Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1993, p. 35

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IA M IMUEMORAN LEGAI__.] .......N HARDIE: Garth Andrew. ln loving memaryof Garth - Fèbruary 28, 1956 -December 12, 1991. W. had this treasur. in earthen vessel. Forever in my heart. Mom. THANKS TO: TMAAJMEJJM for yaur very special help. ARL Me.IL CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobile homes, clubhouse, heated pools, hot tub, tennis, twenty minutes ta Blue Jays and Phillies basebail camps, N .HL hockey, do, horse tracks, beaches. Chldren welcome. 683-5503. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at homo with us.*" Wofessional p et/home sitters are fully bonded & insured. Customn Homewatch International. 666-5353. .. ............ SPANKY'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Residential snaw service. Book earlyl Book nawl Phone Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, snow removal services. Don't get caught in the coîd. Book nowlfor eavestraug h cîeaning ($35) & snow removal. Tree pruning& removal. (905)428-1305. ESTHETIC SERVICE - Holiday Season is appraaching and its trne ta pamper yourselby having ether fibergIass nails, waxing, pedicure, etc. For appointment cal Angela el 666-5060. THANKS b. ta St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favaurs received. P.C. NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DISSOLVE Lands End Accessories Inc. Notice is hereby i en that Lands End Accessories no. intends to dissolve pursuant ta the Business Corporations Act, 1982. Dated at Whitby this l5th day of October 1993. Jacqueline Mictiaud, President. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTI-ERS IN THE ESTATE 0F DOROTI-Y MAUREEN POLLARD late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, deceased Ail dlaims against the Estate of DOROTHY MAUREEN POLLARD late of the Town of Whftby, ln the Reglonal Munlcipality of Durham, who dled an or about the 2th day of March, 1993, mnust b. f ied wth the undersugned, duly verified, on or before December 22, 1993; there- after, the* assets of the above-named estate wiII be distributed having regard only ta the claims then fiîed. DATED at Whitby this 24th day af November, 1993. SIMS MAZAR & BRADY 117 King Street East P.O. Box 358 WhitbyOntario LiN15S4 Solicitors for the Executors BAHAIS BEUEVE. The source of aIl glory is acceptance of whatsoever the Lord hath bestowed, and contentment with that which God hath ordained. For information and discussion calI 668-8665. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI DEC. 10 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. #4 Walnut china cabinet, harvest goîd refrigeratar freezer combination, bake table, walnut buffet, blanket boxes, chesterfieîds, double box sing & mattress, walnut dining table & chairs, coffee & end tables, modern dressers & chests of drawers, odd wooden kitchen chairs, cracks, ca-ail lamps, parlaur tables, platform rockers, new grandfather dlock, table & floar lamps, qty. silver dollars, fifty cent pieces & commemorative coins, etc. large quantmty antique rods & reels, large quantity antique wooden fishing tures & f lies (some in original boxes), apartment size washer & dryer, 2 door almond refrigeratar & 30 in electric stove, boit action shot guns, 22 rifles, fiberglass V2 ton truck cap, plus a large selection of gaad china, glass & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 ORVAL MOILEAN AUCTIONS MONDAY DEC. 13 - li A.M. COMPLETih LIQUIDATION 0F VALLES OPEN FRUIT MARKET LIMITED, WHITBY ON HWY. #12, 1 MILE 'NORTH 0F TAUNTON RD. OR 2 MILES SOUTH 0F BROOKLIN Complote equipment fixtures, shelving, vehicles, off ice equipment, 2 General 2 door coolers, 1 Frostmaster 2 door cooler, 1 Tyler 2 doar cooler, 1 Tyler 3 door cooler, 2 walk-in coolers, quantity outdoor garden carts, shopping carts, quantity H.D. trollies, 2 bot wire wrapping machines, 2 deli showcase coalers, 2 refrigerators, micro- wave, meat slicers, digital comp uting scales, cash registers, hand model lift truck, bulk food bins, large quantity steel shelving, display units, check out units, baskets, skids, outdoor gardon display racks, many fluorescent lig hts, desk, filin g cabinets, 1987 Ford van, 79 G MC Sierra 7000 - 11,000 K g truck, plus many items found in fruit market. Don't miss it. Preview 9 a.m. day of sale. No reserve, business closed. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS LTD. (705)324-2783 OR 1-800-461-6499 f~I A.....E... Crime Steoppers and Durhamn Regional Police are asking for the public's help in solving an armed robbery that occurred in Oshawa on Thursday, Aug. 19. At 9:30 a.m., the manager of Taco Bell at 1320 Sinicoe St. N. left the. stare te make a bank deposit. The. victim was walking te hi. vehicle parked north of the. restaurant, when hie was confronted by tlxe suspect. Tii. suspect was armed wth a fIshing knife. He pointed it at the. victm and demanded the meney bag. The victim did as hie was teld. The suspect then ran westbound behind OTooles and then westbound on Taunton Road West. Tih. suspect is described as male, white, late twenties or early thirties, six feet talI, thin build, approximately 150 pounds. He had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair with a slight wave and it was describeas very stringy. He had a couple of day. of beard growth. He was werng black cotten trac k pants and a white T-shirt with a faded logo. Crime Stoppera will pay up ta $1,000 for information on this robbery or any other seriaus crime. Cali 436-8477 (that'. 436-TIPS). As a caller you will net have te identif~'yvourseif or have te go ta court. A code number will be issued ta you ta protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold i. the co-ordinatar with the. Durham Regional Crime Stoppers prograin and write. thi. article ta help combat crime. Society seeks volunteers The Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit, needs volun- teers te help with special events, speak with children with cancer help with the fundraising and education committees, and as 6 CGenerationts of Service, Quality & Trust " Faniily Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering e Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundan St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After HeuS 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appitments gladly mranged drivers te take patients te and from patient treatment centres. Anyone who can spare a few hours each month can caîl 686- OBTUR AGNES 000K Agnes Cook died Dec. 2, 1993 at Whithv General Hospital. The ew L[Mge resident was 88. 3h. ia survived Ib7 daughter Doria Powell, on Cecil Jern (and hms wife Margaret) and my ndchildren and greewÀhfldreu Whitby Free Press - 668-611il Office H ours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm- Fax 668-0594 THI tLt NG ASS(XIAJýION F t -W.- hv .bn a gammm mm c9nnectidns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE - Free To Cati - Free To Ladies Seeking Gents - Me.1 As Low As 970 A Day 430-706 1 ffl M" 1 WhIIty Fiee Prou., Weêiosday, Dece<nber 8. 993,Page 35 Approimatey $1 illion ianeginaloandhmunic ial taxesl was spent in 1991 on a cleanup acroas Durham Rteion for illegal dumping. Whitby sets aside on average, a yearly bugt of more than $90,000 for litter anâ debris pickup. Anyone 'who sees illegal dumping should report the action ta the proper authorities. How did litter evolve in the first place? On.expantio go.. back to the early days of advertising cigaetesWhensome cigarette comparues not only encouraged employees ta amoke the companybrand, but alse asked them te leave the ernpty package on a street or park bench as a way of fre. advertmsng Thisesony. Santa Claus parade i. another example of how we accept litter as part of our society. At the conclusion of a parade, on. can actuîally se. the route that was taken. Reoently, a group of six Trent University students, enrolled in an environmental science course at Durham College, did a study on roadside litter. Along two quarter-mile stretches of rural roads, more than 80 pounds of garbage was collected. The group observed that the. majority of items found were recyclable. Litter, such as tin caris, plastic baga (dlean bags are accepted for reécding in Bulk Barn stores and some supermark.ts), paper and glass botties, could b. recycled to, save money in terms of energy consumption and boss of natural resources. Hligh on the list were pop cans paper, plastics and fast-food containers. Other items gther.d were a bag of bones, feminine hygiene products, >oi, bb diapers, scrap metal, candy wrappers and cigarett packges. Whether environientalists get. involved in a streain improvement project, cleaning up ravines or roadside litter, the results are similar, and the question is always the sanie: 'Do these saine people, when at home, tos. garbage all around their floors?" During the research, the Trent group discover.d that Canada is on. of the worst countries i the world for producing waste, and that very few studies on roadaide litter h ave been don. in Canada compar.d te the United States. The studente concluded that more education, legislation, studies and personal involvement are need.d. They believe that education will make us aIl aware of the problems and help creat. possible solutions. Studies will tell us what i. working in order te legislate more effectively. Lastly, we aIl need te think globally but g et involved locally. If you litter, you cant very well criticize foolish government spen ding.

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