Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1994, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Fruý,e Pruss, Wednu-sday, April 6, 1994 ANTIQUE TOOLS OP THE TRADES SHOW AND SALE SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1994 1 0:OOAM UNTIL 4:OOPM Admission $4.00 LOCATION - KAHN AUCTION BARN On Brock Rd. N.,Pickering, Dit 399 from 401 (Approx. 15 min.E. of Toronto) tools of varlous trades, farm, kitchen, household, medical, survey and scientific instruments, Indian artifacts, associa ted books and catalogues. (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01+ 490 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED:: Wl.ORD .ADS $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST A UCTIONS 990 per agate Une DISPLAY AD$ IN C LASSIFI EDS (AdsWith borders, pictures or graphics) Regular dispiay rates apply - $1.05 per agate unie (14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $1 4.70 CONTINUOUS RiU N DISPLAY Ans 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated EALiN Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-I6111 Please- check your advertsement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be liable for tailure to pubiish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the spaoe occupied by the error up to a mnaximum cost of the insertion, The Whitby Free Press reserves he right to classify or reject ail advertisements. TUCKER/HUDSON-Keri & Ron are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Kyle Ronald born on March 10, 1994 at Ajax/Pickering General Hospital at 6:11 am, weighing 7lbs 4oz. Proud* grandiparents are Wayne & Mary Tucker, and Carl & Lorraine Hudson. Special thanks to Dr. Mclntyre and staff. WICHELMUS HENDRIKUS BERNARUS VANl DEN OETELAAR, born June 9, 1938, died April 2, 1994 in his sleep. Lovingly remembored by Aida and his childrgn: Rickçy, Cathy, Susan, Rodnoy, Tammy, Bily-Jeanne & Guy. He joins his ocher children: Brock, Mark& Kimberly. 1 WOULD LIKE TO T1IANK il customers who requested for my services while I was working at Headquarters Hair Salon, located at the GardenlRossîand Plaza. Audrey Pertan. THANKS TO THE Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Jude and the HoIy Spirit for favours received. S.W. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. J.L NOVENA TO ST. JUDE - May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. O Sacred Heart of Jesurs pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 limes a day. By the eighth day your prayers wiIl be answered. Rt has neyer been known 10 fail, nover. Publication must b. promised. Thanks 10 St. Jude for prayer answered. MM. ....R....NA .L... c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE sFree to Meon from S97çta day Splash Phoo y: .DW. Rentai! Cail FREE! 430-7060 AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 9Gat 1Oam Auction sale of antiques, bools, househoid & riding mower for estate of Victor VanLuven, Whitby, 10 b. held at Wilsons Sales Arena, 2 mi. north of Uxbridg e on Durham Rd. #1 & Davis Dr. AN T. & HOUSEHOLD: oak classic player piano (immaculale), 226 player piano roîls, Sterna apart. size p iano. (ex), ant. Scottish music boks (1877), ant. violin & ukulele, bedrom ste., cedar chest, desks, tables & chairs, what not & china cab., rockers, trunks, shelves, TVs & VCR, 917 VCR movies, dîshes, Rtd. ed. prints & plates, bedding, freezer, microwave, washer & dryer, vacuum (now), sm. appliances, saws, welder & supplies, drills, sockels, wrenches, capnter, hand gardon & powýer ooslawn tractor with snowblower, Ariens riding mower r lus more. See last week s edilion or full delails. NOTE: The late Mr. VanLuven was a long lime resident of Whitby. Ho owned a garage for many years and took prido in his bools. Items in excellent condition. SGARY HILL AUC11ONS Gary & Nancy Hill RR#1 Sundorland, Ont. LOC 1 HO Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Mt Albert 1-905-473-2138 Cellular 1-416-518-6401 Fax 1-705-357-1333 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, APRIL 8 at 6:00 pm 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Westinghouse refrigorator & 30 in. electric stove with self dlean oven, modern dressers & chests of drawers, chesterfields, oak office desk, single & double box spri mattresses, walnut dining table4 chairs, rocking chair, AdmiraI almond washer & dryer, Axminister rug, Co-oil lamps, odd wooden kitchen chairs, cracks, coffee & end tables, antique dressors, occassional chairs, Ryoal radial arm saw, Black & Docker radial arm saw on stand, 1981 Ford 1/2 ton truck, 14 hp John Deere riding lawn mower, qty. china, glass, coliectable & household items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCI10NEERS RR #1 Little Britain 705-786-2183 COMING EVENTS Cali668-6111 SAT. APRIL Gmet 1Dam Quality furniture, antiques, Persian & chinese rugs, 'Royal Douton figrinsglass & china, vehiclos at Orval McLean Auction Conter, Lindsay. Don't miss this interesting sale. To consign q uality furniture or estates ito be sold on site or at our barn, oeill now to book your spring auction. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCT1ONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY OR VAL & BARRY McLEAN AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALE. "Kahn Country Auctions" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. localed on Brock Rd., rickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (tko exil #399). Featuring every Wed . an excellent select ion of ant iq ues, f ine flurnishings, g lass, china, callectables, primitives and other unusuals. So join us evory Wed. and partucipate in one of Ontario's *true" auctions with ne buy-backs or reservos. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper I.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1-.0 p.m. *Consignmont & estate selling our speciatyn. Cail us today - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041. MacGREGOR & WEST OUTSTANDING AUCT10N SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & CAR SUNDAY, APRIL lOth 112:OGpm (viewing 10:30am) MAIN ST. ORONO (take 401 to115135 Hwy. &north l0km) Auction foalures an excellent off ering of antique furniture in original & refinished condition, plus rare & unique collectables from the past to prose nt, also 1984 Chrysier "En class car. Partial list includes: china cabineV/desk combination (excellent & ref.), one pc. 7' ash f iat-to-wall, large oak china cabinet, oak ico box, washstands, misc. old drossers & chests of drawers, blanket box, tables (drop leaf pine, Duncan Phyff kitchen, pariour, wrought iron etc.), selection of chairs& rockers (pressback, parlour, ice cream, etc.>, stained glass window, oul lamps, old tools, coins, milk cans, old kitchen collectables, qu ality selection of glass & china (Depression, Vaseline, etc.), misc. sports cards, couch, chair, bikes, misc. art prints & originals, etc. These are oniy a few of the many quality articles foatured in this large sale with many older articles stili 10 b. unpacked, something for one & ail. NexI auction, May 8th at our summer location - Orono Fairgrounds. Caîl For Ail Vour Auctlon Needs, Your Place or Ours MacGREGOR & WEST AUCflOtIS Miko MacGregor 905-981-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 1i THE w±iADULT CH~iA ' INF- ~ r ~ M ~NL#~I@Ie>4Ie~U j Lett*rs Whitby Free Press 668-611il - Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm - Fax 668-0594Ij 1967), one of thé mèmbers of Painters Eleven, had a cottage a Thickson's Point, buill in 11952., They're not criminals To the. Editor: I amin awe as towhy this government is backpedalg on the status of some 4,500 Chinese citizens living here. Immigrto Minister Sergia Marchi =hul do the honourable thing concerning these students who are the produet of the infamous 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. These are not crimnals. We have heard of the undesirables in the lat decade who received the open door, unscreened policy. Criminals, dictators, terrorists, and mass murderers. They are living here now because of unfair and éloppy immigration practices. To send these 4,500 refugees back now does nothing ta restore human rights here. la it because Chretien is planning to visit China later this fail? To pacify China? The government is showing no sense Ofleadership at the expense Of these real refugees as is stated under the Gen eva Convention and Canada's own Immigration Act. It is hypbczicy. This case should bo treated under its own merits. Herman van der Veen Oshawa Reform the plan To the. Editr. The federal governnient is lookiang for more ways ta reduce federal spending. Just for staIrr, I would like to suget they begin with their ow ME pensions, such as former Ms collecting pensions immediateély, regardiesa of age; that MPs collect even while drawing a ful salai-y at another government job or private sectar (a practioe known as double-dipping); that the pension for every $1 MPs pay towards pensions, taxpayers have ta cough up $6 (and will soon be coStng taxpayers $10). I say enough is enough. The outrageous pension plan bas ta ho reformed now and brought inta lime with the private sectar. It's high time the federal government led the way by example. If you feel as I do, I suggest you get in touch with your NP or send him/her a copy of this letter. But do it now. Someone must lead the way and if it ho the lowly taxpayer, thon 80 ho it. Edna ftrry Oshawa A nsxwers to% r- E::ý m m m F fi t( n 7 tt a à m 1

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