Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1993, p. 3

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Whitby Free Press, Weckiesday. Deoember 29, 1993, Page 3 An ti -whisting1 request is approved By Mike Kowaiski There will ha fewer train whis- ties in some parts of Whitby in the future. Durham Region counicil last week agreed to ask Canadian Pacifie te order its engineers net te blew their train whisles when appreaching the railway crossing en Hepkins Street, seuth of Dun- das Street. Council's decision -fellows a request from the Tewn o-' Whitby. Nearby residents have cern- plained fer years about train whistles disrupting their neigh- bourhoods, prirnarily at night. Even theugh there may be ne heuses in the immediate vicinity of the crossing, whistles are heard fer miles around since the engineer starts sounding the whistle before the train reacheF the crossing. Whitby initiated similar action involvin the CP cressing en Garden 9treet two years age, but needed Durham's apprevalsince Hopkins Street is a regional Boy SCOUT David LeDressay presents Kristina McCann with a 'good service' medal given by the Boy Scouts of Canada. McCann was given the award in a ceremony last week at St. John the Evangelist School. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Coalition has new executive Executive members were elec- ted at a Dec. 9 meeting ef the Family Coalition Party of Dur- hiam Centre and Durham West. Presideint is Joseph Carvaîho of Pickering and vice president is Anne Murphy of Witby. Chief financial officer is Deug Hawkins, secretary Brian Chias- son and directer Judy Momns e1 Whitby. road. But as counciller Marcel Brunelle p oints out, an anti- whistling bylaw dees net neces- sarily put a step te train whis- tles. "The engineer stili has the right and respensibility to blow the whistle at any time," said Brunelle. That 18 why whistles can stili eccassionally ha heard in the Garden Street area, he added. Wheregreagresbgn CLAMEN houseplant with a protlusion et colorful blossoms. 6"pet- CSPECIAL VANDERMEER NURSERY "Where Great Gardens B3egin" Corner of Bayly & Lakeridge, Ajax 427-2525 HOURS 401~~ mon. to Fr.N 1 Dam -5pm ~> CLOSED 11 Jan.1st &2nd un Janit2m/94 -BalyS t.E. By Mike Kowalski Whitby residents will be given another opportunity next week te previde input into how their municipality should gow. Town council's planning and development committee has set aside two days te hear presen- tations pertaining te Whitby's draft efficia, plan. Afternoon and evening ses- sions will be held Jan. 5 in the ceuncil chambers and, if necess- ary, the following day as well. Trhese wishing te make a pre- sentation te committee must con- tact the Town clerk's de partment te ensure they are included on the agenda. Earlier this month, a draft proposai of Whitby's new plan was unveiled b y representatives of M.M. Dillon Ltd., the consult- igfirmn conducting the Town's official plan review. Dillon has spent the past three years updating Whitby s existing plan -- a document which spelîs eut preferred land uses in a municipality. The new plan, once approved by council, wîll guide develop- ment in Whitby over the next 20 years. Councillor Ross Batten, plan- ning committee chair, said the draft proposaI will likely ha "ipretty close" te the final version. «We've received some calîs and miner adjustments have been made., but I don't think we'1l see anything major," said Batten. «By and large, most people who've seen the plan and have an interest in it, are happy with what they see," lhe said. Batten noted that after several discrepancies early in the pro- cess, the draft plan generaly_ conforms te Durham Region s recently approved plan -- but with oe notable exception. The route fer a proposed freeway link in west Whitby bat- ween Hwy. 401 and the future Hwy. 407 has yet te be deter- mined. While Whitby opposes any link at aIl if one must be buîlt, council prefers that it run aleng Lakeridge Road. The Ontario Ministry of Trans- portation wants the iînk built further east between Halls and Coronation roads. "The only big difference is the Hegion shows the Iink in white in their plan, our's won't. Wa assume it won't ha there," said Batten. But if Whitby loses its battle against the link, council will have te make a decision on what te do about land adjacent te the freeway, Batten said. (Future land uses in west Whitby have been deferred by the Mnistry of Municipal Affairs until the hink's route has been decided.) ProposaIs contained in the draft plan include: 4a projected population of 125,000 by the year 2011 and 155,000 by the year 2021; * directing growth in rural areas te the hamiets of Myrtie, Myrtle Station, Ashburn, Mace- donian Village and the Almonds subdivision, where possible and fuue osigte be 70 per cent low density, 20 per cent medium density and 10 per cent high density, along with adoption of plicies te encourage residen- tia intensification; * developmnent of a major com- mercial area at Brock Street and Taunton Road; *establishment of linked pak and open space systems, terimary of which will be the Oak Ridges Moraine, Lake Ontario waterfront, Heber Down Conservation Area, and a system of"Cireenways" comprised of val- leylands, parks, utility corridors and open spaoe areas. After the draft plan is circula- ted for public/agency comments, Dillon will present t he final plan to, committee next April. The plan is scheduled for coun- cil adoption in June and then will ba forwarded te the province fer its approval. NEWYEAR'S HOIDAY the offices of the Whitby Free Press will bc cod on Friday, December 3lst. Noffizi dcadline Moeday nocn fi foinuary 5xh, 1994 issue. 'I For b taltcove age etp ALL die homes anci/or businiesses ini Whitby OR te sekected areas only. cali the Whitby Free Press - 66"6111. If you dfid not get a ftyer which s lsted for MuI duistnbution, give usa cal. *YMCA Programs (ail homes) *Cullen Gardens& Miniature Village (mailed businesses) DO YOU HAVE A BROKEN WINDSHIELD?1 ONVYOUR INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE WITH THIS AD* with Ineredible new procêss te ropair wlndshlold atone chips. Arid rur insurancOemgcfly counpanl wlth o stJ.tde K e thus~on sdabrein a ir s edOfl Residents can present views on owlicia.1 plan HAPPY N[W 1 y[Ap -7 1 1 ý

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