Whitby Free Press, Wodnosday, Soptember 15. 1993. Page 31 -----------s-e r ------ M eetings t*---ffer-inf-rati ---on---d Th".7etto i en Ilie Cbldren's Services Council (Durhamn) is offering a presentation te answer questions that parents may bave wben looking for services for their cbildren. There are services available in Durbam te mcet special needs related te medical, sensory and physical difficulties; a developmental delay or handicap; social, emotional or behavieural concerns; learning difficultiés; communication difficulties and other areas. The presentation will provide baipfiil tiÃŽS about wbere te begin loolng C services as well as information about the types of services available in Durhamn, bow te get tbem and any related Costs. Parents wiil flnd eut wbat they can expect when they contact an agency, and what tbey can do wbile tbey are waiting for service. The rigbts of parents and Sehoohouse board members wanted Schoolhouse Playcare Centres, a non-profit cild cars organization in Durhamn Region, is currently seekcing new membera for its board of directors. Applicants muet be at least age 18, with a desire te servo on a cbild care board, demonstrated idfdershi capabilitios and The positions would be of particular interest te those witb backgrounds in cild caoe, finance, marketing and human resources (excludin-g employees or relatives of the organization or the current board of directers inembers). Interested persons are asked te, forward a 'resumé te Scboolhouse Playcare Centres, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ont. L1J 3H3 or phono 576-4600, ext. 339/343. Whutby Free Press - 668-6111 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm- Fax 668-0594 CORPORATION 0F THE PLANNING DEPARTMVENT TOWN0F HITY fMI - NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1993 @ 7:30 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Munici pai Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wiIl be held by the Planning and Devlopment Committe of Councîl of "h Corporation of the Town of Whitby te considier a proposed amondiment te dhe Whitby Officiai Plan, file number OPA 93-Wi (Robbie/Young/Wright). The subject lands are located in Part of Lot 25, shown on due sketch below. Concossion 1 as The purpose of the Amendement s te redesignte the subject property and thie residual lands owned by the devetoeras identified on the above sketch as Prestie Industniai limitinq the permitted uses te, only an administrative office building on the subjoct proporty. Further te dhe introductefy pblic information meeting held on July 5. 1993, Panning staff are ringing forward the actuai Amendment neoessary te impiernent dhe proposod devek>pment. The purpose efthde above-noted meeting is te nforrn the public widî regard te tie details ef die Amondment and afford interested persons the opportuniry te mnake repreSentnerete. Interested persons may nspect additienai information relating te dthe aboe aplcatonhi uePlannngDeariment. Levol 7. Whitby IAaupaJBuildn. 575 RosslandRoadEast. Whitby. Ontaie L19 2MB durin regular worldng hours. Monday ta Fniday. or may contact the panning Departmefit by telephonang (416)>668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING their chidren conoerning confidentiality, acceas te information and participation in decisïon-makcing will be briefiy reviewed. Suggestions about how te resolve problems with agencies or professionals will aise be presented.. Brocbures from a variety of agencies and other resource materials will be on band for parents te, browse tbrough. There wiIl also be an opportunity te, ask questions. offered on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1:30 te 3 pan. at Holy Trinity Anglican Churcli, Ajax; Tuesday, Oct. 19, 7 te 8:30 p.m. at Uxbridge Public Library, Tokai Room; and Monday, Nov. 15, 7 te 8:30 p.m. at Courtroom #1, 132 Church St., Bowmanville. Parents are asked te phone the CSCD (433-4100 or 683-4089, collect oeils accepted) te register fer tbe seminar of tbeir choice, as seating is limited. Admission is free. M" - 'q (Cash, VISA, choque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 1 50 each additionaî word; (1l40 + 1 oGST> $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST 990 per agate Une sox f o <Adsowfthforders, pictures ir graphics) Regular di3pIay rates apply - $1 .05 per agate lune (14 agate lines per inch) Mimnmum size 1 column inch $1 4.70 CONTINUJOUS RtJN DISPLAY ADS 200/ OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). GST is extra on ail ads uniess otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-I6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. Thé Whitby Free Press willI not be liable for batlure 10 publish an ad. or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the spaoe occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right 10 classily or reject al advertisemnents. 1 0%1 Crime Stojipers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public s help in arresting a wanted person. On =h 13, 1991, Yvon Joseph Franiceeur was sentenced te 90Odays, to be served intermittently, for a break, enter and theft conviction. On May 4, 1991, the cenvicted man did net attend the Whitby Jail and a warrant was icsued for bis arrest. Francoeur lias failed te appear in ceurt on two occasions and bas outstanding warrants for breach of recognizance and breach of probation occurrences. Yven Josph Francoeur is described as maie white, five foot five inches tall and weigbing 145 pounds. HÃe bas browný hair with a moustache and beard and blue eyes. Francoeur bas several tatteos on bis body, corne of which are an eagle, snake panther, Joey and -James on bis right arn, and a cat, rose, Jesse, skull, Amanda, 'flna, Mike and a winged woman on bis left arm. Crime Stoppers will p ay up te $1,00 for information Ieading te the arrest of Yvon Josph Francoeur or any other wantedpnerson The phone number is 436-8477 (tbat's 436-TIS) A a caller you will net have te identifSr yourself or bave te go te court. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinater with the Durbam Regienal Crime Steppers program and writes tlus article te help combat crime. The cnormpie o watr n taeraeouse ebocldgConi ef 3 pr cntofOr tit, D2rampercln orestoerambavison1 percen fomlanryaNdtwoisb(Es)andPiern foredkin n co okn and4per cntforter pu rses. uehl'oni For toilet use, eacb flush uses four te six gallons ef water. The 'Eco-Flusb,' developed in Edmonton and distributed by A&A Eco Produets Limited, will reduce the amount of water by 50 per cent and diminish the monthly water bill by 20 te 25 per cent. Eco-Flush is placed on tbe overfiow tube and floats on the surface of tbe water. When the teilet is flusbed, Eco-Flush drops with tbe water level until it makes contact with the open fiapper, thus closing the fiapper valve and saving up te 6, 00 galons of water per year, per person. In Ajax, Frazer Heights Co-op is new saving 30 per cent on its $29,000 water and sewer bill. By implementing a water and energy conservation program from Callricli Services, an Osbawa-based conservation contracting company, tbe co-op has saved almost 500,000 gallons of water since January. Ini addition, energy ceets ofbheating water have been reduced, and plumbing maintenance costs bave been virtually eliminated. "Consumnera are net aware of the quick paybacks available in water conservation today" dlaims Ricb Krechowicz of Callrich Services. Even at today' rates, Krecbowicz predicts tbat the Frazer Heights Co-op conservation program will be paid for witbin 18 montbs. As a recuit, the pay aus you save' water and energy conservation program appealed te tbe co.op because it pays only if and wben tbe savings are realized. Governments now recognize and acknowledge the value of conservation. For eaple CaUricb Services volunteered its expertise and advised a fukommittee for the Oshawa Green Conservation Action Prograrn,, a project funded by the MOEE, te create an action plan and prepare Oshawa te becomo a 'Green City.' As wohl, the Cty of Toronto is in the process of implementing a $3-billion water and energy retrofit prograni. Krechowicz is a partner in 'Green Catalyst,' a consortium that was recently awarded the contract to conduet Toronto's pilot program that began in July.0 "Conservation of water and energy,' states Krechowica, "is the cornerstone for our future economic sustainability." Water conservation belpe te cave our environmont. You can do your part by installing water-caving showerheads and teilet dams, fixing leaky taps, keeping a. ar of drinking water in the fridge, turning the tap on andof'Wwhille brushing your teetb and washing your car witb a bucket of water rather than by using a running hose. Fer information about Callricb Services and water conservation producta, oeil 428-3926. Inquiries on the A&A Eco Products ULd.can be made te Mokeet A. Aziz at 291-1216, Pickeriing.