Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1994, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Api 6. 1994 O A L L A ....I.. .... PAO~SOA EV I iUENf~ APMTNMN TS~ lIENT I FOR PUNT CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For your free in-home shopping and estimate Calil 42-1714. Customer's fabrics are welcome. TREE CUTflNG & TRIMMING. Fully insured. Free estimates. 433-7140. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complote residentiai & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceilings. Cali Dieter for a free estimate, 430-1207. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Compote tune-up from $29.95 + p art s. Factory trained technicians. Forf ree pic k-up & delivery cal! 432-7375. COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX returns from $20. Free pick up & delivery. Computerized accounting & bookkeeping services for sm ail busimesses. 10 yrs. experience. Cali Kelly at 666-2968. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Al kinds of recoverîng. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years9 experience. 430-7568, UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Errol's Apline Repair. We reair ail -major appliances, inludi3gas appliances buy uu dl _Ail parts guaranteed one year.Moknday ta Saturday, 432-7734. CARING MOTHER wilI provide a happy envirionment for your child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (waiks. crafts, stories). Thickson & Rossland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. Ages 2 & up. WANT A HAPPY à FUN envirionment for your chiid? Lots of crafts, games, paintmng, pasting, story-time and much more. Nutritiaus lunches a.nd snacks. Cali 430-3361. MOTHER 0F 1WO wili provide ioving care for your children in a happy, non-smoking home. Babies wetcome. Downtown Whitby. References. 666-2092. WEST LYNDE - mother of two would like to provide quality daycare for your child in my home. Avalabie on futV/part time or when needed basis. Cali 430-8670. Education. For Peace of Mmd. Perry flouse Child Care Services 129 Perry St., WhlItby 668-9476 St. John Ambulance Ihe rneed n eer cags OSHAWA - 2 furnished rooms in house. $80 weekly. One bedroomn basem ont apt, $130 weekly. Prefer non-smoker. Walking distance ta banks, shopping plaza. public transportation in front of the house. BON VOYAGE MOTEL- ten minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Cali 655- 5308. OSHAWA - 2 unfurnished bedrooms in house. Share facilities. Non-smoker. $325/month. Cati 433-4108. BROOKUN - large bedsitting room in quiet area. Close to ail amenties. Availabie now. Cai 655-5539. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker ý referred. Walk to ail amenities. lease caîl 666-3776 after 6pm. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom home. Parking, laundry facilties available. $350/month. Cati 430- 7103. PROFESSIONAL FEMALE, non- smoker, to share house with 2 others. We are dlean, arganized & considerate of one another. whitby, just north ai 401. $400/month. Cal after 6:OOpm. 666-8540. TWO BEDROOM CONDIMINIUM in popular SMW Ajax adjoins re enbelt. Minutes walk ta Lake Ontario, parks, elem. schoals & daycare. Unit features 2-4pc. bathroams f ireplace, 5 appliances, walk-in closet, starage looker, underground parking.. Common amenities include indoor pool, sauna, hot tub, tennis & BBQ. $850/month plus hydro. 683-0022, 619-0322 ater 6 please. BEAUT1FIJL, LARGE, BRIGHT 2 bedroom basement apt. Separate walkout, gas f irepiace. $850/month, ail inclusive. A must ta seel No pets. Non-smokers pref erred. Suitable for qluiet couple. Cail for appointment 430-8413. WHITBY - bachelor apt. for rent. Watk ta GO train. Parking. $550/month including heat & water. Frt/last. Inqu ire 432-2914 after l2noon or leave message. PICKERING - Liverpool & Bayly. Large one bedroom basement, 4 pc. bath, furnished kitchen, lvng room & dining room, fireplace, air, utilities, &. cable included. $650/month. First/iast required. (905) 420-2752. WHITBY - two bedroom upper with balcony ln tri tex. Close ta GO/401. Availabre May 1. $800 + hydro. References required. Caîl 666-1071. ROSSLAND/THRNTON - one bdrm. bsmnt. apt. Bright & dlean, large windows, carpeted, fridge, stove, shower & laundry fadilities. $575 inc. Non-smoker preferred. Avait. lmmed. CatI72-77 between 12 & Apm, or 571-2051. LARGE 2 BEDROOII new apt. ln desirable NE Whitby. Parking, laundry, ail Inclusive & cable. $l5Ofmonth. CatI Jeff et 430-1972. WHITIBY - small two bedroom basement ln triplex. Regular windows. Close ta GO/401. Available immediately. ý$650 + hydro. References required. Cati 666-1071. BROOKUN - one bedcroom apt., availabie now. Close ta ail amenities, heat & hydro includeci. $495/month. CatI 655-5539. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment for rent, partlally furnished. Aisa..- a roomn for rent ln Oshawa. Ideal for sing le femnale, non-smoker please. $90/weekly. Please catI 430-2984. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS., available immediately. 1 bedroom - $598/month, 2 bedroom - $675/month. Includes utilities & 1 parking space. For information please cati 728-9679. 3 BEDROON HOUSE & garage or workshop. Commercial possibIlities on Hwy. 2. Np outdoar maintenance. $885fmonth +i heat & hydra. 668-4321 or 655-4623. WHITBY - 3 -l- bedrooms, 2 baths, large fene ln yard wfth sundeck, f mi* roo it~wth wood stove, waîk ta O staion. Dog weicome. $1,1 00mo. Phone 430-1869. 7<'4eis ~ôa wed4 - - - rinierocking stone - retaining walls 'wood fencing & decks FREE COAMýPETITI VE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 6684365 9&q-412 .,1iUUMUMUMUUMMUMMWMMUM --- FITZGERALD ECAIEPENTRY * WHITBY LTD. *CeneraJ Carpentry A ddtions * Home [mpm vement * ~Ceramic TMing * Rec Rooma * DywalIAnd Painting *19 Years in *Du.rham *Region -2554 ' *Cal): - lk668-4686 44<~*. "i E E E E E E E E i E E E i = j - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residential anid Commrcial Cleaning *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION Fire/Water/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST W1LL DO' 436-6000 The Mutuai Group tFA HERB TRAN caI for quotation 68-9669 s 432-7216d GICs - R s Qualfty constructnfor Homeand Buskies *BatIraoms Kitchens *Custom tnim *Decks - Gazebos Adionetc.tn Zdmts0"x#na1kM-655-4418 We d~evrfy s 668.611 -Hundreds of people are injured each year by falI ing debrisli Avaid the expense of personal injury and/or property damage. Burnn Entr?,,ies MASONRY & GE ERAL CONTRACTINQ Cali Mike 6660171 plannng siceeig CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITs FAsT - iT'S EASYI ONE cALL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern School of Auctoneering. Next Clasa:- July 16-22. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.05. Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with aur great home-study course. Cati for a FREE B00K. 1- 800-267-1829 The Wfitlng Schooi. 2112-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESOAT hiring for summer. Chambermaîds, waitresses, gas attendants, cashiers. For application send self- addressed stamped envelo pe to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Psa, B.C. VOE 2SO. SALES HELP WANTED STUDENTS ONLY. Arma dealer requlred. Fabulous new Invention, play catch with yourself. Should be athletically lncllned. Financing. Boomerang Bail. Box 1800, Huntsville. Ontario POA 1KO 705-789-1882. MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS - $150 REFUND. "Farm Registration" Fee. Your rlght. No penalties. Cul-off 90 dayà alter Reglstratlon" deadllne. Information anrr "Refund Letter » send stamped, self-addressed envelope. National Farmars Union, Box 450. Douglas. Ontario KOJ iSO (613) 649-2733. POETRY CONTEST $12,000 ln prizes yeerly. Possible publication. Send on. original poem 20 lines or lesa: National Llbrary of Pootuy. Box 704. ND. Owings Mile. Md 21117. MORTGAGE MONEV AVAILABLEI Conventional/Equlty lssand 2nds. ConsolidaI. bills mb iow monthly paymrent. renovate or finance business. Rates tram 5.25%. Cati Toit Fr* 1-800-265-2694. PERSONALS WHAT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE TICK? Buy Dianetica: Tme Modem Science ai Mental Heakth by L. Ron Hubbnard and 's Home Study Course (131> cau 1-800-561-5808. RID VOUR BODY OF harmful effecta of daily pollution. Buy & read "Clear Body Clear Mind"by L Ron Hubbard ($22.00). Cali 1-800-561-5808. CONTRACEPTIVES. HYGIENE PRODUCTS. Cold Remedies. Highest quality, Iowest prices. mnailed plain envelope. Ordering Information write Canpro. Box 44026, 600 Grandvlew South. Oshawa. Ontario L1H BR5. RELIGION THE CHURCH WITHOUT A NAME. Who are the Two-By-Two's or Cooneyites? Learn what their «workers" won't tell you. Write Box 64008. Winnipeg. MB, R21< 2Z4. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memboîshipftimeshare? We'iI lake III America's Iargest, oldet mres cîearlnghouse. Resori Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StraIIwall Type -not quonset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11,924;. 50x90 $16.954; 60xl26 $25.883 - other sizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800-263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top quality iraI g htwall, wood/steel & allisieel buildin gs. C SA certified. workshops, barns. ameas, stables. etc. Large or aal, contrsctlng anid financing available, 24 houra 1-800-561. 2200. STEEL BUILDINGS - OUONSETS. S. Modela. straîghtwaîll. Many mixes to chaos. from. For îValue, Ouaîily and Integrity. cal Future Steel Buildings 1-800-668-8653. OUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS: 21 X 24 $1 .599.00, 25 x 30 S2.256.00, 27 x 34 $2,778.00. 30 X 44 $3,830.00, 40 x 56 $5.944,00. 44 x 64 $7,798.00, 46 X 66 $7.999.00 50 x 84 S$10,724.00. iEnds optionel. Other sizes. Pioneer 1.800-668. 5422. 02our n 01 se# I Limllect o fCatio Ted.>'! ? any [i~~~~~~~~~~~~ ......e rs $61I tfv ors <nayoFiay ; ..nt z0 m F~c68O9 !W*wEuw, 1 1 AbI6 ýq

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