Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1994, p. 31

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77 - By Mike Kowalski Separate school su pporters in Durham Region will b. hit with a slight increase in education taxes this year. Durhami separate sehool board trustees last Wednesday appro- ved -a $146. 8-million budget which hikes taxes roughly on. per cent in 1994. Last year's $143.5-million budget, by comparison, resulted in an average tax increase of just under four per cent across the. region. Tii. average milI rate increase in 1994 ranges from a hih of 2.8 ner cent in %rock Township to a 6W of 0.4 per cent in Whitby. Catholie ratepayers in Osh- awa, however, will enjoy a decrease of slightly lesa than one per cent due te different aàsess- ment rates in the municipalities. As is traditionally the case, the separate board's budget provides for a tai increase roughly equi- valent to the on.eapproved by public achool trustéeslast week. But whereas. the Durham Board of Education's on. per cent tax hike could- only b. accomplished by significant pro- gram and job cuts, this was not the case at the separate board. Despite contending with decreasing provincial grants and the governments social contract legisiation, Catholic trustees were able te avoid chopping staff or programse. fty coparison, a total of 132 positions, ineluding 90 teachers, were eliminated from the public board's $368.8-million budget, in addition to more than $600,000 in programs cuts or revisions. However, next September's stu dent enrolment will deter- mine the exact number of teach- ingpoitinsto b.e ut by the Finance committe. chair Jo. Bugelli conceded that the separate board was initially faced with cutting 42 teaching positions. But through a combination of increased enrolment and higher pupil-teacher ratios, non. of the board's'nearly 2,000 employees will lose their jobs, Bugelli stressed. "TiM. credit for this success is attributed equally to trustees and our employees, represented b the various unions and (tea- cer) federationsw he said. Bugelli, a Whitby trustee, declined te speculate on how his board avoided what the public trustees could not (cuts). But he said that the Catholic board has learned to operate as a «leaner, meaner machine.» «We've been bracing ourselves for hard times and deait with themi accordingly,» said Bugei. 'Mheres not much fat to cut,» h. said. In order te lessen the impact of $4.6 million in debenture pay- mente, trustees took $400,000 ou t of their debenture repayment reserve funds, Bugelli said. The. board will also use money fromn the Canada-Ontario Infras- tructure Works Program to comn- Plet. about $1.2 million in main- tenance projects that otherwise could not have been done within the next two years, hie added. Major budget highlights in- clude: * funding to allow for the sitart of construction of a French language secondary sehool on the. northeast corner of Taunton Road and Brock Street in Whitby -- it will b. the on&Iyfancophone schx>l in Durha nLRgion. * construction of two new e1.- mentary schools in Beaverton and Pickering- * additions to Paul Dwyer High School (Oshawa), St. Ma Secondary School (Pickering) Canadian martyrs (Oshawa) anâ St. Wilfrid (Pickering); * alterations at St. Paul (Whitby) and Holy Redeem~er (Pickering) to provide for two technology centres for the use of Grade 7 and 8 students through- out the region; * the hiring of two support teachers for students with spe- cial needs; * $116000 for a new telephone systemi at the board's Oshawa headquýarters. Whîtby trustee Judy Morris was «very pleased" with the budget and "thrilled" by the deci- sion to build the technology centres. "I think our ratepayers will b. well served by it,» she said. "We're niot just givYing our chil- dren a pood education, but we're improvingon it." Sli"ght separate school tax increase in Whitb y GARY KARREMA REGIOtIAL C1INR C.W. LUNDY A.M.c T. REGINAL dLEIRR - LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVAT1ON ADVISORY COMMI i1iEEAPPOINTMENT The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whit invites aplctos for appointment to the Local Arhtecturai Conservation Advisory Committee to f111 a vacancy on the Commitee. If you ýa reside in the Town; bý re t8 years of ag e or older; and c are interested in he conservation of heritage properties, 0o are invited te make application for appointment te the Committee. Application foms for this pu rpse are available at the office of the Town Clerk. Completed appi ications should b. submitted te the attention of the Town Clerk by no later than May 31, 1994 for the Councils consideration. The last date for submlttlng applications la Tuesday, May 31, 1994. Ail applications will b. reviewed by Whitby Town Council and applucants wilI b. advised of the Councils decision. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK TH4E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WIUTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2MB PHONE: (905) 668-803 In the very near future, groups and individuals who obtain Special occasion Permits from the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wiIl be required by law to have ail servers of alcohol trained under the Server Intervention Program. Proteot yourself - get trained. For more information, contact Mark Stanford at Iroquois Park Complex. 668-7765. VICTORIA DAY SCHEDULES Saturday Mna Mayay21 CIc Recresation Complex Health Club Pool Iroquois Park Complex Anne Ottenbnite Pool Arena Luther Vlpond Memorlal Arena -Regular schedule- -Regular schedule.- -Regular sohedule- -Regular schedule- -Regular schedule- Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Port Whitby Marina Opens! Join us at an OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 21, 1994!ý nora î date) The Parks and Recreation Departinent is pleased to invite you te thopeing of Port Whitby Marina on Saturday, May 21, 1994 .0o 0 Oto «00 p.m. Corne ta the Marina Iocated at 303 Front Street West ta view the Haà'bour and Vessels. Registration for the Transport Canada VHF Radao Ucence wil also take place. The following agencies wiII b. in attendance te provide information: " Whitby Fire Department " Coast Guard Canada " Canada Customs " City of Oshawa Marine Remse Association " Durham Regional Police " Ontario Provincial Police " Royal Canadian Mounted Police " U.S. Coast Guard To pr-eister or for furher information. please contac thle Port Whilby Ma"in at 668-1900. VICTORIA DAY, MAY 239,1994 Solld Weste CollectIon Servce for VIctorIa Day, Monday, May 23,1994 wlll b. revlass as follows: Normal Revlaed CoflhcionDay Ç&UIleclnJa GARBAGE COLLECTION BLUE BOX COLLECTION YARD WASTE COLLECTION Mionday, May 23 Monday, May 23 Monday, May 23 Tuesday, May 24 Monclay, May 30 Monclay, May 30 Please re fer to your 1994 Blue Box Collection Scodule and Yard Waste Collection Brochure for more information on holidays and aernhte collection days for refuse, recycling and yarwaste collections. Your co-operation la approclated. and please remember 10, have your solld wastes garbiage, yard wastes and recyclables) out for collection by 7 0 O..a on your designated collecton day. G RASSCYCLU NG DO YOU KNOW THAT: Grass clîppings wiliLnôRLh R.oletfthI. year. Please do not bag grass clippings for qarbage, or yard waste collcdon Thealternative is to Graaade Grasscycling la thie procees of rocycllng gras. clipplag by Ieavlng t9". on the lawn. Grasscycling saves time, reducs waste and leads to a heafthier root system that increases your lawn's resitance te dmsease, ch'ought and inseots. If you wish further information, please cali TH1E TOWN OF WHITBY, OPERAllONS CENTRE 668-M37, 7:30 ANM. TO 4:00 P.M. Meetin som1.P anngand Developmnent Comtte ai Operations Committee of Zounal are qerally held on due first and tNrd Mondae of each month. WibtTw Council meels reguilarly on "h second and fourdh andyofmeach mondi. AI mee"tings occur at tdm."ut» unicipal Bulldng 575 Rassland Road East. For furtehe lails, contact dmi ToWn Cierk Et 668- Whby Free Proe, Wednesday, May 18, 1094, Page 3i THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Regional Planning Committee will consider at a meeting to b. held on: TIJESDAY, JUNE 14 1994 AT 10:00 A. PLANNING DEPAR#AENT BOARDROM 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 4111 FLOOR, LANG TOWER, WEST BUIÃ"iNG, WHITBY MALL AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment proposes polices to allow inflling ndor. minor extensions to concentrations of large lot rural nontaMrsidential development (10-acre lots) in areas deslLnated General Agriculturai Area and Major Open Space Systo usd of urban ameas. Su "e Regional Council wil consider the recommendation of t"he Panin Committee at a meeting to b. held on: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,1994 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAM BERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 60 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reated to the. roposed amendnient la avaitable for Inspection in die offices of the Planning Departrent, 1615 Dundas Street East~ 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building, Whitby ail Whitby. Furlher Information can be obtained by calling John Sharpe at (905)728-7731 (Whitby fine)/1 (905) 686-1651 (Toronto Une). Requeste te make a presentation before the Planning Commithe concemln the ro -sdamnendmnent must b. forwarded tu Or. M. Michael M .C.l.P, Commissioner of Planning, Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street Èast~ 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Buildin, Whitby Mail, Whitby, Ontaio Li N 6A3, and should be IBCGivOd by 1Friday preoedng the Planning Committee meeting. Requetg make a presentlo beoehe egnaCocl onelg the proposed anmendment muet b. ore tote Regional Clerk, Rtegionai.Headcpuarers BulklIng, Box 623, 605 Rossland Road East, Whidby, Oh"arl LN 6A3. and should be received 48 hours pdr tothie Regmonal Council meeting. FILE NO.: 4.4.30

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