Whitby Free Press, 16 Feb 1994, p. 24

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Page 24, Whity fre Prou, Woclnesdlay, February 16, 1904 QOSHAWA QDRIVINO Osaa*728-0091 EuI Drivers Education Courses MARCH 22ndi Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course MARCH 26th Saturdays 4 week course B00K NOW FOR MARCH BREAK MARCH l4th to l7th March Break - 4 day course - PRIVA TEL ESSONS - REGITERE à PPROED B TH ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE EVENING FRENCH CLASSES starting week of March 21.- $70 for 25 hr. course. Fiuency in 6 easy steps. Cati Jacques at 666-0993. AEROBIOS. Saturday morning 10w Impact aerobics ciass In Whitby. Taught b y certfi ed instructor. For more info cati Julie, 666-2092. BETIY'S SHOPPING SERVICE. Availabie in Whitby/Oshawa area. For a reasonabie fe. have your weekly shopping don. by retired seniors. Membership iimited. Cal 728-4694. WE DELIVER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 ?c'- 4 q4a ltee4 Flre/Water/Smoke Clearup and Restoradon (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE DEST WILL Da' 436-6000 r -F-YMZGERWff iCARPEWI * Homale Imyov E Rec Roomi * Drywal)AndPia a 19 Years in 1 Durham vRgon ALLD TRY LTD. Addition8o meznt i M E M i E E E E E E i J WHY NOT freshen up for spring? Quality painting and decorating at the boasi pnces, commercial, residential and industrial. Cali Stewart 430-2097. PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN AVAl LABLE, 25 years experi- ence, for wedding ceremonies l pano or organ), receptions, upnerals, or any speclal occasion. For that speclal touch. Cati anytime: 666-2085. TYPING AVAILABLE - word processing, resumes, letters and reports professionaily prepared. Please contact 686-4504. NAILS BY KATHY. *No dri - No damage. For a prof esslonaliy appflednaturai look!ngacrylio nail new set - $40, fi - $20, cali today 430-7127. FURNITIJRE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Specializing in Eariy Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainiment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quaiity workmanship guarantee. References supplied. For a free quotation cati Gary at 666-1913. BUSINESS CARDS hot foil prining. top quaiity, low pnices. 666-2852. UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Erro's A ppiiance Repair. We rearailI major appliances, Inluinggas appliinces. W. buy umedi Ai parts guaranteed one year. Monday to Saturday, 432-7734. COM PLETE RENO VA71ONS. Kitchens, bathrooms, ceramic tii., carpentry and doors & windows. SmaII repairs. Home & office. Bilt Hopper Contracling 686-4242. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive q uaity portraits. Studio or ln home. Bab es, chiidren, familles.: Packages from $29. Also: weddings, christenings, groupe, bo)udoir, copy & restoration, ecutive, promotionai. No GST. 427-9164. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewtng machine repaire. Al makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete t une-up from $29.95 + e arts. Facto ry trained technlctans. or free pick-up & dellver cal! 432-7375. JOSEPH FURNITURE REFINISHING. Furniture touch- ups on premises by expert craftsman with 35 years experience. For a free estimate, please cail Joseph or leave message. 430-9664. COMPUTER. Paradox Custom Progiramming for smali businesses and' home Office. Homnebudget/tutoring available. Cali Jake at 721-2509. J & D CONSTRUCTION. Complet. basement & bathroom renovations. Drywall, tapin g, and textured ceilin gs. Paint ing & walipapering. Free ostimates. References. 10 yrs. experience. Cati 430-3957. KANDYMAN AVAILABLE: Basements finlshed, painting, home repair & improvement, cleanup jobs, rubish removal, plckup & dellvery, smali moving jobs. Doug 436-0398. LASTING IMPRESSIONS - A unqaand affordabie approach to deoainq. Painting, wallpapering, accent window treatments, s pace planning, etc. For rour F REE estimate or consultation cali Dianne at 430-2458. '4<4<... 1~ I j Il n CALL BIG DAVES PLUMBING B ROOKLIN 655-5934 The Mutual Group1 p~j ofil~ Excellent Quallty & Service W. do dcia,,lng shirts, iaundry aailkFds of aterations & repairs. 2555 lbikson Rd. - 576-2510 Dryden & Mhlcson, besid No MFrits J HERB TRAN r.ifor quotatron 11--68-9690 32-721J RTRYYTTrNUTIES~ GICsRRSs Derek Dutka Spectalizing in fax and reirement planning since 19861 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINmmENr.j [AcLVrtiSng Worup HOUECENO the old fashion wa. W. luss wlth your muse durlg th day. FUSSY DUSTER guarnteos satisfaction every time. Eny your lelsure to it's prime. 6680U2. STOP SMOKING ln 30 minutes with laser therapy. No withdrawal or welght gain. Mobile service performed bW R.N. Cai 683-0125. INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared for individuals and smaii busineses by trained preparer. Prices start at $20. Gt 'a' p rofessionai Job. Results verified by computer. 666-2759. CUSTONVW1NDOW DRAPES, valances and accessories. Many fabrios and styles to choose. Vour fabric weicome. Caîl Xpressionz today 666-762. FREE ln-home consultation. BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Smail business specialist. Weekly or monthiy, updatinq to financials. Government remittances and reconclilations. Top Job, reasonable rates. 666-5338. COINDYS ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson Lanes. Corne see me for ail your sewlng needs. Tues. - Fr1. 10 - 5:30, Sat .1 - 3.430-6550.1 INCOME TAX RETURNS $25. Fast and accurate. Pick-up and delivery avtlable. Il have: an M.B.A, Professionai Tax Tralnlng, 5jyearssxperence. Fax & Figures KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoistery of antiques. Ail kinds of recovejingý-Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 Vearsi experience. 430-7568, PIANO TUNING & REPAIRS. Prof essional and experlenced service. Guaranteed lowest rates. Cali anytime for free q uotes, 666- 4250. Available to Durharn Reglon residents and surrounding areas. RENOVAT1NG? PAINTING? Need someone to do your work or Jus advlse you. We can help. P'ainting, masonry, tii., etc. Cali Mike, 666-0171. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WELL ESTABLISHEO OPTICAL finishing Iab for sale. Serving local doctars ln Northwestern Ontario. Equiprnent and stock. Asking $125,000. Phone (807) 274-2938 ask for Paul. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwesîern School ai Auctioneering. Next Cîass: March 12- 18. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School ai Auctioneering. R.R.#5, Woodslock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519> 537-2115. EARN EXTRA MON'EY. Incarne Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondance, Free brochures. Na obligation. U & R TAX SERVICE LTO., 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba R13T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train at home for careers in: Accounling;: Aircondilioning;, Bookkeeping; Business; Eiectronics;, Law Erforcement; Medical Secretary;- Paralegal; Travel; etc. 263 Adeaide St. W. (5A) Toronto. 1-800-950-1972 HELP WANTED - SUMMER EMPLOYMENT SI.MMER EMPLOYMENT required for Ontario canai shlp. Live"aboard, May 14/Oct. 12. Require cooks, servers, deckhands. Appty in handwritlng, Ontario Waterway Cruises. Box 6, Orillia, L3V 6H9. SALES IIELP WANTED TAKE THIS JOB and lave il! LANTANA is a ieading fashion network marketing company laoking for people iike you ta become Fashion Consultants. Cai 1-800-463-8859. COMPARE US TO THE REST! We*il stand the test! In product selection, pricing and delivery, in business ethics. hostess plan. commissions. recruitung and management compensations. You wont find a better opportunity, full or part time. To 'make an lnformed decision cali, 1-800-461-1552. The Fashion Network. Do il now or someone aise wilij PERSONALS LIVE A HEALTHIER AND LONGER LIFE! Rid your body of harmnful efects of daily pollution. B5uy and read "Clear Body Clear Mind'r by L. Ron Hubbard. ($22.00) caîl 1-800-561-5808. LACK 0F MONEY7 Effeci of the economny? Warried about jobs? Be happy and succeed, in Ille! Buy & Read 'Problema of Work" by L. Ron Hubbard. ($30.00) Cati 1-800-561-5808. ADOPTEES SIRTH PARENTS SIBLINGS. Looking for each olher? Cali "Tire Long-Lost Connection" Monday- Friday. 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 1-800-668-LOST. Not yet ready? Keep this ad. GREAT SEX/no age limit. Overcome erection problems caused by prostate surgery, diabetes, ogang etc. .. Get tha tacts tram: Performance Modical, Box 418. Vatemount. B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1- 800-663-0121. WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205. Chase, B.C.. V0E1Mo ADOPTION SEEKING TOADOPT preciaus newborn into aur homne fiiled wilh love and affection, doling grandiparents close by. Wa love music and the outdoars and believe in providing many. many, apportunities for aur chitd. Working wilh licensed professionals. PLEASE CAIL 1-800-387-8582. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'Il take il! America's largest. oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. timeshare rentaIs needed. Cali 24 hours a day. . STEEL BUILDINGS BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. Proudly made In Canada for rural. industriel, commerical. Drawings with buildings. Drap packages or eracted. Free Estimates Cali (705) 431-6777. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strailwalt Type - not quonset - 32x54 V7,899; 40x72 £11.924; 5OX90 $16.954. 6OX126 $25.883 - -other sizes available - Misceltaneous clearance - Paragon 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. AIL STEEL BUILDINGS, Straight Sided Models. Variaus sizes. eg. 30'W x 50'L - $7,152.00 l&luding ends and door. Cai Futurs 1-800-668- 8653. ndivi due Pr vnc.dp la Llm led . a Cai Thil O sWspaper od ay ld~ o n "1CROSJa CANADA MARNKEuPk. Eue ont&* mad Cn<gnCommtN.upAsocistimm Cental flswspapsmeffrs - 88 fr 5words *AN Ontario 178 nwspep.rs - i8Oor 25 word. ' CenralOrtrlo50Au Conada 5Sa ne m .s- 81,183 fer 25 word. J For furth.r Information plias. cmliithe Whitby Fru. Pru.. CassIfi*ds.- 6684-l i I I AUCTUON EERS The people of Whitby and surrounding areas enjoy attending auction sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertising in the miost widely read pages In Whitby - The Whftby Free Press, Classifieds. Cati: 668-611il - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... .Nb r ..s~~6-1I fleHor:M na ~Fiay ; 0ant : O i a $ -5 -Mi dow 1 1 i

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