Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1994, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 23, 1994 MEETING Durham Region District Health Council will meet Wednesday, Marc.h 30, 7 p.m., in the council boardroomn, 1614 Dundas St. E., suite 214, Whitby. To attend, eall 433-4262 as space is limited. ORGANIC GROWERS The Durham Chapter -of Canadian Organic Growers will meet today (Wednesday, March 23), 7:30 p.m., at the WVhitby courthouse, Roesland Road. A video, 'Ruth Stout's Garden,' will b. shown and her techniques of mulching and no-dig rg' gardening will be discussed. Al are welcome. Cail 434-6231 for more information. LAMAZE INFORMATION The Lamaze Prepared Childbirth Association of Durham Region will hold ' Welcome to the World of Pregnancy,' an information evening for expectant women and their partners on Thuraday, March 24, 7 p.m., at St. Joseph- the Worker Parish Hall, 1100 Mar St. N., Oshawa. Admission je free. Door prizes. Cail 723-7373 te pre-register. ONE PARENT DANCE The North Oshawa One Parent Families will hold a dance on Saturday, March 26, 8 p.m., at Masonie Temple, 91 Centre St. S., Oshawa. New members and guesta welcome. For more information, call 721-8154. MAGIC & MAKE-BELIEVE Casties, dragons and wizards corne alive for children aged 2 te 5 at the YMCA, 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa on Tuesday, March 29, 9:30 te 11:30 a.m. Cal) 576-8880 for more information and te register. DR. GIIHIATY is now accepting new paients in go De h is pract.se ofÇ \~ famidy dentistry % \/-please cal 666-0244 FOR AN APPOINTMENTU " Insu rance plans accepted " Days, evenings & Sïturday appointments available " Emcrgcncy cails acccpted (during office hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 2079 (Rossi and / Garden Plaza) WH1TBY FOOISTEPS TO THE CROSS 'Youtii Walk to, Calvary' is an interdenominational event invol- ving churches from Wiitby and Oshawa. The 'Follow Ciirist's Footstepe te tth. Cross' walk will b. held Good Friday, April 1, bgnng at 1 p.m. at St. Geore's Anglican Church, Oshawa. Participants will stop at varioue points along the. way for brief devotions before arriving at AUl Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby. PRINT GROUP mhe Print Group will meet on Monday, March 28, 7:30 p.m.,- at the. Pickering Recreation Com- plex, in the. photograpiei room. Jeffriss from- Vistek will dis- cuss variable contrast control. For more information cal) 430- 1469. SP1UNG FASIiON SHOW The Durham Regfion Children's Aid Society will hold a spring fashion show Tiiursday, March 24, 7:15 p.m., at the Oshawa Public Library auditorium, 65 Bagot St. Admission te the fundraiser is $5. For tickets, contact the. society at 433-1551. DANCING WITH MOOSE The Women of Moose Lodge will iiold a country-style dance on Sunday, March 27, 2 p.m., at Moose Lodge, Wilson Road Southi, Oshawa. Musie will b. provided by the Shades of Silver Band. Admission je $3.50 and non- members are welcome. Hot food je available. For more information, cal) 728-5630 or 666-1449. BABD-OF-IEARIG GROUP A selp-help group for adulte in Durham Rteion who are hard of hearing will b. iield Wednesdays, 7 p.m., at the. Oshiawa Deaf Centre. Contact Gayle at 655-5544, voice or T (answering machine, voie. only). LEAOMINODISABILiTIS mhe Learning Disabilities Association, Oshawa chapter will meet Thursday, March 24, 7 te 9:30 p.m., at Grandview Treatmnent Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshiawa. At 7:30 p.m., Oshiawa General Hospital occupational tiierapist Jackde MeBlain wilI diseuse moter 9eilîs, and activities at home that can help build up a ehild's muscles. For more information, cal) Nancy at 436-7706. EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT KUTTY LITTER Ktty Utter , irs expensive in those litle bags and once Tabbie has a couple of goes at it, it doesnt smeil sa good either. Many large industrial users buy kitty litter by the ton in large 40 IL bags - flot because they've got a pack of lions out bact, but raiher because they buy it under the more common industriel namne of ail absorbent They knaw Ihat ail absorbent (kitty litter) is in fact dlay mined out of open pits, mostly in Georgie, Louisiana and Florida. Grades of ail absorbent vary dirarnati- caily dependng upon the porosity of the clay. Sorne grades of ail absorbent Mill absorb as litie as 70% of Iheir own weight in water. Others are extremely dusty or turn ta mud as soon as they ber-me wet. Swish's Florco ail and water absorbent absorbs up ta 160% of itfs own weight In water, has the least duet content of any of its competitors and remains in its granuler f orm even after use. Our custorners who buy Florco as a kitty litter, teil us that ls flot only a superi- or produot - but the price is also a lot less! If unpleasant adours In your cars litter box are a concern, we reconimend S"ie Odlor Sortb deodorant granules. Three tablespoons of Odor Sorb, mixed in With your kitty litter Mill mask and absorb undeerable odours. Try Florco and Odar Sorb the next lUme you tend ta yaur car~s litter box.Theyre PURRRRfect. 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 ) ..--.......-------- ... SNUNG CRAFT SALE Col. J.E. Farewell Public School PSCA will hold a spring craft sale on Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m. to, 4 p.m., at 810 McQuay Blvd. in Whitby. There will b. more than 30 tables of crafts te choose fromn. Ail table renta) proceeds will go tewards echool projecte. Admission je fre. ONE PARENT FAMUIES On. Parent Families, Oshawa Chapter will meet Tuesday, March 29, 8 p.m., at the. Adria Croatian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Sime St. S. for coffee, cards and conversation. For more information, cal) 436-5089 or 728-1011. MUSTER RAM The. Rotary Club of Wiiitby ie sellingz Eaeter ham to raise funde for various projects and pro- grame. Coat of a 2.3-pound ham is $10, 4.6-pound ham is $18. Club members will deliver hams. Caîl Ron at 430-8221 Brian at 668-4212, Debbie at 4â0-3700 or David at 668-3579. BA"E SALE Tii. Brooklin-Wiiitby Minor Hockey Auxiliary bake sale will b. held Saturday, March 26 at Luther VipondOàiena in Brooklin and on Sunday, March 27 at Iroquois Park in Wiiitby. Dona- tions of baked goods can b. dropped off at the. arenas from 7:30 a.m. until noon on the day of the sale for each location. AM[GA CLUB The AmigaClub will meet Thursday, Mareh 24, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Coronation Public School, roomn 22, 441 Adélaide St. E., Oshawa.. Novice or expert Amiga computer usersaren welcome. Cal) (via modem) 905-436-6509 for more informnation. OSTEOPOROSIS GROUP The. Osteoporosis Support =Groupwill meet Wednesday, Marc30, 7p.m., at the. YWCA, 1 McGrigor St, recreation depart- ment, Oshawa. For mor information, cal) the YWCA at 576-8880 or Millie at 725-1683. LANDLORDS & TENANTS Representatives from the. Ministry of Housing and Rent Control, Durham Legal Clinic and the. Federation of Metro Tenants will hold a pane) discussion on Wednesday, April 6, 7 j.moqat McLaughlin Library au riun, 6 R agot st., Oshiawa. The. rigiits and responsibilities of landlords and tenants will b. discussed and questions are welcomne. For free tickets or more information, contact Jackie Williamns at 579-6111. Non»prfit communht rop which areLbaae irn Whltyor have a ean= t a l W h I Iy memberahip may place their 0upoomn eetIn 8 page at no cost.1 Prot rruing o roi-V~, o= &?o~ EASitERBONNET DANCE Durham Alliance Association Social Club will hold an Easter bonnet dlance on Saturday, March 26, 9 p.m., in Oshawa. AM gays and leebians aged 19 and over are welcomne. Admission je $5 for members, $10 for gueste. Cash bar and midnight buffet. Prizes. For more information, cal) 434-4297. CLOTBING SALE 1%e Durham Region Parents of Multiple Births Association will hold a spring clothing, tciy and baby equipment sale Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m. to noon, at Kingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. For more information, cail 668-056 or 430-3944. ONE PARENT FANMLES The Oshawa Chapter of On. Parent Familles Association will hold a general meeting Tuesday, April 5, 8 p.xn., at the Croatian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simce St. S., Oshawa. Ail are welcome. For more information, cal) 436-5089 or 728-1011. EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS Feeling anger, lonelines, des- pair, jealousy, resentment, depression? Join the Emotions Anonymous support group on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. For loca- tion and more information, cal Gloria at 576-4769 or Marge at 728-6484. INVISIBLE DISAB[LJTY The Invisible Disability Sup- U ort Group will meet on Tues- day, April 5, 7 p.m., at 947 Adelaïde Ave. E., Oshawa. The. meeting is for parents of ADD, ADHD social, emotional or beha- vorai problems. For more infor- mation caîl Nancy at 436-7706. GENEALOGICAL SOCIET Y The. Whitby-Oshawa branch of the. Ontario Genealogca Society will meet TueBsy, riýl 5, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street igh School cafeteria. Gary Edgr chief of Misissu1a First Nation - S&C andwill discuss the histy ofth natives in the area. Admission is free. Ail are welcome. For more information, cal) 683-2476 or 723-7460. Volunteers neded Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital's Volunteer Association requires volunteers te provide customner service in their gift shop. The shop is open from 10:30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. weekday and prvides training in al areas of thi retail business. Cal) 430- 4021 te inquire. SPECIAL SERVICES at WHITBY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY 100O Rossland Rd. W. (Corner of Rossland & Brock) with IVAiIGELIST, RMïâvwRAY March 22nd - 27th Tuesday - Friday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. You are invited. For information cali 666-2556. M eýý-1 insérWn FI P.M. I At the ] resource centre WORKSHOP The Family Education Resource Centre- will hold a four-session workshop for aduit children of alcoholies Wednesday, April 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7 te 9 p.m., at Durham House, 1521 Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa. Healthy ways of recognizing, and dealing with issues, inclucling fear of abandonmient, control, anger, shame and guilt, will b. discussed. The cost is $32 per person. For more information or te register, call the resource centre at 579-2021 or 686-6459. SEPAIRATION OR DIVORCE The Family Education Resource Centre will hold an eight-sessior study' group for parents with children up to age 12 who are in the. process of separation or divorce, beginning Thursday, April 7, 7 te 9 p.m., at Durham centre constituency office, 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby. The. cost is $48 per person, plus a $7 book fée.. Pre-registration is requiïed. For more information or te register, cal) the resource centre at 579-2021 or 686-6459. E'PGG FRUNT T$m. Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will hoet the fifth annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 2, il a.m. to, 3 P.M9 at Heel;r Down Conservation Area in Whitby. Egg hunts will tae place witfh various ae groups at different tims:ûhidren aged 3, 4 and 5, 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. (parents may assist); ages 6, 7 and 8, noon and 1:30 ).mi.;egs 9 10andl11, 12:30Oand 2 p.T. There will bo a jellK bean content, faoepanting af refreshments. Admission in &re. For more information or in case of inclement weather, contact the authority office et 679-0411. Directions: Take Hihway 12 (Brock Street) te Taunton Road. Turn west one kilometre te Country Lane Road, turn north and go te, the end of the road and follow the signe. ]KNITTRS GUILD The. Machine Knitters Guild wiil meet Tuesday, April 5, 7 p.m., at Dr. S.J. Phillipe School, 625 Simncoe St. N. (at Rossland Road), Oshawa. The demon- stration will b. a knitted yoke insert for a sweatshirt. New members welcome. For more information, cal) .725-3889. AUCTION AMD SHOW The. Durham Region Aquarium Society wiil hold an auction'and show on Sunday, April10 at Ajax Community Centre, HMS Ajax rom, Centennial Road. There will be classes for all types of fiah and related crifts and phtgaphe. The auction will mnclud tropical fish, aquariums, aquatac plants, filters end more. Admissidon ie free. For more information, cal) Donna Schinkel (427-8063), Jim Brown (655- 5853), Barry McKee (683-7660) or ¶I*y Fisher (686-7368), or write Durham Region Aquarium Society, 1079 Willowde.le Ave., Oshawa LRH 1W7. QUIERS90<UILD The Durham 'friflium Quilters' Guild will meet on Tuesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m., et St. George Anglican Church, Bagot and Centre 13treets, Oshawa. For more in1ýrmation cal) 683-5135 or 725-1945. 50a & 60s DANCE' James House Durham will ho)d a SOs and 60a <dance, 'Rockin' for a Home,' April 9, 8 p.m. tel a.m., at Port Darlington Marina Hotl 70 Port arington Rd. (Lake Rond offLbet Street South), Bowmanville. ickets are $15 and include a buffet. Door prizes and a conteet for best dressed for the era. For mor information, cal) 404-2102.

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