Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1993, p. 9

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 29, 1993. Page 9 buis sn ews1 Safety house tours kick off Fire Prevention Week On Sunday Oct. 3, McDmnad's and the Whitby fire department are getting together t idck off 'P'ire Prevention Week.' Home Week Realtors are clebrating home ownerahip during Ontarie, Home Weelc, Sept. 26 te Oct. 2. The annual event features the theme, 'Home ownership ... feel the pride,' and is sponsored by the Ontario Real Estate Association. Dunring Ontario Home Week, real estate boards host a variety of community activities. The event was launched in 1980 te stress the importance of propert~y rights. Prom 1 te 4 p.m., in the Whitby McDnald',syaridg lot, loae at the Whaty Mail, Ronald McDonald and firefighters will ta]k t kidds about fire safety. The ' Pire Safety House' wiil be ir. the parking lot for peoplle to tour along with a fire engine. Firefighters will be on hand to conduct tours and answer questions. A fundraising barbecue will be held at National Trust, 352 Brock St. S. (IGA plaza), on Thursday, Se pt. 30. Ail proceeds from the barbe- cue, te be held from il a.m. te 2 p.ffn.,will go te the United Way. Post office space for rent A 'for rent or lease' sign bas been posted on the Whitby post office. The building will continue operating as a post office, at least for now. Fundraisi ng car rally A 'People Helping People' car rally-scavenger hunt willb e held in Whitby on Saturday, Oct. 2. The rally, a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House, is being held by McDonald's in Whitby and the Durham-Lakesh- ore Area Council of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. The start point is Iroquois Park. There will be a maximum of four people per car, and car s can be decorated for the event. Cost is $10 p er person, or $36 per full car of four. For more information cail the OPSEU office at 666-2296, Pegg at 668-8436 or Karen at 404- 4034. TIP lRufft 4JI«erc4tzrt Home of the finest, fresh roasted Arabica coffee beans ...Plus an outstanding selection of gourmet food and gift items Warehùeusoz A Canada Post spokesperson says it's ne secret the crown coprto is looking te privat- ize post ofices.' B ?ut t unued space in the back formerly used for a mail sorting operation is being rented eut. Bob Rice of Royal LePage is marketing the space. Ho says about 2,100 square foot is avail- able, and there's «quite a bit of interest in in right now." CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION 0F ONTARIO Kevin J. Tomîinson, BA, CGA Whltby Resident Chairs Local CGA Chapter The Durhamr Chapter of the Coriffled General Aoccontants Association ai Ontario la pieased ta announce that Kevin J. Tominsan, BA, CGA. has been elected chapter chair. Kevin. a iriancia anals planning at WarnerLarrtert Canada Ina., beanie a CGA In 1989. A member ai the chapter board of direcors since 1990. ho served two ternis as pragranz director. Most recently, Kevin waa vice-chair and student ait airs dIreclor ai the Durham Chapter. He also served on the provincial conierence committe. n 1992. KevIn la a volunteer with Scouts Canada and a membier ai Conmunhy Accauntants - Durham Reglon. an arganization that provides accounting advce ta non-profit groupa. Other afIliers af the 199Y/94 Durham board Include: Anthony R. Stito. B. Corrm.. CGA, irat vice-chair; Gord Retors. CGA. second vice-chair: and Liz Araujo. CGA, secretary/treasurer. PasI chairsaOenn[s E. Danovan. CGA. The Certiied General Accounitants Association ai Ontarioals an associaton ai proiesslonal accountants who meet the Association% rigorous requiremnents ai proiessIonal corrpetence, are bound toaa unilorm standard ai conclue, and are entitled. under Acta of bath the Pauiament ai Canada and the Leffisature ai the Province ai Ontaria. ta the designation CGA. OPEN Mon - Frn10- 8 Saturday 10 - 6 S1501 Hopkns St., Whtby (905)430-8081 Fax 430-0795 NEED MORE SPACE? 245 [lb liard Drive LFIP 4L $8990. Okidata 0OL400E $699. Platoon chief Ken Corner, captain Drew Armstrong and firefighters will proniote fire safety in Whitb. At .2 p.m., Ronald McDonald will perform bhis safety show. Ronald McDonald- and firefighters will hand eut balloons and 'Get Out Alive' handboeks. 'P'ire safety is of major cencern and wo want te get our 'CGet eut and stay oet message acrose te as Food drive at Royal LePoagàje The Royal LePage office at the Town * Plaza, Dundas Street West, in Whitby is holding a Tanksgivingfood cd-ive. T osdepping off non-perish- able food items at the office between Friday, Oct. 1 and Fri- day, Oct. 8 can fIl eut a ballet fer a draw te, win free turkeys. Office heurs are 9 a.m. t 9 p.xn. Monday te Friday and 9 a.m. te 5 p.m.on Saturda. The draw will be held Satur- day, Oct. !9, and winners will be notified by phone. Cerner. 'We are hoping te, get the children of Whitby realy geared up for Pire Prevention Week," says Ray Gilchrist, owner/ operator of the Whitby Pire chief Tony VanD)oleweerd invites Whitby resdents te visit fire halls next Monday te Satur- day te view eqipment and ope- rations. Free dlraws will be made daily. Jacso &Ton job * Certfe eeral Accountiants Keith A. Jackson, CGA and Gary J. Toniolo, B. Comm., CGA are pleased to announce the merger of their practices. The new firmn, called Jackson & Toniolo, is located at Unit 6, 676 Monarch Avenue, Ajax, Ontario LIS 4S2. Jackson & Toniolo offer small businesses, including corporations and farms, individuals and estates a range of accounting and taxation services including tax return preparation, monthly accounting, payroll administration, annual financial statements, tax and fihiancial planning, management consulting and assistance with tax appeals. Telephone: 427-6768 and 430-2460 (Whitby) Ue akelm7ww wnwiý.yo6y m mý - - ý -lq

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