Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdaà y, May 18, 1994 Students Iearn politics at the 'Forum By Mark Reesor A close-up look at the workings of the federal government has inspired two An daerson CVI stu- dents te get involved in local politics. Franoes Cameron and Darcy Parker talked te parliamen- tarians and senior public ser- vants and participated in mock cabinet discussions during their week in Ottawa recently as dele- e ates to the 'Forum for Young banadians.' Parker, a Grade 13 student, joined the Liberal party as a result of getting involved with the forum, and Carneron, who's in Grade 12, is researchingpoiicy and talking te, members before signing up with a politicai party. She's aise running for student ceuncil. Five hundred students frein across Canada -- 125 for four weeks -- participated in the event. One of the more interesting experiences was being divided along provincial Uines electing a prermi'ir and sending elegcates te raI-provincial conference, A arker, who notes there FRANCES CAME RON was a lot of inter-provincial rivalry. "With us everything was fine -- the only rivalry was with Que. bec," says Cameron, who went te the forum several weeks earlier than Parker. "Our biggest issue was the issue of separation. Our whole thiîng was based on that.» Parker says at hie session, "'everyone had different ideas» durîng the policy debate. "It just - ended up being the people who could speak the bou- dest... everyone got personal. 'The whole week was qeared so0 that you corne away with an understanding of the processes of our government and the difficul- ties they go through,» says Cameron. "TMe best thing I got eut of it was...hearing the different issues from every province because you tend te just think of Ontario al the tinie... you corne away with a better understanding of the issues that face the entire coun- try and a better understanding and appreciation of being Cana- dian.» Beth students say the forum DARCY PARKER them more interested in poli- "I came away with more of an appreciation of th e complexities of government and as a resuit I want to get involved,» says Cameron. But the two students can't see theinseives running for a politi- cal ofifice. "I enjoy poiitics and iearning about it, but I wouidn't actualiy want to go into it," says Cameron. Parker agrees: «Sometimes things got personal and some peop e weren't as polite as they couid have been... I want te be involved ini planning and being a g art cf the committees and that ut actually being a person who has te stand out there, no, I don't think se.» He says he joined the Liberais «because I knew that if I wanted te criticize I weuidn't really be ini a position (te do se) uniesa I was invoived." Melannie Heinen ANDERSON C.V.I. Teachers become studenmots After school on Thursday, May 5, about 30 teachers from public and separate elementary schoois acrees Durham Region becanie students when they were trained in the use- of three science and technoiogy challenges that have been deveioped by the Durhamn Industry Education Council for the Advancement of Science adn Technology (DIECAT). Diecast is made up of volunteers frein local business, industry and educatien. One goal of Diecast is te encourage students te consider studios, and eventually careers, in science and technelogy since increasng numbers cf scientists and eflvnoers are going te b. required in Canada over the next decade. They believe that by providing fun, chalienging exercises for teachers te present, stuidents wil be encouraged te consider sience and technology career options. Diemat is looking for new members. If interested, contact James Garland of R.V. Anderson Associates Linuted at 434-2544. Music Night at ACVI The music department at Anderson CVI_ will present the annuai spring concert, 'Musc Night '94' on Wednesday, May 25, begÎning at 7:30 p.m. Te evening wiIl feature performances by the school's vocal and, instrumental groupe, inciuding the Concert Choir, Jazz Incorporated, Senior Chamber Ensemble, Sound Affect, AnderJazz, Intermediate Jazz Ensemble and the Senior -and Junior Concert bands. Admission for the performance wili be free te thank parents and community members for their support over the, past year. For more information, oeil the music department at 668-5809. As welook ahead to the long weekend, here is the iatest Anderson news. Congratulations te Anderson's junior gris' soccer teain for their fine plays during the Anderson Invitational on Friday. Raiders displayed fine sIIlis te capture the gold Throughout the day, goals carne frein Erika Lang, and Cindy Hoimes. Strong piays were made by aIl team members. Defenders Heather Ransome, Jennifer Drummond, Kristine Johnson, Andrea KÇirk and Andrea Minaker had solid performances. On Tuesday, Rai ders defeated Brock 2-0. Goals came from Katie Watson, Jennifer indgren and Michelle Raisten. Goaltender Morgan McCluskey earned the shutout. Weii done, gris. On Monday, the senior grli soccer teain entertained Brock Bulidogs. The defensive plays of Leaf Worsley, Tanya MacKenzie, Kristen Miller and Stephanie Craddock enabied the team te post a solid 4-1 victory. Goals were scored by Heather Bird, Nat Goring and Haley Cooke. Conratations, teamn. On Thursday, a shuteut by Worsiey and goals by Craddock and Dianna. NiedzwiedIci earned a piayoff spot for the senior gris' soccer team. On Thursday, Anderson boys' basebali team, dispiayed excellent defence and timely hitting te defeat Paul Dwyer 12-1 and 6-0. Ini the first gamne, Darryl. Dennings and Mark Rainey comnbined on a no-bitter. In the second gaine, Chris Kilioran and Brent Heask pitched a ene-hitter. Weli, done boys. On Friday, the B basebali teani beat Vanier 7-1 behind the pitching of Pete Micevski and Chris Camnpbell. Weicome home, Anderson Musi.cfest participants. Last week, 35 Anderson students attended Musicfest Canada in Toronto. Anderson'a Senior Chamber Ensemble received a bronze standing for their performance. Geof Houghton was awarded a leadership award for bis outstanding contribution te the group. Andeijazz, Anderson's senior jazz ensemble, received a bronze standing for their performance. Anderson's Concert Choir, made up of students front Grade 9 to 04 received a silver standing for ~rperformance. Debbie Batten was gîven a leadership award for her dedication and contributions to the ensemble. Congratulations to ail musie students for their fantastic dispiays of talent anid commitment te their music. Until next time, Anderson, have a great week and a super long weekend. .V..l.t.. The Durham Reqion separate school board is hostmng Onttario's iardest disability awareness proçram at the Giffar Centre in Whitby between May 17 and 27. Variety Village staff and equipment will provde students froin the ]primary schoole in Durhali with an educational experience focusin on activities for whSIcair, bhind, deaf and muitipie-handicapped children. Op)ening ceremomes were held at the Giffard» Centre (beaide 8t. John's Church on Giffard Street) on Tuesday, May 17 at9:15 a.m. Carios Costa, celebrated ampteemarathon swimmer, andrepresentatives from the separate board ofllciaiiy opened the activities. The War Amnps