Whitby Free Preas, Wecfnesday, March 23. 1994, Page 17 B y Sharon Stevenson The Durharn Region branch of St. John Ambulance has rnoved their Whitby training centre to a new location at 420 Green st. The move was made frorn 1517 Dundas St. E. in an effort to downsize the centre to one class- roorn froin the previous two and a haif to eut costs. According to Lynda Staples, head of training for the Durham branch, al programs will remain the saine despite the change in KATHEEN HUTCHINGS Kathleen Una Hutchings of 18 Jacob Dr., Whitby died at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto on March 18, 1994. She was 15. A Grade 10 student at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School, she was an honours stu- dent throughout sehool and a member of t he sehool band. She was a member of 151 Chadburn air cadets squadron and a member of the air cadet band. She was a parishioner at St. John the Evangelist Church. She is survived by her parents, Michael Hutchings of Fenelon Falls and Sheila Hutchings (Nee Johnston) of Whitby, sisters Julia and Cally, aunt Leah McKinney and ber children Paula and Matthew, grand- parents David and Una Johnston and Kathleen Hutchings, aunt Marian Johnston an uncle Frank Johnston and their chil- dren Erin and Jerrett, aunt Trudy Spence and uncle David Spence and their children Court- ney, Grahamn Cameron and T1re- vor, aunt Jesse Lalonde and uncle Rene Lalonde. The funeral service was held at St. John the Evanglist Cburcb on Tuesday, March 22, 1994, Father Andrew MacBeth con- ductig Interment at Resurrec- tion Cmetery. MARIA WENSING Maria C. Wensing, a Whitby resident for 44 years, died at Bestview Health Care Home on Marcb 15, 1994. She was 84. She was born in Utrech, the Netherlands on October 11, 1909. She married Josef K. Wensing on Oct. 24, 1934. She is survived by her bus- band, daughter Anne (andl her busband Bill Stewart), daughter Johanna (and ber husband Don Camp >bell) and grandchIdren Bobbx Jo, Joey, Cori and Colin. The funeral service was held at the W.C. Town Funeral Chia- p9el, Wh itb. Interment at Mount ILawn emetery. JUDIE RICHTER-WISRART Judie Richter-Wishart of Whitby died on Marchi 4, 1994 at Toronto Western Hospital. She was 48. She was born in Toronto, Ont. on May 13, 1945, daughter of Allen Harbottle and Joyce Booth. A Metro Toronto Police clerk, Mrs. Richter-Wish art was a Whitby resident for 15 years and a member of St. John the Evangelist Church.-- location. They stîli offer first aid at the levels of advanced, standard and ernergency, babysitting courses, health care and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. TÉhe change in location and recent integration of the Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Ajax branches in Novemher into the Durhamn branch was intonded to provide the public with more services. "There is more flexibility for them (local residents) when they're trying to meet their sche- dules because often there is a time constraint with. people nowadays, and by baving that option, it juet depends on them,» says Lynda Lawson, executive director of the Durham branch. Ev-en though Whitby lost class- roon space in the move Staples doesn't consider it a cfisadvan- tage because the other regional training centres also offer the same courses at the sarne cost. The only difference is Whitby will only be able to hold one class at a turne. "The future is going te mean rnuch more opportunity for the public. We have a wider range we can enhance the roduct and1 we can offer more b viing it i n different locations," says Staples. St. John members have wor- ked together te make the move a success. «Ljike any transition there are ups and down s,» says Staples. However, says Lawson, «It has been a relatively an easy adjuet- ment." The new location was also cho- sen te meet aIl the needs of the St. John Ambulance brigade which volunteers at special func- tions. An open bouse is planned at the tramning centre in April to familiarize the public with the new facility and the services they offer. Durham area residents can contact St. John Ambulance at 434-7800. F Fire damage at Atiantie A fire believed te bhave been started by the exhaust from a forklift caused $10,000 damage at Atlantic Packaging Wednes- dtabout a.m., an employee at the 1900 Tbickson Rd. S. plant noticed the fire in bales of newspapers destined te be recy- cled. 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