Page 2. Whitby Free Pres. Wéceday, February 23, 1994 Hadquatesfurniturebudgelt 1reducetd Durham Board of Education This week's special... trustees have shaved a quarter of a million dollars from the furniture and equipment budget for their new headquarters in Whitby. Cash ody - Mile uanfdes las[. They now expýect to spend almost $1.7 millIion to, furnish Saveanextra4 / à taxes oaypur RRSP oentrbuton tM ya WORKING VENTURES CANADIAN FUNO INC. DEREK DUTKA *The extra provincial tax credits are available to investors in Ori-tao, Prnnce Edward Island and New Bruhswick. CFor more information clil: 579-7777 C inancial Cocept Groupmm *Flnancaal Concept Copoation is a licensed Mutual Fund dealer. F.C.G. Securities Corporation is a icensed Socuritios dealer. ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Famne Centurion MATURE AREA! 1987, 1988, l' Close to ail amenities. Featuring eat-in 1 991,1i99 ktchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, central air, walkout to deck, great in-Iaw ge*-L6i apartment set-up and 4 applîanoes. W*iliT!. ASKING $137,500.001 CALL ROSEMARV BROWN AT 433-2121 1989, 1990, 92, 1993 ICALL ROSEMARY BROWN 433-2121 E 1 " JUST vP LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES.» andeui the centre, down from the $1.e95million cost forecast in a 1990 report. AmQng- the largest reductions *$lOU,000 less for office furni- ture (now $627,000 budgeted). The. tender was les. than fore- cast for furniture and work stations -- purchased from a Pickering company and 100 per cent Canadian-made, trustees note -- and the board ordered less than planned. Buying works- Miracle tations with buiit-in wiring should also save on the. cost of $iinthe new building *$9,500 cut by eliminating plants pianned te decorate thé centre. d* $26,000 cut by eliminating aide chairs" and spending $10 000 les. (now $86,500) on utas;k chairs." * $25,000 cut from the budget for archivai sterage. The board wili make do with existing and $11,500 worth of new storage, equipment. vorkers have new contract Whitby's two Miracle Food Mart stores wiii b. reopening Friday at 8 a.m. after union members ratified a new contract over the weekend. Juet over 3,600 of the chain'. 6,500 fuli- and part-time employees voted in favour of the new deal which ends a bitter three-month strike which shut down the chain'a 63 Ontario stores. ii. agreement will mean a $1.75 an hour wag ct -les. than the company had orignally demanded, according to the. union -- and the closure of Mira- cle's Chatham store, throwing some 40 people out of work. Miracie's owner, A&P Canada, had reportediy proposed shutting four stores earhier in the dispute. The deai which was h ar- mered out ]hiday with the help of special mediator Vic Pathe, a former Ontario deputy labour minister, also offers buyouts te workers, which Miracle hopes about 700 people wiii accept. Full-time accepting the offer wili receive $1,500 for every year of service, up te a maximum of $35,000. Part- timers will gt $500 a year te a maximum o1f $5000. Empioyees began returning to work Mionday and will b. work- ing around te clock torestock te storesa company spokesper- son says. eiracle expecta al brut the Chathamn store te b. opened as pianned Friday morning. By Miko KowaliId More Catholic students couid b. walking te schooi this Septem- ber. Durham sepairate sohool board trustees are considering a pro- posai that wouid modify b us routes acroas the region. Although a few schoois would se. their routes increased, the majoritwould b. cut back. The. proposai, aimed at ehi- minatinïg inequities in the .cur- rent system is scheduled te corne before the. Loard's property and transportation committe, on March 7. As commit.. chair Judy Morris Celebrate Your Child's Birthday Party I at<Diry Queen PER CHILD INCLUDES: * $20,000 cut by eliminating dispaysandseatmng from the * $15,O cut from the coin- puter room budget (now $35,000) by usîng reconditioned flooring. Big ticket items remaining ini the budget include $285,000 for a boardroom public address/audio visual system, $ 106,000 for the centrai monitoring room, $90,000 for window coverings and $80,000 for meeting room chairs and tables. The. board says it will pay for the new furniture and equipment through the sale of properties -- including its current headquar- ters at 555 Rossiand Road West, which i. being «actively mark.- tedn - and reserve funds. AUl existing furniture and equipment that can b. used will b. trustee. promise. Wi'e new headquarters, which ha. been combined with the Sin- clair High School building on the north aide of Taunton Road bet- ween Garden and Anderson streets, is te b. completed by September. expiained, the recommendation te change the bus route boun- daries stemmed from an ad hoc review of the board'. 21 elemern- tairis. wanted te ensure that studenit. living ithin generally accepted dis- tances were oniy being bused, for safety reasons, she said. (1 "After we did a thorough review of ail the schools we discovered that there were ini- equities,» said Morris. «Now weýre iooking inte fair- ne.. and equity and applying guidelines r.gion-wide," she said. Superintendent of operations Cieary Smith said the board'. current transportation - policy do.. not define a specific dis- tance before students are bused te schooi. A number of factors such as approximate distance, natural and geographic boundaries, and safety hazards (<the 401, train tracks") determine if students are bused, Smith said. Financial reasons were not a consideration in the decision, he stressed. <'W. anticipate there wili b. minor savinge, but that was not a determining factor," said Smith. Morris, a Whitby trustee, con- curred. "That could b. an offshoot of it, but keeping costs down was a secondary issue,» Morris in- sisted. "It was neyer the mandate of the (ad hoc) committee to save money. Tii. paramount issue was safety," she said. Although some parents have threatened te pull their children out of the separate schooi system if the proposai passes, Morris wouid not indicate how wide- spread this feeling may b. «Soin. parents said that was a possibility, but I can't comment on what wili happen. ii. respon- sibiiity i. up te individual parents," she said. Morris said the public is wei- corne te make presentations te her committee on March 7. Color Your Worid* Cali Dave or Sandra 435-O08 iii ,]R 474 r'T & I ii INTERIOR LATEX SEALER 1916 Dundas Street East, Whitby Cnd' etPint&WaiaprVau -* ié f .5. I * * .,il leère's canle: Invesum in Working Ventuits $,e Tax Savings -20 -RRSPmtx deduction (at 5001oasmed tax rme) Federal Tax CnSlit (20%1/) -$, Provincial Tax Credit* (20% whte appicable) -$,0 Your Net Cos$0 YourTotai Tax Savings$40 Board may cut school bus route q r- $51(M $2," $500 $4,U lý %""Il- fflIýlIl, 0,5011-1