Whltby Fme Preas Wednsdy, May 25, 1994, Page 27 THE WHITBY Optmist Club recently donated 500 to Hos- pice Durham to heip finance 'Hospice News,' a quarterly newsletter. Optimist member Britt Hayne (left) and Hospice vice president Rev. Richard Hamiton hold an issue. Hos- fieDurham wili hold the rOurth annual general meeting on Thursday, June 2, noon to 1:30 p.m., at Whitby Free Methodist Church, 1916 Ross- land Rd. E. Cati 435-5242 for more information. MONDAY, JUNE 6e,1994 @ 8:15 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Munici pal Building 575 Rossland Road East .Whitby, Ontarlo A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Developmnent commite et ofCuncil ofthde Corporation of the Town of Whdbhy to consider concurrent applications to amend thie Whitby Officiai Pltan and Zoning By-law 1784 <File Nos. OPA 94-W/3 and Z-721-94), as submitted by Mr. F. Gacalone. Thesuecprpryi located at 1724 Dundas Street East, and identifzedn teCsktchbelow. -- - -- - - atmDO S TREET EAST Thepurpose of the application is te permit a beauty salon and two The purpSe cf this meeting is te poid adequate Information te the public and te permit interested persons the opontunty te make representation in respect of the Official Plan Amendment and rezoning applications. If y ou are unable te attend the meeting, your representation can beflled in wrifing by mail or personal delivery te meach the Planning Departmnent net later than regular wortking heurs on June 13,1994. lnterested persens may inspo addlional information relatinq te the above aplctointelnigDatet ee7,Wt-- ppictoni Un PanigatenLee 179hrb Muncîpal Bilding, B d 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby Ontanio LiN 2W dring regular working hours, MondaytIoDF or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (9 5 M -83. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING LICENSED MECHANIC The Corporattion of the- Town of Whitby is currenti seeking rae cnidates for the above position in the Public Work POSITION SUUMARY: Reporting te the Fleet Supervisor, the Lcensod Mechanio s responsible for the repair, preventative maintenance and inspection et Town eip nt andpmin stations; on-road repairs. fabrication ad wekling: a on l emergency repairs wilI aise be performed DUAUFmCAflTff: High school graduate or an equivalent combination ef education and expenience; Glass A MechanWcs Licence, preferably with Diesel Endorsement; Glass ef6Ae and OS6BO Propane lnstaler's and Inspctrs licences; Glass nDZe Drivers Lcence with Air Brake nmement required; clrectly related kruewledge and experience in repair and maintenance et vehicles and heavy equiprnent in a municipal setting; successful candidate will be required te supply hand tools up te one (1> inch. RATE OF PAY: $17.03 per heur te $21 .29 per heur. HOURS OF WORK: Flex heurs and rotating shift~ Monday te Fniday. Please forward a detailed resumé indicating echication, expenience, references, etc. prier te Friday, June 3. 1994 ta: Personnel Department The Corpration oet hieTomn et Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontaio Li N 2M8 Personal information submitted us collected unider the authonity et the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, and the Municipal Freedom ef Information and Protection et Pnivacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56. and will be used te determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: We thank ail those persons who apply, but advise acknowledment will only be forwardsed te, those applîcants whe are invitdfer an interview. SANITARY SEWER SERVICING AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLIN Town of Whitby Rvegional Municipality of Durham The Town ef Whitby and the Regional Municipality of Durham have established a Field Office in Baooklin for the duration of construction oft he sanitary sewer and roadway improverrents te be undertaken in Brooklin in 1994 and 1995. The residents et Brooklin are welcome te, visit or cail thie Field Office widi any cencems or questions related te the on-going construction. The affice wig bu open during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m.). The Brooklin Field Office is Iecated at: BROOKUN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKUN, ONTARIO LOB 1CO TELEPHONE: 19051 655-8465 Fitness Pass On Sale June 1. 19941 Once again we're offeripg the Fit Pass for the months of 4ty, August and Septem-ber. The $100.00 Fit Pass eatitles you to 3 months of fitness or aquafit classes, any time, any day, any program. Get your Fit Pass early and commit to get fiti Remember, classes fi11 qulckly. You can cati us at 666-191. ELDERLY PENSIONERSP TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM You may qualify for a $100 residential property tax credit if you were 65 years of age or more by March 31, 1994; are in receipt of the monthly Guaranteed Income Suppiement under the Old Age Security Act; occupy a residential property in Whtby where the municipa taxes are paid in excess of $600 for the currentfyear; have been continuousiy assessed as the owner of that property for flot iess thar f ive (5) years preceding Marc h 31, 1994. For funiher Information and applications, contact the Treasury Department at 668-5803, extension 323. In the very near future, groups and individuals who obtain Special Occasion Permits from the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wiil be required by law to have ail servers of aicohol trained under the Server intervention Program. Proteot yourself -- get tralned. For more information, contact Mark Stanford at Iroquois Park Complex, 668-7765. Dog Licences Ail dog owners are reminded that your doga must bu licensed. A deg licence identifies your famnîly pet and ensures a free ride home the flrst dme your pet is. found, provkded you're home and turne permits. For further information, contact the PAW Animai Control Centre, 4680 Thickson Road North, Whitby, phone: 427-8737. I-------------------------- Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 12 1 . The naval guns were installed in front of Trafalgar Castie School in January 1897. 2. Sir Daniel Hunter McMilIan (1846-1933) was born In Whitby and served as Lieutenant-Governer of Manitoba from 1900 to 1911. 3. The f irst Whitby Yacht Club was fou nded in 1933 and disbanded during World War Il. ts clubheuse, demolished in 1951, stood on the former MoMamara Marine property on the east side of the harbeur. 4. The land registry off ice at Centre and Gilbert streets was büilt in 1873, and additions were made te iR in 1929 and 1954. BINGO 1%e Moose Lodge of Whitby holdas fundraising bingos every Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., at Bingo Counýtry, Monarch Ave., Ajax. ____j ý77 à jou ----- -- -------- --- - ----------