Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1994, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Weclnesdav, Mav 25. 1994 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whltby residents! MEMBER 0F: ON TARIO CANAD IAN COMMUNITY NACOMMUNITY ___ SOCATION CN NEWSPAPER ASSOCATION E c:r ASSOCIATION rM JmI CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X 26,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N, Whitby, Ontario LUN 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Toronto Line: 427-1834 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimumn 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. C© Ali wrtten material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any: reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibiled and is a violation of Canadian copyright aw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Witby Free Press. -o tsuhe a io. Marsh 'Important' To the Editor: Every year 1 return ta my homotown of Whitby ta visit my famnily. 1 amn in awe of Saut hem Ontario. 1 arn enviaus af residents wbo bave a great lake tbat is 50 accessible. Boing polluted oniy sligbtly diminishes the great resource. I amn envious af the great number and variety of species of animais, fauna and trees. I am envious oi a climate and soil conditions tbat allow almoat anything ta grow. Other parts of Canada can anly wish for an environment sucb. as Whitby bas. Wbat 1 don't envy is tbe population, number of homes and mails, pace of lufe, and litter ai pop cana and bott les. 1 arn disappointeci that the Ontario government, Town couricils past and present and ctizens offWbitby bave allbwed a subdivison to soon be a realty near Lynde Marsh. Lynde Marsh is a wetland that deserves protection. It is the last one in the Whitby ares. The harbour ares also used ta teem witb birdlife prior ta yacht club dovelopment. The proposed develapment will endanger tbe marsb. The devolopment could bu buit elsewhere. Many.btter uses for thae land are available that offer better protection af the marsh. t is a shame that a former dairy farm and garden ares for the psychiatric hosptal will be used for higb density hausing. A better plan would b. ta provide a buffer zone by plant ing trees. There is a variety of native deciduous trees that could be used toa show room for walking paths and picnic areas. Visit Durbam forest, see wbat reforestatian can do. Take a walk througb tbe forest and enjoy. Make something for tbe rosidents af Whitby ta enjay while still p rovidinq protection af the marsh. The easiest solution is ta beave the ares as ih is. Wbtby bas changed so mucb in tbe psst 18 years. Please prot oct the marsh R-i is important ta Whitby. George 0. Miller Mooso Jaw Saskatchewan Issue is honesty To the Edîtor: Re: Androw Davies letter ta tba editor, (Free Press, May 4) A number af letters bave been recently published in your editarial section regarding the integrify af Preston Msnning. Athaugh thoy bave povided a great number af bîased iacts, especialîy on tho part of Andrew Davies, I still feel that the core ai the issue bas yot ta bu addrossed. The issue is not whother Preston deservos the maney that ho la receiving, rather tbe issue la that ho bas mot been honest. Tbrougbout the olect ion, Mr. Manning preacbod frugalify and heavily criticized the ather parties for making partisan trips on money thet was nat their awm. AIl the whilo ho was using a bidden expense accaunt ta pay far the very thinga ho was preacbing against. Wben Mr. Manning f inally admittedi that ho had a party funded expenso accaunt ho did so anly ater the olect ion was aver. In tbis way Mr. Manning appearod bath frugal and penny- wiso wbile at the same time bo bad ail ai bis oxponsos, and thaseofai is family, paid for. For hlm if was the perfect situation, ho could preacb but ho didn't bave ta practice. f seema that the pedestal wbich Prestan Manning bas placed himself upon is made ai cardbaard and we are f inally beginning ta see it bucklo. Stephen H. Peck WhItby Viewpoin Snake ohl accountîng By Paul Pagnuolo Ontari's 1994 budget, the NDP's fourth since coming to power, is living proof why the province needs a Taxpayer's Protection Act. As a pre-election budget--no new taxes, no drarnatic cuts in spending--i's message is 'Don't worry, be happy.'fUnfartunately, the wreckess borrowingteamn of Rae and Laughren hýaven't yet grasped the severity ofl Ontario's grawing fiscal crisis. By failing to get its fiscal bouse in order, the Premier and his finance minister have charted a course ta fiscal disaster. Perbaps Laughren la right when be says the governiment is on track ta balance its aperating budget in 1998. But based on this government's past performance, it's a track wbch has Ontario racing towards the debt waIl f ull speed ahead, with no one at the wheel. The finance minister says that gover nment's plan is working. They're controlling spending and reducing the deficit. "Last year, we said we would ethis year's deficit ta bass than ~10 billion. We did that. We brought it to $9.4 billion. In this budget we plan to bring the deficit down to $85 billion. That is a cut of more than 30 per cent from two years aga.* Maybe so. >Bt the truth is i was Laughren who, in the NDP's f irst budget in 1991, took the deficit from $3 billion to $10.9 billion and then to the record nosebleed -ight of $12A4 billion two years ago. Whicbever way you look at it, an $8.5- billion deficit this year is still $55 billion higher than the deficit tbey inherited from the former Liberal governiment. By excluding $1.6 billion in waternative capital financinge and another $349 million in eproject specif ic* capit al expendituros f rom the reported deficit numbers, Laughren is using a little snake ail accouniting to mask the true deficit figure of $10.4 billion. Now perhaps we should ail be rejoicing that taxpayers were saved from having their pockets picked once again. Hardly. Ater miîking the cash cow out of some $42 billion in the last two years, Laughren knew that he couldn't go back ta overburdened taxpayers for more. And his dlaimn thaï: the budget contains no new taxes and no tax increases is spurious. Dot icit f inancing today ia nothing more than a deforral of the tax increase which he really needed until tamarrow. The government overshot p lanned programn sper.ding by $1 bIllion ln the last fiscal year, and despite a prajected debt af $1052 billion in fiscal 1996, it plans ta further increase spending during the same period by a least $1.4 billion. Laughren's plans ta balance the operating budget by fiscal 1998 are *based strictly on ecanommoc grawth, not spending cuts. And Ontarians wiIl still be faced with a budgetary deficit of $500 million in 1998 because af $1.8 billion in capital expendit ures. In a run up ta the next election, Premier Rae and bis numbers man would like the public to believo that tbey have a financial plan that's warking. But the facts, once yau cut thraugh the croative accounting and sof-praiso, speak for tbemsolves. The government's fiscal mismanagement has Ontaria headed taward third wrld status. Opinions expressed the author. are those of To the edftor: No wonder we citizens ai Whitby become so despondent and develop into armchair critics. Who could blame us after reading The Free Press. The beadlines af May 18 tel R ail. 'DBIA budget decision dol errod ... again' -- Givo us a break and get your business in order. Efhber it is good for the town or h isn't. 'Town backs off on forcing soil removal' - - Same inconsiderate put if tbere ... they shouîd remove IL. 'Public got a say in proposod hospital changes' -- Veah, right. Statistica must bave been kept an its usage by townspeaple. Could The Free Press put a questionaire in the paper? l'm sure 90 per cent ofl us w,îll respond in favour af keeping it as it la. We pay taxes,, fao. 'No buyer found, bistaric home tamn down' -- Whon big bucks corne ta town, the past la always forgotten. 'CIDA spending' -- Yikes. Two billion dollars a year barrowed ta give ta 150 doveoping natians. Wo cauîd use some af that money ta help aur own citizens develop ta thoir buat abilities. 'Wanted: Garbage solution .'- With tbreo compost bins and by following the 3R rule, aur five-membur family puts out one bag af garbage a week. By the way .the black cane works best, even in winter. 'No hearing needed for Lasco landfilîl' -- Doesn't anyone wonder who pulled the wool over wha's eyes for this come? 'Horse trading results in Wal-Mart sign agreement' -- What's wrong wih just 'Wal-Mart,' like 'Woolco.' 'Pet reptiles found ta bhave salmonella bacteria' - - Leave the reptiles wbore tbey belong. If you are curiaus, visit the zoo. 'Error resufts in releaseofa inmate' -- Uh ob, someane's gonna' bu in big trouble. 'Comm ittee ta monitor Shores' -- Everyone knows that wben people move in, wildlfe moves out. Wbo is going ta keep the cats f rom gaing through the 'natural barrioer. Get down ta Lynde Shores before the new development arrives,.iK y ou bave bird seed in your band, birds will ,actually land and accopt t our afferings. Such trusting souls. itedo they -know.. 'Residents mugged,' 'Indecent act charges are laid,' 'Computer, tools are stolen' -- This is only the beginning. The more rats you put into a cage ...you know the rest af that study. How many causes can 1I get involved witb when there are sa many. I bave ived ail but the f irst f ive years of my Ide in Wbitby, as bas my husband. We have board many wanderful com monts fram newcomers ta Wbitby about bow their home tawns usod ta bu like this (namnely Scarboraugh). Pleaso, let's try to keep aur wonderful tawn a great place. Let yaur councillors knaw bow you feol. Ask tbem ta drive by Lick Pond to see just how much pond wiIl be leftalter the new developmont is done. Ask them ta visit and shap in utbeir bometawn.w Ask tbem wbero they're going ta take their cbildren wben tboy need- expert medical care. Ask thom tao do something, anytbing, ta, make Whbty a botter place. Joy Brooks Whltby mEo the editormEn Support your homne town

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