Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Frea Press, Wednesday, October 20. 1993 0111W CARE CHILD CAftE I IAPARTMENTSI APARTM~NTS~ SERVICES SERVICES POU RElIT i FOR IUNTI WHITBY. 3 bedroom. top floor of ('OSHAWA IODRIVINO SSCHOOL Fui Drivers Education Courses NOVEMBER 6th Satu'dys 4 week course NOVEMBER 9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 Week course DECEMBER 27th - 3Oth Christmas 4 day course - PRIVA TE LESSONS . REGISTERED à APPROVED DV THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE SHIFT WORKERS. Finatty samneane ta came for your child at irregular hours. Nutritional meals in a sa e, loving environment. Reasonabte rates. Rossland- Thickson area. If interested please cali 434-5559. MOTHER 0F TWO in downtown Whitby (Brock & Mary area) woutd like ta provide care f or your child in a safe, toving, non-smoking environment. Lots af activties and nutrftiaus lunches. 666-2092. LOVING MOTHER is witiing ta provide daycare in my home. Nutritiaus lunch & snack. Close ta Ormiston Public Schoal. Garden/Dryden. 430-3361. WORRY-FREE DAYCARE in my home. Go ta wark & know in your heart thai your child is weti cared for. Nutritiaus meals, snacks. close ta park. & fenced yard. Smoke-free erMionmert. Reepts Any age. Cati 434-7632.. WILL BABYSIT small chiki in your home. Part-time (2 - 3 days per week). Gall 668-8754. BROCKIDRYDEN. Loving mother willing to car. for your children. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Will provide secure walk to & from Ormiston or St. Matthews. Please catil 666-9719. CHILDOARE in my home before and after school. Mature. retiable lady. Close ta St. Johîn's and E.A. Fairman. 668-6951. CARUNG MOTHER will provide a happy environment for your child. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Lots af activities (walks, ciralts, stories). Thickson & Rossland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. MOTHER 0F 1 wilI do daycare in my home. Close to R.A. Hutchison sohool. Cati 666-5963. MOTHER 0F 2 will provide fuit-time daycare in my home. Close to Glendhu Public School & Falingbrook park. Rossland Rd. & Garden St. area. Falingbrook sub-division. Please cati 430-1412. Specializing in. Early Childhood. Educatian. For Peace of Mind - Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perr St., Whltby 668-9476 WANT a happy, fun. stimulating environment for your child. Vears of experience. Lots of T.L.C. and activities. Specialize in babies. Cati 430-9520. PEGGY'S TINY TOTS Drop-in Centre. Play grous in Whitby for 2 - 4 yr. ois.Run by qualified E.C.E. paces available Tuesday Thursday morning & Friday morning programs. Cati 668-9083. REQUIRED. Babysitter to corne in tomy home. Rferences & SIN requiredi. Willing to work shift hours. Car required. Cati 430-0506. «£ed 44a 9. *interlocking sione - retining walls wood fencing & docks FREE GOMPETI TI VE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 pJThe Mutuai Gî HERB TRAN caldi for quolatton 725-6564 1 " r.1 I MI- .11 Quality Rep acement Windows from Alcan Building Products at INCRECIBLV LOW r INSTALLED PRICES!I MGE WINDOW or 428-5765 REUABLE young woman wilI provide daycare. Lunch & snacks provided. Trained in f irst aid & C.P.R Please contact Kim 666-9312. WHITBY. Room for rent. Use of facilities, parking, close ta public transportation. Non-smoker. $325/month inclusive. 666-8388 leave message. FURNISHED ROOM, private bathroom, laundry, air conditioned, use of kitchen + home. $500/month. Firstllast. References. Cati 666-5213. WHITBY. Masterbedroomn with bay window sitting room, walk-in closet, 4 pce. ensuite, phone, cabte, garage parking on a bus route. Quiet non-smoking femate preferred. Seniors and singlte moms wetcome. Onty $500 per month. 430-0347. FURNISHED ROOM. cabie, phone, Iaundry. facitities. $95 weekiy. Bymon St. N. 430-2598. Parking, Use of Starr & NORTHWEST WHITBY. Fur- nished or unfurnished. Kitchen facilities, parking. Non-smoker. Suitable for working single. $80 weekly. 668-6951. HOUSIE, APARTIMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertisod here, 1,0006 l1ke yau would be roading this now. ONE BEDROOM small country house near Whitby. Avallabie immediatety. $550/month. Hydro. oit heat extra. Suitabte for single or working couple. Cali 668-2122. AAA WHY RENT When You Can Own? From $3345. Down. $475 per month. 3 bedroom Townhouse. Semi's and Dietached houses available for a Little Morel Cati Carol Chantier, Sales Represen- tative, Re/Max Summit (1991) Ltd. Reaftor 668-3800. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) *3 Bedrooms *11/2 Baths *5 Appliances *Central Air *Garage *Paved Driveway *3 Modets *On Site Management *Easy Access 10 "Go" *Rents Start at $1,000 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCati Property Management 666-5794'- 924-1100 WHITBY. 1 bedroom basement apartment, suitable for single, quiet persan. Laundry facilities & utiities included. $500/monthly. CalI 666-5963. CENTRAL WHITBY. Modemn split tevel, 2 bedroom, quiet building. Broadloom throughout, appliances including dishwasher, covered parking. $775/month. Available Nov. 1 or. Dec. 1. 668-4643. WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, 4 pce. bath, parking. Suitable for single persan. First/last. Price negotiable. Available immediately. Cati 623-4782. PORT WHITBY. Nice, cdean, 1 bedroom apartment. Available Nov. «V93. $575 monthly al inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria St. W., Apt. 4 or 24.728-2969. BACHELOR BASEMENT APART- MENT in Oshawa (Harmony & Rossland area). Non-smoker. $400 inclusive. Cati 432-3238 or 666-8352 for more information. CENTRAL WHITBY. 2 bedroom apartment in triplex. Available Dec. 1. $680/month. Includes heat, water, & parking for 2 cars. Phone 666-9626 after 5 p.m. or leave message. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment available immediately. Large living room, kitchen, fridg e, stove. AIl utilities included pilus hydro. Close ta school, shopping. $550. First & last. 668-0629. house. Close to school, parking. utilities & appliances. $900/month ail inclusive. Available Nov. 1. 430-8745. WHITIBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, utilities inctuded. Private driveway. Walk to GO train. Non-smoker. $525/month. Suitable for working male. Cait 668-2298. AVAILABLE downtown Whitby. 1 bedroom apt. for Nov. 1. $610/month, includes utilities, 1 parking space & fridge & stove. 728-9679. u. oi ema M c o e Wrn. mi N Mi RECYCLING CONSERVES NATURALs RESO URGES, HELPS IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND SCREA TES NEW JOBS.; MATURE PERSON. manth ail inclusive. room. #12 & Rossland. message 668-1708. Fumished Caîl leave AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted ta share 4 bedroom hause. Laundry facitities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utilities inctuded. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cai 4b0-7103& leave message. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL. ONE BILL MOES IT ALL. DO O K N sY FEOu Gesn ge 6-1 DoeYervingo aea reogodion onations6-o8 teIre On rof JunirciintheominAarosfar bhetacedari irtis nofewspar until ct.ar1 '93.cptýde Nomiatio fora aabeRecnti Onla1 g9. ive nahone youtsIvoalved Rcnohhite commnty tsevic, ata lno feolmih oselivIng coit h physaicor psychofgiaf lm tosaingo bing ha goodrkl. c h om lmetosreedvesr ce rtificats. Sponsared by Bell Canada and the Ontario Comrnunity Newspapers Assoc. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with unattached Christian people acroas Canada for companionship or marlage? SA.SE. Free information. State a ge. Astîgrove. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROt)ND membership or ireslrare? Weifl taIre i!Areicas targest resale clsaiinghouse. Caîf Flesori Sales International t- 800-423-5967 (24 hauts). BUSINESS OPPORTUNIrIES HOME BASED BUSINESS. Fufl/Part Tirne provlding essentiaf nmarkceting, promotional pruducts & services to buinesses. goveroment agendaes. scîrools, etc. Booming lindustry. Profit able, repeaf sales, ongoitrg fraininiglsupporî, easy It lbain. lnvestment $1.500 4 1-800-361- 4332. Make great profits on over 2,500 fast selîing producîs. Your own honrs. No expesilence necessary. <nos>) 825-0888. 9am-5Sp m Become a Succeas. GOLDEN OPPORTUNIIY. Gem of a Iewetterv store in busy tourist aiea. Ysar round business sapandable Into watch/jewetîery repaira. Great profit polential. Priced rigîrîl 705) 282-3320. SeII Canadas new MLM and PARTY PLAN JEWELLERY. No deliveries, no Invenfory ta purchase. Producta guaranleed. Win fripa, diamonds, fuis, Cai/cfolhing alowances. CalI 1- 600-465-t1699. RUN YOUR OWf4 BUSINESS preparing incarme tas retuins. Excellent seasonaf incarne. Fuuît training and support, No franchise fees. For Int o catI (416) 398-2937. POETRY CONTEST $12.000 ln pizes. Possible F ublicatlori. Send one original posmn 20 ines or eIss la: National Libiaiy 01 Poefry, Box 704-ND, Owings Milîs, MD 21117. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECHI STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - You stilI have is ta I beat wlnler. fast delivery. easy to erect alli/steel and wood/sleel buildings. confracfing availabîs. 24 hours. 1-800-561-2200. ONTARIO KMANUFACTURIER has a lmilsd nuiober aI pre-sized steel buildings for sale ei EXCEPTIONALLY REDUCED PRICES - 40 X D0 value $9,971. Now $7.698. Cati Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Stîailwatl Type.- flot quonset - 32x54 $7.744; 40x72 $11,690; 50xg0 $16.622: 60x126 $25.375 .ofheî sizes available - Final Summonir clearance Paragon 2d Hours t.800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Ouonsets. S. Modela and Stiaightwaiis. Factoiy has altocated 29 Buildings. Variou'r sizes. No isasonabte oller refused. Calt Future 1-800668-8653. CAREER TRAINING EAF1N A LIVING PREPAnING TAX RIETURINS. Basic and Computer Courses by self-study. Fiee brochure. CatI 1-800-563-EAFIN; fax (204) 254- 6172; wîiîe: Jacks Institut.. 902-167 Lombard Aveune. Winnipeg. Manitoba F13B OW1. A NEW CAnEER. Certificats Income Tax or Booklcaepiirg courses by correspondence. Fiee brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Lfd.. 1345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg. Manitoba. n3l 2B6» 1.800-665-5144. LEAF1N AUCTIONEERfl Gat the Soutlrwesîern Scirool of Auctiorreering. Next Class: Novemnber 20-26. Inormation. contact: Southwealern Onrario School cof Aucioneeîing. A.R. Wcrndstoclr. Ontario N4S 7V9 1(519) 53 7-2115. CHIEF InAINING. Fultime il weelr Diplorra Piograms otfering the besl training ini Cooiing'Pasrry & Desserts. Student boans and Job Placement. DUBRULLE FRENCH CULINARY SCHOOI.. Vancouver 1(604) 738-3155 or 1-800-667-7288. ou dcouid appear ln communif y newspapers ln Ontario, or right acroa Canada, or any Idiv idus province. Spce Io Limif cd, o Cali Thia Newospaper Todayt 1 '#CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEOO To rsao' a wdermar*ai. advrise Itmhrotd ü»hOU irergonal mambmirsp olthe Ontarv and Canadran Comm uniry Newsp4wr Associations. Central Ortarro 55 newspaprers - S160 lfo 25 nords- Att Ontario newsp.p~ers-S350 for 25wos c~AIl Canada 572 newapapers - $1,121 for 25 worci For furiher Information please caîl the Whitby Free Press classifleds -6"111 0. FaX 668-0594 gy t "y Poup RRIFs ', ANNUITIES Gics - RRSPs 1 a 1 L r-

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