Whitby Free Press, Wednescfsy, Apiti 20. 1994, Page il Singing 'Mom-o-grams' off"ered by barbershopperS On Mothers' Day, Sun day, May 8, Oshawa Horseless Carriagemen barbershoppers quartets have again offered their musical talent to present singing 'Momn-o.granis' to mothers in Durham Region. Quartets will provide two appropriate songs, a rose, choclates and a card to Mother, for a cost of $35. Proceeds will support the Barbershoppers' charity, <Har- monize for Speech' which assists ini speech therapy for children and adulte. For more 579-3462. informnation, Pontiac* Buîck laGMDelr give you what you want for a pnce that fils. It's that simple PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE SEDAN FEATURES: 4-wheel ABS e auItomatic transmission air conditioning e AM/FM stereo cassette e pulse wipers e trunk release eplus rnuch more ... PONTIAC GRAND AM' SE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN FEATURES: e driver's side air bag * 4-wheel FEATURES: » dual air bags e 4-wheel ABS ABS e air conditioning e AM/FM stereo cassette a 160 H.P. 3.1 litre SFI V6 * AMIFM stereo epulse wipers a power door locks e automatic a automatic transmission e air conditioning transmiission e plus rnuch more... a sports appearance package s209 per month fo r 36 months* Sm art Lease fo r s239 per month for 36 months* Smart Lease for s299 per month for 36 months* rn Iii E l"ow1 .."7 q ,, BUICK REGAL CUSTOM FEATURES: driver*s side air bag e 4-wheel ABS * 3.8 litre SF1 V6 a dual zone air conditioning * tilt/cruise e power windows/locks e AMIFN4 stereo cassette e pulse wipers BUICK LE.SABRE CUSTOM FEA\URES: dual air bags a 4-wheel ABS e 3.8 lirrè SF1 V6 " air conditioning e tilt/cruise e power windows " power driver seate rernote keyless entry " power antenna e trunk release 1 r"A miA 1 Smart per month Smart $3per month Lease 5:; for Lease 9 9 for 36 months* for PONTIAC TRANS SPORT SE FEATURES: driver's side air bag e 4-wheel ABS a polymer body panels e 7 passenger modular seating e automatic transmission e air conditioning a plus rruch more... Your Choîc e Smart Lease fo r s279 per month for 48 months* GMC SAFARI PERFORMANCE EDITION FEATURES: driver's side air bag * 4-wheel ABS * 4.3 litre EFI V6 a electronic transmission " 8-passenger seating e AMIFMV stereo cassette " captairvs chairs * deep tinted glass e power door locks a running boards The Excitemnent and you expect. Priced PONTIAC * BUICKe GMC Leases for vehicles equipped as described Sonbird LE Sedan 36 monti term, $1.629 minimum dlown payment, plus S595 freghtý $300 security deposit Grand Arn SE Sedan 36 month term Si 966 minimum dlowni paynit-ni plus S595 trliq Lu and $300 security deposit Grand Prix SE Sedan 36 month term $1.846 down payment. plus $760 freight. and $350 security deposit Regal Custom 36 mont h ferm. $907 minimum down payment plus $760 treight and $425 sec(ihity deotiit LeSabre Custom, $2.179 minimum clown payment. plus $870 freight, and $475 securîty deposît Pontiac Trans Sport SEý 48 month term $ÃŽ2.131 dlown payment plus $745 freight. and $325 securîty deposît GMC SatitriS2 129 dovvi plyrnent plus $820 f reghl, and $325 securîty deposît 12 and 24 month leases also avaîlabte Offers apply to qualifîed refail customers only Some mleage conditions apply Lcense. insurance. and taxes siul inctîîded Offers dpplv to 199.4 njitri ),(lOrlt strator models Dealer order or trade may be necessary These offers may flot be combied or used with any other et fers Dealer may lease for less See Dealer for defaîls Vehicles may not be exactly as stiowti cal Smnart Lease fo r ri u 1 >0*400, ýÃ