whitby Free Proe, Wednesday, Juno 8,1994, Page 15 ilospital council hasdirecctor LETTER TO THE EDITOR The May 18 issue of The Free Press hit the jackpot for me with two letters to the editor regarding garbage a cartoon entitled 'Spring fever'and a letter from a World War II vet. In Hilda Dunbar's letter, she was distressed that on her street she saw bags of leaves, bundies of twigs, garbage and recyclables ail awaiting their collection. "Is there a solution?" she asks. The answer is yes.' Firstly, select a space in your yard to compost. Layer al kitchen organic waste with leaves to hel p decrease waste going to landfill and the municipal composting facility and at the same time you will create a natural fertilizer. If you have too many leaves to compost, build a special box to êcntain them.Leave grass clippings on the lawri. Next, reduce purchases that you do not really need, buy in bulk, eliminate disposables and avoid items that are over- packaged. Reuse. Take cloth bags shopping, support opportunity shops, purchase pop in returnable bottles, reuse gift wrappings and lug- a-rnug where beverages are served. Recycle what is left. Buy food in containers that are accepted in your blue box. Take dlean -plastic film, such as bread bags, to a supermarket that recycles them. Take plastic containers to a friend who municipally accepts them. Send aIl paper, if possible, with a working member of the family whose office recycles paper. Mr. Inkpen of Whitby suggests ini his letter that we bale our garbage and send it to old mines. Eventually, when the mines are filled, or when Ohio (sending it by rail ta the U.S. is now being pr)ooed) cannot take any more, the problem will then be assumedb y our children. The cartoon about garbage sales is one solution to our problemns as proven by the adage 'One man's trash is another man's treasure. Another solution is to become less of a consumer and more of a conserver. In 1993, research revealed that on average, for each lare green garbage bag put out at curbside, 72 additional bags had been created through the industrial waste strearn or primary resource extraction and processing associated with those manufactured consumer items inside the bag. This waste is generated from material extracted frorn its source, sewage sludge, mine tailings and other manufacturing debris. Althouigh Tom Doucette's letter to the ecitor had notlung to do with garbage, it served as a reminder that as a volunteer for the armed services, hie helped to win a war. Today's battle îs just as important. The enemy, however, is more deadly -- our comfortable throw-away habits and our dependence on the government to solve our environmental p roblemns. How cari we win? Join an environniental graup. Become aware. Think globally, act locally. Are we up for the challenge as the generation before us? Can we solve these problemns we created? You bet we can. The Hospital Couricil of Durham Region lias appointed its firet director. Dr. Jim Armstrong has extensive experience in health care management and planning, including senior administrative positons at the Ottawa Civic Hospital and Thistletown Mental Health Centre. Most recently he held the position of chief operating officer at the Ottawa and Kirigston regional cancer centres. The council is working in co-operation with the acute care study process currently being conductod by the Durham Region District Health Council. The council says the study process will lead ta the continued enhancement of co-operative health care services for Durham Region. The Hospital Council of Dur- ham Region's mission is to strive to secure an appropriate range of high quality, cost-effective health care services ta meet the needs of Durham residents. DR. JIM ARMSTRONG You can entrust yur child's care to Wee Watch., Reliable, supervised day care at a home in y.om neighbourhood. " Sale, comfortable environments " Stimulating daily pro grams " Trained, pro fessional Pro viders " Reliable local back-up for Pro vider's holidays or illness " Complete insurance coverage " Income tax receipts supplied aMonthly home inspections and, we welcome full or part-time care for chlidren from 6 weeks of age! For informartion w Cali: 6,86-3995,4 .Watch® a ticen sed Agcy Arnts TOPSOIL Interlocking Stone e Landscaping Supplies 13~ Bark Nuggets ISand IJStone ~Limestone SPinemulch [Compost JCurbs JPeat Loamn JPeatmoss SUPPLIERS 0F: 13 Treated Timber L1iFirewood SPatio Slabs ~IRetaining Wals SShredded Pine Mulch IFeather Rock ZiPISA Stone IPISA Il Z2Garden Wall "New" ~Triple Mix STop Dressing Mix JWater Falls - Stone & Supplies ~JWhite Marbie Stone JRockery Stone tLedge Rock JRiverstone IJBird Baths IJFountains ID Over 5000 sq. ft protessionaly installed landscape displays by several quality Iandscape firms tram the greater Toronto area. 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