Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1993, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Fee Press, Wednesday, November 10. 1993 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: ONTARIO ~CANADIAN krU COMMUNITY f èuLACOMMU NITY SNEWSPAPER q*CN NEWSPAPER --ASSOCIATION ~ASSOCIATION E~U CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X 26,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Toronto Line: 427-1834 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20%/ fW recycîed content using vegetable based inks.%l Q Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyrýightaw. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to te Itby Free Press. mo th dto. BIA tax is flot fair To the Editor: Re: Lttors about the BIA fax and Gene Peacock (The Free Pross, Oct. 27). Mr. Peacock and any of the oChor concerned business people have a right ta their opinions regarding this particular levy. Just bocauso we don't agro. with or liko the BIA levy does not make us uneativer or "small-mlnded." W. are just as concomred as any of the proponients of the BIA Iovy about the state of downfown Whitby since we are al participants in its weffare. Hwover, we have a different view about how this is ta bu done. W. are aIl buing faxed ta death -- CPP, UIC, incarne fax, GST, PST, EHT, RST, business tax, rpoytax -- bufare we, as small buiespeople, have any profit. Some of the businesses in the downtown coro -- Peacockç Sports and Whitby Montessori School, for example -- actually heîp the merchants by bringing in people from ail araund the Durham area. lnstead of buingq rewarded or encauraged b this, we are buing punished by bing made ta pay the BIA tax. This is not right or fair. It is aur undersfanding that councillor John Doîstra is a represontative 0f aIl his constituents, not just thase with wham ho agrees. Why is it that Mr. Peacock is doing Mr. Dolstras job? Has Mr. Doîstra ever surveyed aIl of the BIA contributors? Mr. Peoeock is only standing up for his rights and shouki not bu beuîifed for if. Congratulations, Gene. Two Peacock admIrers Lînda Comollo Kathleen Net auhara Prînicîpals and ownors Whltby MontesSorî Schooî Lost credibility To the Edltor: Re: Letters in responso ta David Jahann's ltter, The Free Press. Nov. 3. I was pleased ta read the ltt ors in reply ta Mr. Johann's ltter (Oct. 27, The Free Press), on the subject of the BIA. What 1 find ta bu the most disturbing aspect of Mr-. Johann's ltter was not the opinion ho holds (of which most of the oCher businesses paying the special fax don't seernta share> but that ho fef it I necossaiy ta attack a basic democ:ratmc froedom in the process. In his latter, Mr. Johann ciificizes a group of citizens wha have taken the turne and enor9y ta seek the opinion 0f each business owner saddlod with this extra fax, as ta whefher or nof they want ta support the BIA. By atfacking this group of individuais, rather than keeping ta the stjýecf, Mr-. Johann loses credibility. No one who has a dofensive position when debating an issue such as this should fear the process thaf this group of concerned ciizens has started. Jonnlfor a. Jesks Lawy.r, Whltby busines owner and residnt The Whitby Free Press welcomes lettefs to the editor on any subject of conoem ta our readers. Letters should be brief and te the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accmpanied by the name. address and telephone nuniber of the writer. Howeer, on request. your name may be wthheld trorn publication if we agree there is a valid reason. The newspaper reseives the right to reect or ecit ail letters. Send to: The Edfitor, WNhy Free press. Box 206, Whitby. Ont. LlN 581. or dfrop through aur mail siot at 131 Brk st. N. To th e ior Adopt 'sensible' economnios To the Edîtor: When Mel Hurtig launched the National Party Iast November, my first thaught was that this would sltthe anti-Mulroney vote and mýight hurt the chances of excellent Liberals such as Doug Peters and Dennis Milîs. Apparently, I need nat have worried, and I congratulate f hem as welI, of course, as Alex Shepherd. My second thought was thae even the success of Peters and Milîs would not bu enouph ta bring about sensible econommo policies, especiaîly a sensible manetary policy. By February, I had oied the National Party and during the summer sent them the briefs I used as the basis for my campaign. This resulted in the party's green book, 'Jobs for ail Canadians,' quoting me in three places. Thus, I had no option (as John Turner once put it) but ta run as the National Party candidate in Durham, with resuts that we don't need ta discuss. Rt seems that Mr-. Chretien will announce John Crow's reappointment as Governor of the Bank of Canada shortly, while a clone of Michael Wilson gat finance rather than Daug Peters. This greatly enhances the National Party's chances in the next election: Crow's high real-interost rates cause a continuaus infîow of foreign money ta buy aur high-return bonds -- foreign money that can only b. used ta boy imports. Foreigners wilI eventualîy realize our increasirlg indebtedness is unsustainable an-d wiII begin ta seîl their Canadian bonds. Our dollar wilI drap dramnatically and John Craw wiII do a repeat -- shove interest rates sky-high, causing a depressian. 0f course, Bay Street does flot wish ta hear such talk -- fat commissians corne with the current inflows of foreign money ta buy aur bonds. As I said, aIl this is good for the National Party. But I'd' rather the Liberal Party adopt sensible policies today than have the National Party win an election in a ruined country in 1997-98. Harry Pope Natinal Party candidate Durham rlding Tories fading away To the Edîtar: The seeds of destruction for the Conservative Party were sown during their poîicy conventions of 1991. Time after time, regular people spoke on many topics, such as the Young Offenders Act, reducing immigration, multi-culturaîism, bilingualism, the death penalty, eliminating financial iupport of the CBC and kicking non-Canadian criminals out of Canada. Time after time, when it came down ta voting on these so-called hot resolutions, we were toîd that hard-line (Conservative) attitudes were not in the best interests of the party. Time and time again, we heard that a hard lino would resuft in our representatives nof being re-elected. The result was gutîess, watered-down resolutions, t urning off many supporters and apening the door for the Reform Party. Had the Conservatives listened and responded ta conservative ideas and direction at that time, then total obliteration of the party would have been avoided. In Ontario, there were 34 ridings where the combined Reform and Conservative vote totals exceeded that of the winning Liberaîs. Thirty- four fewer seats equates to a Liberal minority of 144 seats. - I heard brave talk of the Tories rebuilding. The voters, especially a lot of their supporters in the past, al-eady have given you a clear message: fade away, you're dead. Ted Greenfîeîd WhItby Let Quebec out of Confederation To the Edifor: Let f hem gaI Lucien Bouchard is a vowed separatist. His Bloc Quebecois won a massive mandate in the recent federal election. Ho has Coverage was fair To the Editor: I want ta talce this opportwiity fofthank yu andfthe staff at the Whitby Fr..Proe for your coverageocf and intoroot in the rocont foderal olect ion. As tho New Domocratic Party candidateo and a former loca newsppeor reporter. I found your wspaper's coverage ta bu fair, balanced and Informative. As a communify newspaeor, your covorago also gave residonts a local focus on someo0f fthe national isses. Thank you for tho opportunify fa sharo my viows and thoseocf ftho New Democratic Party. Lucy Rybk-B.cksr NDP candIdat. Dwiham rldlng stated that his aim is ta fake Quebec out of Confederation. Sa bo if. Canadians must now insist that ho either bu tried for treason, or honour his an-d. apparently, Quebec's wishes. Conditions for Quobec's independence must include a final seulement of native land daims in Quebec, assumptian by Quobec oaf the portion 0f Canadas massive debt thaf is theirs, and the resf of Canada must refain ail lands south of the St. Lawrence ta ensure uninterrupted commerce within the nowly-dofinod Canada. What lands romain, they can have. They've struglgled long enough for independence. Lot us af last have the gond sens. ta givo Ik ta thomn. Honour their wishes and insist they go John T. Htiley Brooklln

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