Whilby Fr.. prou, W*esday.Dembsr 1.,1993, Page26 LA Edward Canning FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN When the school year started, the Austin commu'nity was introduced te, their new student council. As each membor spoke from the podium, promising us a new and improved Austin onvironinent, one lement was given constant repetition - school spirit. It was with great anticipation then that Austin was te have its first ever Spirit Week. Beginning last Monday, Nov. 22, Spirit Wèeeks intent was te make the students fool good about our school and about oach other, and thenka te, intense work by student council, it did not fail. Amazingly, on Monday, no one lept in late for school. Why? Before echool started, Spirit Week hagan with a pancake breakfast that proved te be a huge success. No sooner had wo wiped our mouths cdean after the breakfast, student council memhars came knoecking on our lassroomn doors, urigthe students to join in the 'wrld'es largest' congo lino. The lime lithered through the corridors with great verve and Mr. Dashney's homeroom class was rewarded with a non-uniforin thy frline. ~ir spirited efforts in Mysteriously, thougli, the days most anticipated event was the «<Tape the Teacher' contest. For some unknown reason, student council thought that it would ha fun te tape our favourite teachers, including Ms. Scattelon, Mr. Thomas and our chaplin, Father Loza, te the wall while the student body laughed at their predicanient. Neediese te say, it was a treat. 1 On Tuesday, Sweater Day, students were encouraged te, er ..wear their own sweaters. During the day, soma students teok part in a water balloon tocsl while others teok te the jelle-sipping contost, which, when drunk with no hands, proved te ha prone te dribbling on the participant'5 lovly sweaters. Tuesday ended with a buy-out. Students had the option of attending the students-versus- teachers baskotball gamos (which, unfortunately, the teachers won), or join in the studio (cafeteria) audience for the premioro of 'The Dating Gaine.' «'The Dating Gaine' was very successful and although the paied couples did not walk away th the Caribbeen cruise - type prizos that they'd hoped for, theY wero kopt happy with the portior of large fries that wore givon, to ha eaten in our elegant anc romantic cafeteria. Wednesday's theme was 'Hat and Sock' day. Predictebly, the hata and socks wero of less thar orthodox standards. Axnong the headgear worn were sombrerosý baby bonnets and soldiers' bats and it could ha that Austir students' combined total of hat may ha more than possessed b3 Princess Diana. The highlight of Wednosdai was the Maid and Butter auctie: during which selected student gracious-ly donated their servicei te tho lughest bidder. Thi dlinching bide ranged ftoin 2' cents te a fantestic $20 and a mones generated went te Shar the weok. Equipped with special suits, studonts attempted to grapple with one another and throw their opponent out of the ring. The wrestling culminated with the unbilled 'Battie of the Superpowers' in which our vice principal Mr. Bak put lus life on the lino against student council prosident Jonnifer Shannon. Ini a quick and easy match, Jonnifer reigned, supreme and sent the spoctators into an uproar. On Friday, the students were given a non-uniform dy something which always goes down woll at Austin. At lunch timo, there was a banana-eating contest in which coxnpetitors had te peel and et a banana without using their hends. Also during the lunch periods, air bands glittered the Austin stage and the performers wore acknowlodged with rapturous applause. However, there wore two performances of spocial note. "Michael Jackson," alias Sean Robichaud, gave the students a rendition *of his classic, 'Blle Jean,' punctuated with bis patentod dance routines. As if that wasn't enough vice presidont Proddy Kan brught the house down during lus reading of 'The Crying Gaine.' Spirit Weok came te a close with a dance contest. This gave the dance-incined an opportunity te strut their stuif. Promn the outset, though, it was cloar the Sean Robichaud would be bard to boat. Now out of lus Michael Jackson guise, Sean pinballed around the dance floor and lus fellow comptiters stood in awe. It goes without saying, then, that Sean won first prize: 25 non-uniformn passes te ha used by either himself or lus friends. As you can see, Austin's firat ever Spirit Week was extremoly succossfu. Through T-shirt sales and ticket sales, a substantial aniount of monoy was raised and it will ha donated te Share Life. On bhaaf of the student body, Fd like te thank the student council for keoping their promises and giving Austin a week te rememhar. Mr. Shea of the draina departinent got in teuch with the school eaLrly asat weok. Due back home late Friday night, Mr. Shea, accompanied by some senior dance students, was in Labrador where hie was judging in a prestigieus draina competition. The Austin students present performod ' Pyramus and Thisby,' a spoof of " Romeo and Juliot.' Pull details noxt week. O)n Dec. 17, the Austin spirit thome will ha underlined. On this day, Austin's teachors and students will jein together in a light-hoarted set of avents which are haing collectively entitled 'ChriaFolles. It will ha primarily a fun day, with musical =u draniatic undortoes, dosigned te send both pupils and teachers inte the Christmnas period feeling happy, warm and grateful. wPrjfA AI/N «In a Kor, everyomSuflei'... The WorAmips r. i unpaid eave day for Durhamn teachers CANADIAN researcher and consultant Doctor David Roy spoke ai a recent professional activity day at Father Leo J. Austin Catholîc Secondary School. Roy is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Palliative Gare and has wrillen articles on varlous moral and ethîcal issues involved in the quality of lite. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S. Ohocolates! Chocolates! Chocolates! Everybody loves chocolates and almost everybody is selling them around Henry Street. Members of our many groups and clubs had the opportunity this past week te purchase chocolate-covered almondete sel on bohalf of their favourite activity. 0f course, if chocolatas are net your calling, you could always selI citrus fruit instead. Just like last year, students are gathering order for delicieus Florida oranges and grapefruit. Cet yours before they're gene. This past week, our halls Wore filled with lawyors, firefighters, hairstylists and doctors galere. Fortunately, they were net visiting Henry te file any lawsluits, fight any fires, fix anyone's hair or mend any broken bonies. Instoad, thy brought their expertise teour BChool for Career Week. Each student lied the chance te sit in on three prosentations that interested thom the most. Everyone was able te ask questions aboîUc anY cf the professions, which gave students a realistic picture of their future career choico. Hopefully, it helped evoryone decide? which career was ri glt for themn. Ara you a total and complote procrastinater? Have you been putting off visiting the guidance office te fil eut yeur university application? Well, what is it that you'ra waiting for? Time's a-wasting as the deadline for al applications is Dec. 3. ast Thursday night, schools in and around Whitby joined the Henry Street inusic depertinont for the annual Famnily of Schoëls concert. Jam-packod te the rafters, the avening wvas a musical success. The evening was hosted by our very own Julianne Aspden and by RXA Sennett's Victoria Morris. Obviously, Henry IStreet is an active 'coxnmunity' Givo me an H, givo me an O, give me a C, K, E, Y. What do yeu get? The newest sports seeson te begin this week, Hawks hockey. Last Tuesday the team opened the season with an incredible 8-1 win over Brock High School. Scott Greger scored four goals, Brent Fuicher two and Darek Dixon and Dave Mitchell one apiece. If you love hockey, this is ateam nt thaflissed. The junior boys' basketball tesin wasn't booking tee shabby this past week, ithar. The guys wound up with an outstanding silver meal in the DYSSA championships. In the heat of the semi-finals, Hawks lied one win and one loss against a teain from Father Bresani. In the important third and deciding gaine, Hawks were losing 13-7. That was bofore they came back and won 15-13. Congratulations go eut te the team that was made up of Andrew Ashbee, Brad Newport, Steven Aspdon, Stevan Cseresnyesi, Joe James, Rob Denike, Ken Calaway, Ryan Blackwell, Brendan Mohammed, Mike Knodrat and Joali Miller for an excellent season. covering the firat of three years of the social contract has been reached by the Durham Board of Education and element.ary branch affiliates (Durham -Women Teachers' Association and the Ontarjo Public School Teachers Federation, Durham District). The agreement specifies that elementary teachers in Durhamn will take one unpaid leave day and that payroil deductions for that; unpaid day will be spread equally over the three March 1994 pay dates. The determination of one day resulted when the 1993-94 increment for teachers not at maximum pay rate was not paid, but credited against the social contract sub-target for al elementary teachers. Elementazy teachers will take their one unpaid leave day on March 10, 1994, just prior to the spring break period. To make up the instructional day for students, the professional development day scheduled for Feb. il will be cancelled and regular classes will take place that day for al elementary students and teachers. Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School is holding Christmas music concerts for eie- mentary school students. The first was held this morn- ing(Wednesday) and others are scheduled for tomorrow morning and next Tuesday morning. The Austin Çommunity Faflily Christmnas will be held at the high school Sunday, Dec. 5, 1:30 te 3 p.m. Thore will be music, an art display, draina, a clown, face painting and a visit by Santa. GiveThe Gi The greate St gft jpur child Sncaiioeeieis [earning. Sylvan Learning Centre@ gives your child the educational edge that makes a measurable différence. In our positive stress-free environment, children become excited about iearning. You- can see it on their faces - and on their report cards. Sylvane offers help in reading, writing, math, study skills and homework support. Give your child the gitthat matters. Cail Sylvang today. Sylvain « Learnung 1801 Dundas St. E., C"l entre Kendalwood Pl=z, Witb Helping kids be their bcst. 4041818