Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Se MORE PERSONAL LOANS from $1,O0 and Up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. BAHAIS BELIEVE. Love is the cause of Gods revelation unto man, the vital bond inherent ln accordance with the divine creation, in the realities of things. For information and discussion cati 668-8665. THANKS TO THE HOLY spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for favours received. RS. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus bo adored, glerified, loved and proserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo Worker of Miracles pray for us. St. Jude Holpor of the hopeless pray for us. Say 9 times for 9 days and promise to publish. R.E.R MYSTIC PAULA. Tarot card& palm reader. Advice on al problems. Spiritual& European, appeared. on radio& T.V. One reading wilI convince you. Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. everyday. 725-2664. »THANKS ta St. Judo and the Sacred Heart of Jesius. My the Sacred Heait ef Jesus be adored, glorified, boved and preserved hroughaut the world now and forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles r for us, St. Judo holper of thetuopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine turnes a day for nine days. Publication must be promised. P.W. [7SrYOHImC SIIOsAa M r y r B r 434-210 eptember 15, 1993 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE -- - - v 0% nà*l4Aa File Nos. 0O 930212y O 930213, O 9302149 R 930324, r', oquAl at: Council Chambers At the requst et IPOF Preperties Inc., he Lobiaws Group et Companies and others. h Minister et Municipal Affairs has reterred te the Ontarie Municipal Board under subsectien 17(11) et the ]Hannlng..As R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. Proposed Amendment No. 283 te the Officiai Plan for the Regional Municipaîity et Durham Mnister's File Ne. 18-OP-0010-283 0MB File Ne. 0 930212 - and - At the request et 810406 Ontario Limited the Minister et Municipal Attairs has reterred te the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(11>) et the Plann49-A5t R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 Proposed Amendment Nos. 81 and 83 te the Off iciai Plan for the Tewn et Whitby Mnister's File Nos. 18-OP-0010-081 & 18-OP-0010-083 0MB File Nos. 0 930213 & 0 930214 - and - IPOF Preperties lnc., The Lobiaws Greup et Companies* and others have appealed te Ide Ontanio Municipal Board under subsection 34(19) efthlie PlanlngACIR.S.O. 1990 o. WP.13, against Zoning By-Iaws 3312-93 and 331-93et heTown et Whitby 0MB File Nos. R 930324 & R 930325 - and - Invar Industrial Limited has appealed te the Ontario Municipal Board under subsectien 34(11) et the 2IannIng..A& R.S.0. 1990 c. P.13, frem councl's refusai or neglec te enact a propesed amendment te Zoning By-Iaw 1784 et the Town o htby te rezone lands known as Parts et Lets 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession in the Town et Whitby. more particularly known as Parts 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20 and 22 on Plan 4OR-1 1516 te permit a retail tacility without food sales 0MB File No. Z 930086 - and - Invar Industrial Limited has appealed te the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34(11) et the ]RhmnnlngAs R.S.0. 1990 c. P.13, from counicil's refusaI or neglect te enact a proposed amendment te Zoning By-Iaw 1784 et the Town et Whitby te rezone lands known as Parts et Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession in the Town et Whitby, more particularly known as Parts 9, 11. 12. 16, 18. 20 and 22 on Plan 4OR-1 1516 te permit a retail tacility with food sales 0MB File No. Z 930087 - and - Invar Industrial Limited has appeaied te the Ontarie Municipal Board under subsectien 53(8) et the Alnln.klRS.O. 1990 c. P.13, from conditions imposed in a decisien by the Regionai Municipality et Durham Land Division Committee which approved applications numbered B-22/93 & B-23193 respecting lands composed et Parts et Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession in the Town et Whitby, more particularly known as Parts 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20and 22 on Plan 40R-1 1516 0MB File Nos. C 930146 & C 930147 NOTICE 0F PRE-HEARING CONFIERIENCE The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a pre-hearing conterence respecting this matter. If you de net attend the pre-heaning conterence, the Ontario Municipal Board may proceed in your absence and you wiil net be entitled te any turlier notice et these proceeclings. A pre-hearing conterence wiil be held: the Town et Whitby and the Region et Durham. The appellants have aisc rhequTedn reWterrandetthe RssoateDumenm.ent No. 283 tehahe Drans Regional Officiai Plan. 83 te the Whitby Officiai Plan and appeaied Zaning By-Iaw Nes. 3312-91, and 3313-93. T he appellant submits that the retail tacilities are prematunE and are net in accordance with gond planning principies. 4) Invar IndjstialLimited has appealed the Zoning amendment applicatione iied with the Town on the basîs that Whitby Council retused or negiecte< te enact propeseci amendments te Zoning By-law No. 1784 te rezone th( «Subject Lande" te permit the proposed retail taciities. Invar Industria Limited has aIse appealed the conditions impesed in a decision by th( Regional Land Division Committee for the associated consent application- B-22/93 and B-23193 te sever the «Subject Lands.« -I appealedZonngy-law Nos. 3312-93 and 3313-93. The appeliants sùbit hatthepassing otftde By-laws would allow for fthe establihment ot an unpkanned retail *Power Centre* and commercial node, wittiout sufficient study and consideration of the planned commercial hierarchy et R 9303259 Z 9300869 Z 9300879 (; 9JU1409U ZYJU 1141 EXPLANATORY NOTE On June 14, 1993, the Council et the Town et Whitby adopted Amendment Nos. 81 and 83 te the Whitby Ofticiai Plan and passed Zening By-law Nos. 3312-93 and 3313-93 te permit two retail tacilities, one with tend sales, and the second tacility witheut tend sales on lands being composed et Part et Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession, Whitby, identitîed as the «Subject Lands» on the key map below. The changes in land use are in response te applications submitted by Invar Industrial Limited. An associated amendment te the Durham Regionai Officiai Plan redesignating the lands te Special Purpese Commercial waLs adopted by RegienalCeuncil on April 28, 1993 as Officiai Plan Amendment No. 283. The nature et Amendment Ne. 81 and Zening By-law No. 3312-93 is te redesignate the western portion et the «Subject Lands" te Speciai Purpose Commercial and rezone the lande te 'C2-S' Speciai Purpr-se Commercial te permit a single retail tacility with teod sales, having mn'num gress leasable area et 10,800 square metres provided the tndsaIeF de net occupy mere than 45% et the total grass leasable area et the entirr building te a maximum et 5,000 square metres. By-law No. 3312-93 places an «H" Holding symbel on the tend sales compenent et the use until such time as the propenient has demonstrated te the satisfaction et Ceuncil that there is sutficient tend store market in Whitby fer ail existing and Council approved facilities. The nature of Amendment No. 83 and Zoning By-iaw No. 3313-93 is te redesignate the eastem portion et the 'Subject Lands- te Special Puipose Commercial and rezone the lande ta 'C2-S' Special Purpese Commercial te permit a single retail tacility withaut fend sales, having a minimum gross leasable area et 12,000 square metres. The above-neted matters have been referred or appealed te the Ontario Municipal Board by the tollewing four parties fer the reasens noted: 1) -PC repries cand the Lblws Group nf Companies have appealed Zoning By-law Nos. 3312-93 and 3313-93. -The appeilants submit that the propesed land use changes have been intreduoed without adequate censideration et a number et issues including market needs, impact on existing and planned retail facilities, adequacy et the road access arrangement and cempatibiiity with the maintenance et the pianned area land uses. The appellants aise submit that the H" Holding zone provision was inarprately used, and thalt the public sheuid be able te appeal the removal et the «H" on preper gruns The appellants have aise requested referral et the associated Amendment Ne. 283 te thp Durham Regienal Officiai Plan. 2> virCr n up- ahay Buildig Centre HIard Ruling Cntre Canaian ~fMire i,ý t i- n shwWhitbv and Ajax, Milwork Homne Centres Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontarie on: Wednesday, the 29th day ot September, 1993 at: 10:00 O'CLOCK (LOCAL TIME) in the torenoon. PURPOSE OF PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE The conterence will deal with preliminaiy and procedural matters, indluding the tollowing: *Identification ot parties. These persons have the right te participate throughout by presenting evidence, questionirig witnesses and making final arguments. In order for the Board te determine your:status ýfor the hearing, you or your representative should attend the pre-hearing conterence and ask te be added as a party. Groups, wheiher incorporate or not, who wish to become parties should name a representative. Parties do not need te be represented by lawyers. *Identification of participants. Persons who do flot wish te participate throughout the hearing may attend the hearing and make a statement te the Board. Such persons should aise attend the pre-hearing conterence. *Identification et issues. -Duration et the hearing. *Start date et the hearing. *Directions for erefiling et witness lists, expert witness statemenits and written evidence. *The hearing et motions. aSuch turther matters as the Board considers apprepriate. .Everyone present should come- prepared te consider speciic dates for proceedings in this matter. . EV1EQE N~o evidence or formai statements will be heard at the pre-hearing conterence. Ail parties or their representati vos should attend the pre-hearing conterence in order te confirm that they are parties and te receive further instructions tor the hearing. If any party or participant requires assistance or information regardin9thle pre-heaning conterence or the heaning. please contact the Ontario Municipal Board at 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 Telephone: (416) 598-2266; Fax (416> 979-8808. Please note: The Ontario Municipal Board has issued a Draft Procedurai Order te ail known parties . Parties h ave been asked te attend the pre-hearnç Conference prepared te address the matters raised in that Procedural Order. Copies et the Draft Procedural Order may be obtained from the Town of Whitby Cierk's Department or trom the Ontario Municipal Board at the address and telephone number above. Dated at Toronto this 26th day et August. 1993. Si vous avez besoin du service on francais, priere informer le jury qui preside a la onternce.DIANA MACRI SECRETARY ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 0 is

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