Whitby Frue Press, Wodnusday, Mat'ch 23, 1994, Page il Goal exceeded in Big Brothers' Bowl for Millions B EinO'Connor The gw for Millions held recently raised $34,000 for local Big Brothers. That's $4,000 more than -the goal of this year's fundraiser. "We're really pleased (that) we made the goa," says Cheryl Vogel, a Big-Brothers organizing member. "Ail in al, " says Vogel, "lwe had about 520 bowlers, Which is up from last year, when we had around 350." Pontiac 4bBuic0k o GMC Dealeýrs gîveU y/ou what you want for a price that fils. It's that simiple., PONTIAC SIJNBIRD LE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN FEATI..RES: * 4-wheel ABS.e automatic FEATURES: e driver's side air bag e 4-wheel FEATURES: e dual air bags e 4-wheel ABS transmission air conditioning e AM/FNI ABS e air conditioning e AM/FM stereo cassette e 160 H. 3.1 litre SF1 V6 e AM/FM sterea stereo ('assette e pulse wipers e trunk release * pulse wipers * power door locks e automatic e autornatic transmission e air conditioning plus miuch mnore... transmission e plus much more... e sports appearance package s209 per month fo r 36 months* Smart Lease for s$239 per month for 36 months* Smart Lease for s299 per month for 36 months* U LII [O 10 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM FEATURES: driver's; sid air hag * 4-wheel ABS *3.8 litre SF1 V6 e dual zone air conditioning *tilt/cruise e power windows/locks & AM/FM stereo cassette e pulse wipers BUICK LE-SABRE CUSTOM FEATURES: dual air bags e 4-wheel ABS e 1, 8 litre SF1 V6 " air conditionfing * rilt/cruise e power windlows " power driver seat.- remote keyless entry " power antenna a trunk release 1 i A IN A Srnart per month I.ià Smart per rnonth Lease $ fo r Lease$ for fo 436 months* s399 36 months* PONTIAC TRANS SPORT SE FEATURES: driver's side air bag e 4-wheel ABS e polymer body panels e 7 passenger modular seat ing e automatic transmission a air conditioning e plus much more... You r Choice Smiart per nonth Lease $2 9 for fo r $29 48 onths* GMIC SAFARI PERFORMANCE EDITION FEATURES: driver's sicle air bag a 4-wheel ABS a 4.3 litre EFI V6 olectronic transmission " 8-passenger seating *A'/FM stereo cassette " captain's chairs e*(Jeep tinted glass a power door locks e ruiing boardý The Exci*tement and Ouality you expect. Priced Right PONTIAC e BUICKo GMC ýmA' 1 yv A % & AL&vi Leases for veficles equrpped as desc bed Sunbird LE Sedan 36 rrirnlrr ern- i r *2U 1(,Vvflrrrrr" rf i rr ,rrrerrt triosS595 frvrqllrt S300 50< rtv depusit Grand Arn SE Sedan 36 monih terrir Si. 966 nrrnim urni iîwi pvirierit pits ,S r'-t f i rt _ and S300 securrty deposit Grand Prix SE Sedan 36 month terrir SI 846r fr'.r rt,,,pi,, r r ofir.t laid S350rt crcrry repi>.srf Roual CCusfrm 36 monfh Ierm S907 minimtim down paytieft li pis Sî60 frvrOtit ,mil 2 svttfi t' i LeSabre Cuistom S2 179 minimum down payment plus S870 fi eigt ai tSA wî , I' jf, I r.SPîrilSF 48 nrîrtî terni 52131 down paynient plusi S745 treight. ard 5325 sfetiitfy depirsit (iMC -ataf rS'Iiloeý.r . .i Il plus S820 freighî and S32 5 secu rity deprisil 12 and 24 rmorîtt Ii rses a o r f r1- Jii. i . 1' 'jr île a t r 5frirrs noniy Soiîrri ifrrl agerconitions apply Licerise insurance. and fatitps foiidei ddOff.IosgrtýI. ii 4r t. -iralor fnodpt'. Dedier rrder or tade may be necessary These maf % .' î 'i r rrrrl' ý0 o.l y rrrht lirerfers Daler irry asefrtless See Dealfer for delaits Vehtcles miv ntf Oc ex,îtty s shovt.rr Sm art, Lease for 1