Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 25

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Whitby Fiee Press, Wec*meday. October 20.1993. Page 25 Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S. ANDERSON Our cafeteria staff had saine competition this week, as Anderson studenta teok part in a Fundraising Mania. rm sure everyene., heard Santer's catch y chant, "$2 for breakfast, chocolate almond bars," as ha stormed through the halls and raided the cafeteria limes. Msuy sellers persuadad students sud teachers te, buy choclate bars with the ploy that they had. te "catch up with the other guy." This year, ACVI made it very difflcult for studenta net te take part infundraising. Many teains sud clubs expectad studentsto sali chocolata alinond bars in order te raise ntoney for the organization they take part in. Even the prom committea, and people who were intarested in being a model for the fashion show wera ordared te pick up a box or two te saeli this week. The student who selîs the most choclate bars will recaive a Sony glietteblaster. On the market for next week a t Anderson will be leather jackets and school rings. Posters can lie found on the walls of evary ha]lway sud corridor detailing prices and dates. This years leather jackets are offared in al-leather for $287 (al taxes included) or in mlten and leather for $218., Both styles include the ACVI crest and any 1' letters chosen. Anderson school rings wll aiob onsa. Besure te check the posters for details. Anderson's spirit days have talready becanta a ht at lunch hours in the cafeteria. On a recent spirit day, the contest was ' Chubby Wubby,'and it had the entire cafeteria roaring. Studenta (three at a time) on stage wara expected te place ail the marshmallows they could fit inte, their mouth sud still be able te announce clearly the words 'Chubby Wubby.' The audienea became the judgessund imson liecanie a very competitive sport. WVhile soe dropped eut very quickly, othars lasted se long we bagan te wonder where- they were hiding the mn~hmallows; after ail, thare was ne chewing allowed. Congratulations te Mike Spicer, who fit su unbolievable 10 marshmallews inte hie mouth sud repaated 'Chuliby Wubby' without a muffle. Andarson's sports teams are still flying higi. This week our girls' filld hockey tearn tied Ajax sud defeated Denis O'Connor 5-0. Congratulations te, Jennifer Slugg on her magnificant shuteut. Aise, our senior bys seven-a-side rugby teain postedaa 4-1-1 record, dominating the opposition in the semi-finals, sud camne up just short in the F champioeiship finals. Con. gratulations te ail athletes whe teok part. Lastly, university saminars have continued during lunch heur this waek. Representatives fin chosen universities have corne te talk with graduation students. I have neyer sean se many hopofuls conclude that they'1l neyer get inte Quaan's. Don't give up graduates -- reacli for your goals. ANDERSON CVI STUDENTS from Ieft) Trisha Patterson, Claire Bramma and Mike Batty work on their projeot in the Intermediate Science Olympics Challenge held Friday in Oshawa. -Grade 9 and 10 students from 13 sohools competed 10 see who could build a track on which a ping pong bail would roll for the Ion gest time without stopping. l*ucents were given just one box of straws, string and elastios with which to build their crations. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Ail of Henry Street returned from the hasgving long weekend this past week looking refreshed, relaxed and full of turkey. I think it's fair to say we were ail pleased with the extra long weekend. As well, inost of us were probably loolcing forward te a pleasant week that would last a short four days instead of five. Have you ever noticed how when you think somnething is ging te be short, it seams tedrag on forever? For ine, and inany other people 1 spoke te, this was Most deflnitaly the case. However, te help us make it through the slow-moving week was Hlenry's usual fistful of great avents and activities. On Tuesday, for exainple, the junior boys' doubles and Junior mixe d doubles tennis teains compated at LOSSA. Ail of the Hawk teains were successful, as usual, but a special mention goes te Ryan Stymrning and Ron Death. Together they capturad a well-deserved fourth place in the tournamnent. Congratulations goes eut te the rest of the tennis team, as well sud good luck te Létty Marquez at DYSSA. The senior girls' basketball Hawks played Ajax last Thursday evening sud what a great gaine it turnad eut te lia. Neyer separated by more than a basket through the entire gaine, our girls camne eut on tep in overtime. In three minutes, our teain scorad 10 points and left the score il 1I Jennifer Aying FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Hello there, fellew Austinites. It lias been suother busy two weaks for Austin. Our second sunual graduation ceremony was held on Oct. 7. The gymnasium was boautifully decorated; the black gewns sud the red, white sud grey academic collars were truly symbols of excellence. Several dignitaiies ware on hand te give eut various awards and bursaries. The meet prestigieus, the Principal's Award, was captured by Denise Laughlin. Congratulations te al award winners sud graduatas on their outstanding achievaments. A spacial thank you also goes te Mr. Caiey, Mr. Coates, the Austin choir, Mrs. Clsucy, Mr. 'lymchyshyn, Miss Brady sud everyone else who hehpad make this graduation sucli a tremandous suceess. H-istory was made once again in Wildcat sports. On Oct. 5, Austin's own tennis king, Tim Videnka, proved that lie is stilh master of the court. im breazad liy hie opponenta witli hie super vollies sud blistering erves, capuig the goîd med This is Tim's fourtli consecutive gold medal at LOSSA - a first for botli Austin sud LOSSA.. Mm will now rapresant Austin at DYSSA. Good luck, Tim. Ini other tennis news, Julie Clarke sud Beth Brady captured the gold modal in junior girl? doubles action while Jessica TaUs and Tania Banleo captured the sîlver. Ini ladies singles action, Laura Scholtes won the consolation round, while Msudy Lamters placed second. Ini boys' doubles action, Adrian Bugelli and Jonathan Espirite won the bronze madal at LOSSA, while Aiden Laverty sud Danielle Jennings won the junior mixed doubles consolation round. Finally, Stuart Leas played threa great matches, advsucing te the quarter-finals. Congratulations te ail on your awesome playing. On Oct. 25, thousands of students wiil bo voting for the flrst time. rh1is is a great responsiility which cannet lia taken lighthy. To assist students with this decision, a candidates' forum was held in the cafateriuin for Grade 10 sud OAC students. Reps from the four inain partieas -- PC Rane Soetens, *liral Dan McTaagua, NDP Lynn Jacklin and Raform's Don Sullivan -- as wall as Scott Laycox frein the Green Party, attended the forum. Candidates wera given the chance te make a liriaf oening speech, than students asked questions of each candidate. Many studanta agread that the forum was a great way te halp thein decide which party te vote for on Oct. 25. Thank you te Ms. MacDonald for making the forum possible. Ini addition, thank yeu te a participating candidates for taking the tima te spaak te us. Reebr, Austinites, every vote makes a difference, se on Oct. 25, get eut thare sud maka your vote heard. FatharLoza lias bean liusy as usual, running the Grade 10 retreats. The retreata, held hast weak, teok place at Cainp Sainac. Ail participants had a great time sud would like to thank Father Loza for taking the time te niake these retreats such a success. With the retreats over we'1l bo able teomea more of Father Loza in our classrooms and in the hallways, that is, until Father takes on yet another project. A busy man's work is neyer done. Incidentslly, nither is a yearbook editor's. As msuy of you already know, the yearbooks are in. Riglit new, your devotod yaarbook teain is counting sud serting ail the yearbeoks. Unfortunately, this takas a lot of time. However, as coeditor, I can assure you that you will have your yearbooks by the end of the waak. Balieve mie, they are well worth the wait. Last year's team worked extremaly hard te bring you thasa mastarpiecas. Before I let yeu get back te al that homework, I just wanted te congratulate student council on the success of Shoe Day. Those were deflnitely semae wacky shoes. Congratulations te all those whe won prizes for thair unusuai shoas. We are looking forward te future studant council avents. Well, I am off te finish counting those yearbooks, se start thinking of sontething witty te write in ail those yearbeoks youill hava te mign. And, of course, remembar, until we meet again -- keap siniling. at 40-30. Leading scorers for thte gaine were iàsa Drake with 17, Jeanette Croucher with 12 and Tara Stolk with 8. As well, Elaine Viekers, Tania Culpepper and Krista Reeson helped contribute te the final score and te a fabulous gaIne. Great work, girls. Ma bie the past week didret go asJw for student counicil members who were busy all week collecting our fundraising Maple Leaf booklets. Monday was the last day te return your booklet and if you forgot, you are most likely being chased by student council as I speak. The prize draw 18 coming up this Friday and without your booklet you caret win. And basides, if you sold the entire bookiet, you're due for a $15 rebate on your student carda. So get that booklet in today. Henry Street's annual awards day camne around again this year and was held on Thursday during fourth period. The cafeteria was decorated with a vibrant splash of purple and gold, and Henry's Most academically inclined graced the stage. Honours were presanted for students froma Grade 9 te Grade 12. Congratulations te aIl of the Hawks who raceived these awards, Fmt sure a great deal of hard work accompanied them. The home of the Hawk lias the opportunity this week te host a fellow rugby teamn from Brecon, Wales. They are scheduled te arrive Oct. 20 (that's today) at 6 p.m. (depending on when you'ra raig this, they ntay already be here). T1ey will be hera until Oct. 24. One of the activities on their agenda is a rugby gaine against our Hawks at 3 p.m. This will definitely be a rugby match not te miss. Henry Street cauglit Blue Jay fever and that was evident at the end of last waek. Since the Blue Jays are going for the Werld Series championship again, students and staff dressed te suit the occasion. Blue Jay shirts, sweaters, shorts and, yes, even hats were sported ahl day long. Go, Jays, go. The Oshawa/Whitby chapter of Durhiam Christian Higli School will hast a full-course lasagna dinner on Friday Oct. 22. Dinner willr be available anytime between 5 and 7 p.sn. at Imnianuel Christian School, 849 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Cost for the dinner is $6 per person or $25 par family. Proceeds will lie used te support Christian education in the Oshawa/Whitby area. SLeaming Centr *Boost -your child's grades.

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