Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wodnesday, March 2. 1994 NAILS BY ANGELA. Alsa available wax pedicure, etc. Reasonable rates. Cai for appontmont 666-5060. 1 want ta thak ali my clients & friends who have supportod me these pasi 5 years. MACGREGOR & WEST AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& HOUSEHOW EFFECTS SUNDAY, MARCH 6th at i 2:OOnoon (VIEWING i 0:3Oam) ORON O TOWN HALL, MAIN ST. ORONO (WSke401 to 115M3 Hwy. & norlh 10lkm) Auction features a quality selection of antique fumiture in as found & refinished condition, plus numnerous calloctables faund In & araund the home of the past & present. Partial ist includes 4 Camea Back aak pressback chairs, oak washstand, oak serpentined f ront Ifft top desk, bianket box, storage trunks, 4' &k church pow, mapie table (c. Il900). mosc tables j..cen parlour, child's, etc.), stanegiass windows, mantie ck, misc. dressers & chests of drawers, aid cupboards, chairs & rockers, imgted edition & docorative. art pictures, quality selection 0 f glass & china, aid coins, plus numerous colloctables faund in & around the home. Also several Royal Doutan figurines (many discontinued). This ls only a smail llst of the many quality items featured in this large sale. (next auction - Sunday, March l3th) Cali for al yor uctian eeds McREGOR & WEST Mike MaGregor 905-987-542 Junior West 905-983-5556 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY' MARCH 4 AT 6:OOPM THE PRÃ"PERTV 0F THE LATE MRS. HELEN PIERCY 0F LINDSAY PLUS OTHERS 9 pc. walnut dining room suite with Duncan Phyfe drop lafd table, 4 p.white French Provincial broam suite ca-ail lampe, console colour f.V., childs desk & chair, modern dressers & chasts of drawers, set of Royal Crown derby dishes, 3 pc. modem bedromr suite, Auacada 2 door refrigeratar & matchi ng 30 In. electrnc stove, chesterfields, occassionai chairs, bed chesterfields, captains bed, farour chairs, 15 eu. ft. & 21 eu. ft. freezers cattie de-horners, 1981 Buick Skylark. Plus a quantity of china, glass, collectables& hausehoid Items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCI10NEERS RR #1, LITLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE. Kahn Country Auctions - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located an Brack Rd., Fickerin, 3 miles north of Hwy. mi0 (t ae exit #399). Foaturing every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, coilectables, primitives and other unusuals. So join us evevy Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's atrue* auctions with ne buy-baeks or reserves. Terme: cash, choque (with proper .D.) or Visa. Previews f rom 1MO p.m. mçansigniment & estate sellingKour ipecialiy'. Cali us today- an Auction Sarvices - 683-004. B udget offers 'balanced approach' MORE FROM PAGE 1 business ta create Jobs without an artifical stimulus from governînent is a departure from previous Liberal and even Pro- gressive Conservative budgets. «I think we've rocognized for nom. turne that g:overnxent'can- not substitut. -or the private nectr,» said McTeague. "In" the past, whether the. Ià berals undoer (Pierre) Trudeau or the. Conservatives under (for- mer Ontario premier Bihl) Davis, government spen ding wasn't the. answer,» ho said. «Government con set the plan, but it's up ta the private soctor to talc. the.initiative.» McTeaguîe's view that the. budgt taklesthe countr,2s major problemns while at tie saine tirne protecting social pro gransisnat sh a.d by New Democat MPP Gord Mille. The. Durhan. East representa- tive le worried about the. impact of the. federal budget on Ontario's own budget expected in April. Althoughtransfer payments ta help fund provincial socal pro- #rames wiIl ris. this year, the. increase will only bu a sigiit once since Ottawa plans on reforming the. current systexu.. "We're put in an awful posi- tion, there's nothing to reliovo the inequities with transfer pay- ments," said Mills. Claiming that Ontario in being "short-changed," Mille said h.e had hoped for "better thinge» from tiie new governinent. "T«i. provincial government will have ta make up the deficit or pass it on ta the local tsi- payers and that concerne me,» he Edwards commended the. Liberala for not ra.ising taxes, but was critical of the. unempboy- ment insurance proposais.- «I con only présume there will bu a burden on welfare psy- ments,» he said. "It will make it more difficuit for aur budget. Some progranis will have ta bu eut and some, don. away with,» h. said. Raising taxes ta compensate la "out of the. question,» said Mille. "People will have ta learn ta des) wth loes and psy more," he said. In addition to, critiizing the level of transfer payments~Mille termed plans ta cut haclc un- emplo>rment insura.nce a "dumb moe. "It will hurt people. To work longe for lese mnon.y lu like scking it in therir cs»h maid. But according ta Mills, the. «worst disaster was 0ttawas "cave in ta Québec" on the. cigarette tax which forced Queen's Park ta do thie sein.. "What's next, cuting liquour taxes hecause wo can't cometer» ho asked. Mills said the. Hiram Walker distillery is having financial pro- bleme and might well consider soeking toi relief. "I suggest it might happen,» h. said. Millsesad more enforcement '«at al bevels" was needed ta fight cigarette samuggling, not malung tobacca products cheaper. «Caving in ta people who break thelawiswrong,» he said. Althust hodidnot attack the. budget, Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards was also worried about its implications. "Obvious1y we won't get irn- provements in transfer pay- mente," said Edwards. If chlorine in giving hfrds twisted beakis, what w it doing to us? For sorne of the answers, Durhami Enviro<mmental Network (DEN>in m"lsong a discssin «enth important issue .Wedrisday, March 99 70 p.9 e t D=haCollege lecture hall C»11& Ouest i7aker in Jayalter from Greenpeao, hawill discu jrcblems e neri and the foet tdut it poses a nevere throat to, the ecoaystem. Usualy when we thinket chloeine1 * in*mg watar ewage treatment and swirnming poold diuaifecacme ta midL ùhoÃeor thene ame only a more 1 per cent cf the chloelne ued. icafi indu*ty combines chlorine with Metmchemicalstaoemate thouad of oigaaocHloine pestîcides, plastic, solvents, refigerants and offier Species nmeati top cf the. food chain heur the greatoot burden. Organochloines are known ta cause birth defects eiad;ie developmental and neuoLagica.L im-pu-amiret; cancer, Immune suppression and dainage ta the. lver, Idnyardoerogs.A least 177 omanochlorn have been fondin human Ummue and fluide, inc:ludiîng&ft, freast milk, blood, semen and freth, in Canadians and Amnerioens. On.eway ogauhlr nes a ssed oM from one generation tu the neit is tJUv>Ugithe pOCOItB At least 168 cranochlorume are .ueu' cal present"in water, sedments ana living tissûse <f tii eatLie csso Reoently, a virtual eiminatiLon task force (MMF)ws ppMtedb an itnionaljoint commission (UJC) pas otchmne The VETF misson is to, advisthi enmssno stops th at mnust b taken to rmach the. Great L"ke Water Quafity Agreement goal of "virtualeliminatdion" of persistent taxiubtace in the. Great La sbasinecetm The IWC (aJçanadian treaty rnizatn)stated, "Burely there can bu no more cnnpeUhng seif-inteet to f«Sc us to caine to gripe wit this problem dthobei spectre < darnaging the integrity of aur own species and its entiro environment. DEN urges anyrone interestod in chid development, health * sacia[behmaviural problems and envin>nmnW concerne ta %wWud chlorine bu phaued out? Attend the sen ansd yaii ho theJu<ige. Lug-a-rnug for coffee or tea. * Tij Vinoa han been used as a cleoner fur centuries. PMl strengti, it willmakestainlessteel suraceaand bathybn futures sparklin cleean. Dilute wit water for édeaning tiles% wiping off smeas o refrgeratars and other appliances, or removrng grime and gos.Vinegar is excelent fr cloafiung windosand mirrors. I hear its8=s good on french fiieszt DURHAM REGION THE REGIONAL MIUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PICKERNG/AJAX WATER SUPPLY PLANT COMMITEE COMMITTEE CHAIR APPOI NTM IENT The Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant Committee has been established ta deai with speciflo issues during, the detailed design, construction, and operations phases of the proposed Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant located on Lake Driveway East, Ajax. The Committee is seeking applications from residents of Durham Region who wvish to be considered for the position of Chair of the Committee. This is a voluntary, unpaid position. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesclay of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Region of Durham Works Department Boardroom, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby. If you wish to be considered for appointment as Committee Chair, please provicle a copy of a brief resumé ta one of the Committee members isted below by Monday, March 14, 1994. Candidates to be considered wiIl b. independent/neutral. c/o the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 105 Cons umers Drive Whitby. Ontario LUN 1C4. Fax: (905) 668-2051 The Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant Commltte Vour Financial Health Derek Dutka Budget report 994 The fa-et Libera budgtin mon y years was tabld Fob. 22. It in perhape the. mont reitie budget in recent history, but it raison more questions than it answors. The budget assumes slow economic growt1 chanes in nemployment and a,0.5 ta 1 per cent rncrease in sot2r intereet rates. The bugt cut' relly translate into no new spending - the predicted déficit reduction will corne from increased revenues, 00opp odt a d ocease in overali go ernment spending. ajor cuts have been sent to tank fores for reviow. If the task forcs reelly do report bock quickly and if the federal and provincial govrnments con co-operate in the review and redesign of major socal programslthn this budget will bu a s SoIteptowvard reigning inthe dfCit. ime ill tell if rieal changes are being made> or if once arthe Canadian électorats, i. being mesmerized by the unonfrgreat actvity. PESONAL TAI MERASURES Capitalgan exemption: It was expected t o and it didi -the $1e000~ exmption is now history. Hiolwever, the government will allow individuals ta triggeà al or a portion of the gin accrued as of Feb. 22, 1994. Taxpayers must make thiselection an their 1994 income tai return (due April 30, 1995). mhe $500,000 lifetime exemption for farm proert and small businesss stayed. This is under review for future changes. H[ome Buyeru' Plam The tempoeary Home Buyers? Plan which was ta concludo March 1, 1994 has been extended indefinitely. First-time home buyor may withdraw unpto $20,000 tà x-fre. from their RRSPs tao purchase a qai home. moere is a 15-yoar repayment achodule. Age crodit: The credit for Canadians aged 65 and over is now su1bject ta an incrne test. This will work much like the clawback of Old Age Security. Seniors with incarnes Isas thon $25,921 will not bu affected. Seniors with incarnes i excesof t49,134 will les. the.agm credit completely. Other items: AsofJuly 1, 1994, the coot of ail employer- paid group term life inuacvill bé a taxable benofit.. The charitable donation credit will proi the maximum toi break at a threshold of $200 versus theforer minimum cf $250. moere wereran other items in the budget;7 but the above- mentioned are=tos which affect your personal tex planning. RRSPs were spared in the budget, but there are items %uâder review' for future budets that could have a drarnatic impact on your financial situation: -RRSPs, ail ocal security proamsthe $5O,OOO capital gain exemption for fartmr and am buaiessesfamily trusts. The bottom 1mw ê:Spond same ie developig a sound financial plan, taking into consideration existing tai laws and yourown ersna objectives. Unlees y ou are .vory Icowbedgeobb inths area, you should consider developing a Iongterni relationship with an indendent financial advisor. D ûreDuka is a ginac tant in tbhe owtb.o' Oshawa are& Région of Durham Works Committee Ajax Waterfront Advisory Committee Town of Ajax Council Rlegion of Durham Works Department Ajax Save the Waterfront Commitee CKLR1E ..OBSCENE Roger Anderson Angela Bober Pat Brown Ken Thompson Shernil Willard