Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 10

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Page 10, Whutby Free Press, Wednesday, December 22.,1993 WHITBY FIREFIGHTERS Local 2036 this load to Whitby McDonalds manager bought tysaantiyertdoteo Kathy Pittens for donation to the Salvation undepnviiedchildren. Firefighters Jodli Army. Dalby (Ieft) and Randy.Tureski delivered Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Fme Press Fat and jolly Artistic Terrific Apple is you're bad Nice Donc opening presents Very interesting Enourmnous Red-Nos«I Reindeer Yesterday' Jingle Belsa Outstnding at giving L'olli pepa List Yah Chris Lazary CoL J.E. Farewell Publie Sehool BIRD TOUR The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will conduct a teur of the bird feeder trail at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Sunday, Jan. 9, 2 p.m. For more information, contact the authority at (905) 579-0411. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on TIuesday, Jan. 4 and Tuesday Jan. 18, 7 p.m., at O'Neill dollegiate (cafeteria, first flcor). Stamps, old postcards, cover collections can be exchanged appraised or sold at auction. d!ollectors and visitors are welcome. For more informa- tion caîl John at 725-7962. NEW YEIAR'S EVE DANCE A New Year's Eve dance will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby, with entertainment b4 country and western band, the Lumber Lost. Hot and cold buffet. Coet is' $20 per person. For tickets, oeil Martin Trpnat 666-1071 or Deug Mfacean at 430-9621. ONE PARENT FAMILlES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association will meet for coffee, cards and conversation on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 8 pi, at Adria Groation Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and guesta always welcome. For more information call 436-5089 or 728-1011. Beautiful lights that sparkle and glow Children having fun playing in the snow Beautiful red cardinals singing Soft bells ringing Church bells chime Reindeer cdimb That's what I like about Christmas. Very cold and icy Cider hot and spicy Santa's in a red cap Lightly the reindeer tap Santa calîs Light snow falls That's what I like about Christmas. Cardie Joyrner Grade 3 West Lynde Public Sehool ARTHRITIS SWIM The Arthritis Society's aquatic programns will be offered at the Ajax community centre on Fni- days, 3 te 4 p.m., starting Jan. 7. For more information or te regis- ter caîl Patricia Bightwell at 434-7221. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC A special clinic will ho held at the Whitby Legion Hall on Boing Day, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. Regular cinic in Whitby at the Legion Hall will ho on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1 te 8p.m., ONE PARENT FAMILlE S The Nerth Oshawa One Parent Farnilies will hold a New Year's Eve dance at the YWCA, Oshawa. (There will ho ne meeting at the hall Dec. 29.) For more information, call 721-1876. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE The Whitby Lions Club will hold a dance Friday, Dec. 31 at Heydenshore Pavilion. There will ho dancing fromn 9 pa..te 2 amn., mnusic by a DJ, hot and cold buffet, and party faveurs. Call John at 666-2223 or 666-3727 for more information and tickets. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY The West Lynde Community Association will hold a New Year's Eve party on Dec. 31, 8 È.n te 1 a.rn., at the Centennial Bilding,(Regal Room), Centre Street Suh Whitby. Cost, $74 per couple, includes buffet din- ner, champagne, bar. For tickets call 668-6130 or 668-6047. Gravy Drippy, hot Speoning, slurping, eating Burning, yelling, spitting, choking deadly! AaroeiFerguson Col. J.E. Farewell Publie School LE MEILLEURNOEL C'est presque Noël les parents de iÀla ne sont pas ensembles. Ils étaient séparés peur deux semaines Lila veux que son père et sa mère se marient encr re. Quand sa mère dit d'écrire san lettre pour père Noëil, elle écrit qu'elle veux que san mère et son Père se marient encore. Quande Iàa a fni, elle a dit, "Est-ce qu'on va aller à Shoppers Drug Mart?" "Oui, appore ta. lettre. Dans l'aute, san mère demand: "Qu'est-ce que tu as écrit?" J'ai écrit que je veux les poupées mais la première chose est que toi et papa se marient encore." La maman, Stephani dit: "Je ne pense pas que père Noël peux fair ça. "Lla ne parle pas. Quenad Lila et san mère arrivent à Shoppers Drug Mart, il y avait une grande ligne. Lila a resté dans la ligne. Quand c'était son tour elle s'asseoit sur les genoux du père Noël. Elle dit: "Je demande quelque chose très, très difficile mais je sais que tu peux fair. Ca c'est ce que je veux, je veux que mes parents se marient encore. Père Noël dit: "O.K un deux trois. Voila tes parent sont maintenant presque ensembles. Tu drois préparér un rendez-vous à un restaurant." iàla dit: "C'est teut .".."Non dit Père Noël aussi tu dois dire a Nicholas, l'ami de ta mania qu'elle ne l'aime plus." "OK" dit Iàla. Quand elle arrive a la maison, Nicholas était la iàla dit: "Nicholas Stephanie ne tVaime plus." Ensuite Lila décide d'organiser un rendez-vous peur que la maman Stephanie et le papa Michael se rencontrent. Quand Stephani et Michael sont revenues du rendez-vous ils ont dit: "On a quelque chose à te dire. On va se marier." IlIa était très contente. Oui, oui crie Làla le 23 décembre vient. "Stephani est-ce que tu prends Michael comme mari?" "Oui est-ce que tu prends Stephani_ comme ta femme?" "Oui.- Tout le mondie est content du mariage. Megan de Jonge Grade 3 F.M. Heard Publie Sehool THE CUUS BTREE There is a Chrismas tree in my living room. M yMosadw could decorati.e were getting the ornanents eut. When we were finished we started to decorate it. It was fun. When we were finished the tree we had a drink. Then we went te bed. When we got up Wê opened the presents. Iey were dazzling. The end. Ashley Dr. Robort Thoenton Publie Sohool GRADE 6 ANSWERIS TO GRADE 1 LETTERS Dear Sauta, Dear Santa, where exactly do you live in the North Pole? Are you busy this Christmas? I{ow are the reindeer? Are you tired after got everyones'houses? I have Cna very good girl, I help my mom with the dishes. What time do you go out? Do you get really dirty when you go down the chinrney? I would like xnakeup, PuPpy Surprise, and Sally Secret. I wi l ave you a drawing that I drew for you. I hope you like it. Tasha T. St. M[arguerite D'Youville Sehool To my dear friend Tasha T. I live right beside the pele 'in the north. Yes I arn busy this Christmas because I have to get rid of rny awf'u cold. My reindeer are just fine. Yes I arn tired. Pm still tired after last year's trip. rmn pleased that you have been really goed. Remember always help ethers and they wiIl help yeu. Yes I do get dirty when I go down the chimneys., I can't promise yeou everything in pour letter but I wilI try. Se Tasha I wilI try te write you next year. P.S. What cookies? Love, Santa about the milk and SPOTS FUBSTCEMISMS, Sally was trimrning the tree. "Where's Spot?" Sall y sad. "Theres Spot under th e tree. Doet run away again Spot. I love you Mommy and I love you tee Spot." Kristi Adam on, age 6 Belliood Public School THE CHRISTMAS GIFT One snowy night, some id were playing tag. A mnan carne and scared them off. The man was eld and ionely. That night the ids nmade a plan. The id' names were: Ben, Desrie, Coady and* Juan. They wanted te make the man happy Minute after minute, heur atr hour, the ida kept knocking on bis door. Ail of a sudden, some bushes started wiggling. Bon, Coady and Desric aIl ran, butI Juan was Ind and looked in the bush. It was a bear. He helped it eut of the bush. It said, 'Thank-you, M'i grant you three wishes." "Okay," said Juan. I want a glove and a bat for Christmas. And I want te play for a teain." "What sport?" "Baseball," said Juan. Five years later, Juan was a Blue Jay. Bon was a plumber. Desrie was asurgeon and Coady was a tap dancer. The end.. Mark Kalinski Grade 4 ILA. Sennett Public Sehool SANDRA MACKEY and Ryan Jeffs pick up a donation for the Durham Regional Police's fifth annual Christmas Food and Toy Drive at the Durham Down Syndrome Associa- tion's recent Christmas part. Some 44 van loads of toys have been delivered so far, buit more is needed. Donations will be accepted at ail Durham police and fire stations nght Up until Christmas. Cai the drive hottine at 427-1620 for more information. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whi[by Free Press

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