Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1994, p. 23

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Whltby Fr.. Pros, Wednady. AuR 6. 194. Paoe 23I HOW TO ,,B,,,OK,,:,YQI3ÇLASIFIEP AD... ~ CaIl 668-6111. Ads piaoed by Monday et nomn wfii be pubished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save mioney! Or, prepay wh your VISA card when piading the ad. ...........................,., geFeM Fax your ad to us at 668-0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. 4p0<rr Mail your ad to: Whltby Fiee Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontaio, Li N 5S1. Acis shouid be maled to arrive by Monday at noon. You can endlose your payment, or provide biiing information. ~,V 'I We're open 9 arn to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Place4our adl by Monday at noon for W inesday publication. If your can't make Rt in dunIng office hours, we have a mail siot to the lefi of our front door. COM PUTERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS ADM INISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTING' NOS PITALUTY TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS I'DETA CHAIV1 7:1R - I 'J SEC RETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN0, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST9 WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May De A vallable AS AOU OR IG* OUSE 12 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA CENTRE 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. M"w. 2 at Valley Farm R&.) 420-1344 This comprehensive 69 hour part-tirne program wilI cievelop your personal, leadership, and business skills. Major topics covered are:. / Organization and Departmentai Objectives / Supetvising People / Production Management / industrial Relations The program runs Tuesdays and Thursdays (6:30 - 9:30 PM) from April 12 to June 25,1994. The last sessions are an intensive weekend case study. Funding Partial fundinq may be available to qualifying companies through Ontario Skils. Eligibility Criteria Applicants for this program must be employed as or preparing to become a supervisor or team leader in a manufacturing company in Durham Region. You must be registered by your company. ibisprograrn isoffeoedfry: Suie 04-5eay* S. ,Aa, OntaioL17K ACT NOW! Excellent pyi Men/women, up to $500 weekly t home. Eiectronics, woodworking, crafis & moisi You'io paid direct, no expenence. Cali 504-646-2803, ext. Hl113, 24 hîs. $36000 NET - international company requires sales people to represent a Can adian chikiren's tax sheiter. Fuipart time trainingAeads supplied. Cali Paul 434-7089. $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble products at home. Easy, no seiiing. You're p aid direct. FuIly guarantee. No experience necessary. Cati 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. WE'LL PAY YOU to type names and addresses from home. $500 per 1,000. Wrte today. Gateway Lists. Dept. WFP4, #150_1857 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1 M4. RESTAURANT HELP REQUIRED. Waitresses & cooks. Cai 655-3281. EARN UP TO $34U/WEE to assemble Christmas and holiday docorations year round, at home. Work available across Canada. For more info., send a self- addressed stamped envelope to Maguc Christmas - 2212 Gladwin Cr., Unit D-2, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario K1 B 5N 1. ALASKA JOBS! Earn Up to $30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Aiso construction, can- neries, oul fields, plus moisi For immodiate response, el 1-504-646-4513, ext. K1 42.24 his. CRUISE SHIP JOBS. Earn $3004$900 weekiy, year round positions. Hiring men/women. Free room/board, wiil train. Cati 1-504-641-7778 extl. C1 42. STYUIST - progressive local salon seeks exporienced styiist with professionaiismcraivity and has a commifted attitde. Ouisalon off ors incentive packages, upgîading education a a personal atmosphere for your ciientete. Send resumé to 1 B-701 Rossiand Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby Ontario Li N 8Y9. GIRLS WANTED from Canada, between 7-19, to compote in this yoar's 2nd annuai 1994 Toronto Pageants. Over $20,000.00 in prizes & scholarships. Cai today 1-800-PAGEANT, ext. 7464 (1-800-724-3268). L1 I.M.9l:: AMAZING RECORDED MESSAGE! Hear how mail order milionaire makes over $30,000 per month. Fiee report for 1 st 500 caliers, 514-345-5650. ILI ......... .. TAYLOR ART STUDIO has moved to Whitby. Art lessons avaliable starting April. Private & g roup classes f or kIds & adufts. For more info cati 666-9987. PERSONAL COMPUTER TURORING in youî home by Computer Science graduato. Database, spreadsheet, word processinq applications & prog ramming. Reasonabie rates. Calf Ross, 668-9617. DRUM LESSONS SHOULD BE FUNI Lessons at your home, geared to student's individual roquirements. Beginners or experienced. Sticks and brushes. 25 years experience. Member in L ood standing of Toronto usician's Association. 430-2075. LEÉcote ]Française smail aduit classes in an informai but results-oriented environment beginner, advanced or private FLUENCY IN 6 EASY STEPS Reasonable rates 20 yeara teachlng experlence inciuding Durham & Seneca Coileges and Beriitz Cail Jacques at 666-0993 - Trent U niversity at Durham College Summer 1994 Compete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day or evening summer courses are offered in the following terms: 0 8 weeks: 2 May-29 lune e 12 weeks: 2 May-27 Ju1y 0 6 weeks: 4 JuIy-16 August For information or a brochure cail: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 FITRAIN.............. $ I SERVI FER BECOME FINANCIALLY SECURE _______________________ & retire a mitiionairel Financial information tells how - not a trick or t' ~~m~uaa gimmick. Send a S.A.S.E. & jusf I101 to: Myan Consuiti ng Services, I P.O. Box 70607, 1615 Dundas St. DRIVIIME., Whitby, Ont. Li N MK. HANDYMAN - clean yards, basements, cultrties. Wiflbu household contents etc. Cail 655-3004. Toronto School lof Bt«tsieiness SCHOOL 17 Ong St. E. Sute 5001 Osawa *728-0091 Fuit Drivers Education Courses APRIL l9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course APRIL 23rd Saturdays 4*week course MAY 28th Saturdays 4 week course MAY 31lst Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course -PRIVA TE L ESSONS IREGISTERED à APPROVED 8V THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE WAithyour support, cancer canbe.ifiCANADIAN WCANCIR Pleaseogve COMPLETE RENo VAlloNs. Kitchens, bathrooms, ceramic tule, carpentry and doors & windows. Small repairs. Home & office. Bill Hopper Contracting (905) 686-4242. A MATTER 0F TASTE - affordabie home decorating, custom draperies, blinds & waiicoverings. Aiso a full range of country accessorles availabie. Cail now to arrange your f ree at home consultation. Phono or fax (905) 430-1616 between 9am - lpm. FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS indMvdually designed to your colour preference. Weddings, home decor & crafts available Reasonabie prices. Cati Janet at 576-5569. ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT& REPAIR. Free estimates. Senior discounts. Painting interior & exterlor. Fonces, docks & carpentry. Wallpapering& window washing, tre. trimming &roperty dlean-up. Ail, types ofwork iconsidered. Cal Bob ai 683-4205 or John at 668-8272. INCOME TAX CONSULTANT specializing in personal and business tax retumns. Don't delay - oeil now for profosslonal service at pricos you can affordl Cail Lone Ahmad at 666-9539. HMME CLEANING.Spring la nearlng. f you nood help, oeil us to djeane your homo. Prof essional service nd personal caro. Excellent rates. Cati Susan afler 4:OOpm, 579-6266.. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson , Lanos. Corne ses me for ail your sewing needs. Tues. - Fri 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 -3.430-6550. PLUMBING SERVICE, ropair, renovations, piugge drains, appliance installations. Fuily Iicenced. Cali 666-1913 or toil-fres pager 1-416-550-0913. FURNITURE MAKEWICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Speciaiing in Early Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainment Centres. Over 15 years expernenoe. Quality workmanship' guarante. Reforences supieo. For a free qilotation oeil Gary at 666-1913. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive à uality protraits. Studio or in home. aes, children, familles. Packages fiom $29. Aibc: weddlngs, chritnings, groupe, boudoir, copy & rostoration, executive, promotionaL No GST. 427-9164. m ' 1 1 r 1

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