1 FAIR BOA RD PRESIDENT ROBER T JACKSON 1 A lot cf work. by fair board committee moembors anid voluntoors gmes into staging the fair each year, says fair board presidont Robert Jackson. Jackson ie in his tiret year as prosidont and at the helm cf what will ho the 84th annual ovont. Liko ail presidents bofore him, includin Bon Grandy last yoar he's hoping for dry weatie toet. That âidn't happen last year. There was mostly a' continuous downpour on the Saturday cf the fair Iast yoar, rosulting in low, ovon poor, turnout for some events, including tho domolition derby. But peoplo poured through tho gatos on the sunny Sunday, and attendance that day was doublo tho numbor of the fair Sunday in 1992. Lest year's Sunday crowd also enabled the board to financially break oven on the event. «W're trying to broak evon, ovon make a bit, ovry year." PATTI SCOTT wiII Iead a piano recital by music students, and then direct the Guiders Jackson says the board maîntains a reserve fund, but it's only enouigh te coeor ceets in the event there's a total rainout. Admission for this yoar's ovent that gets underway on Thursday je $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and atudonts free for theo undor age 12. A four-day paso ceets $12, anc1 parking on tho fairgrounds coste $2. Hoe ays the mo:dified tracter pull, a lino dancing demonstration ini the arena and Whitby Kiichi Sai Judo Club domonstration aro among the new attractions this year. Ho notes thero is increasod prizo rnoney in some classes cf the homecraft show and in Saturday's horse-pulling competition that "attracte entries from quite a distance.» C I hope we have good weathor,» says Jackson, a Bell Canada tochnician wvho hgs beon a fair board member sinco 1988. It makos it a lot oasier te work.» Choir in a show from 5 to 6 p.m. on Saturday in the arena.* - 18~