Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 15, 1993 .~ *~;;* I * (4 HUNDREDS 0F PEOPLE flocked to ddwntown Whitby Saturday for Hertage Day. The apple pie contest had 16 enines including Loraine Gosselin (centre, top photo) who was second, Barbara Ince (right) who was third and Greg Neye, a runner-up (winner Gwynneth Kemp is not shown); busker Max T. Oz entertained at vanous locations throughout the day, keeping crowds interested with his mix Of sleight of hand and humour; Samantha Pitt enjoys the music of the Dynes Family String Band; Jane West and Vic Sharmna were two of the many artists competing in the sidewalk art contest. Photo by Mrk Reesor. Whiby Free Press Photos By Mark Reesor »oe