Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1994, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Fre Prese, Wodnesday, March 23. 1994 6 11 1 L New driver'5 s licence to look like a credit card A new machin-readable drivers licence being introduced this year wiii add an extra lovel of ocuzit~y for the province's 6.5 million drivers, saye Transportation Minister Gilles Poulioit. "ii.Ë licence wiil reduce fraud and make our records more accurato," says Pouliot. "Since it wili bo compatible with our police work stations and court netwoek, it wil also bo a step forward in enforcing our lawsî." The. new licence will look like a credit card, with the driver'a photograph and signature eiectronicaliy printed on its surface. It will b. phased i during a five-year period. As it ie issued to drivers, the Ministry of Transportation will retain digitized photographeansd signa- tures on file as part of drivers records& The ministry ie responsible for preventingr improper use of the phAoanh sd signatures, wvhich are protected under Ontarios Freedomn of Information and Protection of Privtâcy Act. The. licence is one of the elements in the government's Integrated Safety Project announced in 1993 that intro- duces the use of state-of-the-art technology te improve road safety and iaw enforcement. "Tii. plastic card licence will mnale ou roads safer by preventing the misuse of driver cedentials," adds Pouliot. FolIowing a request for proposals, EDS Canada, Ottawa office lias boon eelected te deveiop sud produce the carda. Re tfring OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN employee Ron Foskett is retiring after working, at the Whitby car dealership for 18 years. Photo by Mar'k eesor, Whhy Free Pres DONT MISS THESE NEW '94 SAMARA 3 DOOR - Front Power Assisted Disc Brakes - Ail Season Steel Belted Radial Tires l7l - Reclinin g Front Buoket Seats eRemote Adjustable Left& Right Mirrors sCentre Console *Rear Window Washer/Wiper *Rear Window Defroster *5 Speed Manual Overide Th owest prlced 4X4 NEW '4 NIV 4X4In the Marketplace NEW!'4 NIA 4X4 Th'* $z.495 DRI VING SAFELYc~ wîth RANDY RANOY UcLEAN IS A PROFESSIONAL ENOINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Kk. McLean lias revîewod thousands of indlividual mo;o vehicle ac6dent reports and his close working wea i tn îh police qgencies. goverrnents, salegy ai Ion n&slsy and the public, have given hm a grue overview of raffic salety isajes. problema i solutionis ln Canada. They Io%%&ve lives Seat boita save lives and reduce injuries. Period. That is the conclusion of every research study I have read over the past 20Oyears. And, if I had more time to read old reports, I couid probabiy say 30 or 40 years. Ontario passed the first mandatoiy seat boit legisiation in Canadla in 1976 based on the resuits of a serie of federai, provincial and international studies. But like other seemingly great scientific debates such as 'Is smoking harmful to your healthT 'Does violence on television and in movies contribute te violence in rosi life?' ' Cmi bumbiebees flyl? the answer always seeme much more obvious te us, the simple minded public, than te weli-educated (perhaps too weli- educated) scientiste and philospers. Common senso is a ways a more reliable basis for decisions than selected statistical summaries. Some studios have indicated that seat boite cause injuries. This je true. Seat boits, are restraining devices. I a collision, at the instant of impact, your body wiil start te, slide out of control in -the vehicle. The seat boit literally catches your body and holds it in place. The iaws of physics (and common sense) requîre that in order to, stop your body from sliding, a force must be applied. This force can resuit in a bruise acrose your hip (iap boit) and/or breast bone (ehouider strap). However, consider what might happen if you were not wearing a seat boit -- rib cage crashing inte steering wheei, head inte windshieid, broken wrists trying to restrain yourseef againet ateering wheel, etc. Anyone who has tried the sport of bungie jumping knows that the bungie cord can bruise your leg. But not even a scientist wouid suggest you try jumping without it. Seat boite can aiso cause injuries if not worn properly. The iap boit shouid fit snugiy acrSse your hips. Put your boit on the lean forward. You should bond easiiy about your hips. Ini a collision, the force of the beit ehould be abeorbed by your bone structure. If the iap beit is worn too hig*h, the saine force will bo exerted on th e soft tissue (and internal organs) of your abdomen. Worse, in a violent collision isntead of bending at the hips, you wil bond about your lower back, rikIdng serious injury te, your spine. The shoulder boit should bo worn over the shoulder -- not under the arm -- for the saine reasons. Tue boit as designed te workt with your bone structure and protect vuinerabie parts of your boy Bungie jumping wouldn't uie b te mine if the cord was attached te your neck. SMake sure your dhlfdren underatand the importance of liroper seat boit postioning. IWs another good reason te tel your cidren te ait up straight and not slouch in the back seat. Despite any centiflc or statistical evidence te o e contrary, smoking is harmnfui to your health, violence on television does contribute te violence in real life, bunblebees can fly and seat boîta do save lives and prevent injuries. Com mon sense says it's so. Buckle up (properly). Drive safely. 90 Buy a seat. Thon jump. eut GI it. SAT. MAR. 26i 2:30p m & 7:3Opm ~MRE TICKETS: $19.50 & $14.50 (plus applicable service charges) Llited V1P seats avoikible, cal for details cout«of For Group Info. coil: ~ * *~ ~*S"<YOME. 111 HARLEM GLOBETROTTEAS INTERNATIONAL. U4C A DIVISION OF UJA INC A SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON MOBILE ALL NEW VENSCLES ARE RUST PHONES WITH EVERY NEW CHECKED FOR LONGEVITY PURCHASE. Plus Frt., Lic.. Pd!. Taxes. While they last Illustration not exact. McMillan & Wife Lada Sales & Service 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-3361 Bell Mobility Approved Agent 7

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