY Keep your valuables hidden. Consider buying a fire resistant safe for your home for keeping ewelry, important papers and te valuables out of reach of fire or theft. Duette. Making Your World a Shade Dueffe SÇmart.Shade" a Manual or motorized operation. a Beautiful color choices in th ree-quarter inch MExclusive Lifeime Limited Warranfy. Makinmg The ; WorId a Shade More Beautiful. Save 35% on ai Duette & Regular Pleated Shades Hu*Oobis WINDOW FASHIONS Special window coverings for every situation. Cal/ for expert advice on any unusual shaped Window, skylight or solarium. "Your Wlndow Decoratlng Centre" MW ~& DR4PERY P- .r-- .-.wu m w.- .g.Our ~ el Nom #» Kw « OnyIU a rMW.; iuu '0Akm wwm 30 Ndmu"li M 6dommdlu.; «0 MsmfuIvwha 1sudelWYou a vlKh,.qW Io 1% of fpIEd.Sumoe f« roeapiudu"é lue i. p(=b ,*., u, i. , OPIUSAAAIICi -..l e '-CAgDN EN ILVI mlf,&Iýti 1 ILýI.Li lie] UtTIMATE VALUÉJ RI] k à LUI 9:RVA ql amula ILI à ILvil Ruiz 9P.Pumm 1 ULTIMAIE VALUÊ 1 1-ý