Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 1

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%. - a No.stop sign on Waller BSMike Kowalold Installation of multi-way stop signs on the street where a Whitby girl was killed hast month has been rejected by Town council. Instead, public works staff wiII investigate alternative methods of slowing traffie on Waller Street, council decided Monday. But 'prir te reaching this deci- Sien, thre members of council were accused of being "idiots» by a furious ceunciller Dennis Fox who challenged them te, defenâ their actions te the dead girl's parents. Fox's emotional outburst, which led te hlm storming.eut cf the council chambers in dlisgust, was prompted by the defeat of a recemmendatien from council's eperatiens cemTnttee. Martha Beale a nine-year-old student at 9t. Mark The Evangelist School, was struck and killed by a pickup truck while cressing Wal or Street at Rolling Ares Drive on Nov. 16. Lastwek more than three weeks after th incident, Corrado Gennuso, 36 of 90 waller St., was chargeA with dangerous 1drvi nq causing death and care- Iess driving Area residents met with coin- mittee last week and requested muhti-way stop signs net only at the intersection ef Waller and Rolling Acres, but at other loca- tions in the immediate vicinity. Although a staff report noted that trafic flow in the area does net warrant stop signs and in- talling them wouhd be contrary te To gidelines, the commit- tee felt thewse. Committee recommended in- stalling a muhti-way stop at Wah- ler and*Rolling Acres stationinf a crossing guard near the schoo , SEE PAGE 31 attended the annual Wassail, that included a tree-lighting. Anyone interesteid in joining the Notables, directed by Jim Ashley, can cali the pIcaLidemn Whtby Free Press EVERT McILWAIN sings as a member of the Notables, a community choir based at Whitb y Psychiatric Hospital, during the Dec. 8 Wassail hosted by the hospital's volunteer association. About 300 people Town slams eq, Bly MheKowalski Ontario's new empo en equity law is tee, stringent for Whitby's likig Tewn couni Monday voted te afflrm ite support ef Whitby's nine-year-oId hirinig policy as aeu t t meet Whitby's obligations under provincial equity rls In se deing, ceuncil rejected a recommendation calling fer $40,000 te ho spent on imphementing guidelines which are more in tune with the new haw. Ail members ef council, with the exception of Mayor Tom Edwards and councillor Judi Longfleld who were absent, took turne bashing the eilationte some degree. Council felt that Bill 79 - the Eniployment EquityAct - je net needed in Ontario and that it may croate more probhems than it solves. According te a staff report, Bll 79 is expected te, receive third and final reading in the legislature thie month before becrnig law on Jan. 1. The. bill je aimed at overconing "perceived" direct and indirect discrimination in the. workphace and targets four specific groupe uity egisation for empleyment equity - aberiginal people, persons with disabilities, racial minorities and wemen. The bll sets eut a nuxnber of rules that employers must follow n impees fines of up te $50,000 for non-compliance. 1 oder te comply with the legishation, Town staff had recommended setting aside $40,000 in the 1994 budget fer consulting fees and other measures needed te produce an 1employment equity plan. But counicil turned dewn stafl's request and replaced it with a. resohution frein councillor Rose Batten which states that Whitby's existing policy is sufficient for its requirements. It etates that the Town dees net support any 'policy, precedure or practice" which exchudes any segment of society frem access te em hoyment oppertunities. ~ipepoinghie resolution, Batten teld council that Bill 79 1"gees beyond wht lis reasenable for this country aýnd society." While discrimination on the basie of sexreiPon, or race may have been a commen problem. in the pat, "I don t think it is now," ME PAGE a k HomStyle A H-ome Degfad Improvjement teature See Pages 14, 15 A Notable Noel 1 1

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