Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 8

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,pageýS, Vhtby Fee Press, Wedneday, September 8,1993 Vandalsm at construction site Dama ge la estimated at $25 000 from weekend vandalism at tle new hi g h chool and Dur- hami Board of Education head- quartera building under con- struction at Taunton Road East in Whitby. Durham Regional Police say vandals used forklift trucks te strike door frames and pipes. The forklifts were thon pushed off the fourth floer of the build- ing. -. There were break-ina at three construction trailers, and scaf- fold liffiq were aise damaged. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ........CLERK'S DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING SMOKING BY-LAW MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 0 8:00 P.M. Committee Room 19 Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario The Ceuncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby is considering passing a=-lw e eulate smoking in public places. The by-law would be based on a model smoking by-law prepared by the oa unicipality of Durham. PUBLIIC PLACES PROPOSED TO RF REG-ULATED Bingo Halls, Billard Halls and Bowling Aileys No more than 509/o of the public portion of hese premises could bo designated for the purposes of smoking. Buses Smoking in any sohool bus, public bus or Handi Transit bus would bu prohibited. Day Nurseries Smoking in any day nursery would be prohibited. Eatlng Establlshmnts No more tha n 30% of the useable floor space of any eating establishment could be designated for the purpose of smoking. The aea se desgnated would bu requred to be a contiguous unit separate from the non-smoking aiea. Elevators, Escalators and Stalrways Smoking in an elevator or on an escalator or stairway in any building, except in a private residence, would bu prohibited. Financial Institutions Smoking in the public portion of any financiai institution would bu prohibited. Halrdresslng Parleurs and Barberahops Smoking in the public portion of any hairdressing partour or barbershop would bu prohibited. Hospitals and Heaith Care Facilities Smoking in any hospital or health caie facility wouid be prohibited except for patient care areas and only if (a) the smoker was a patient and (b) the designated smoking aiea was fuiiy ondlosod and separatoly ventilatod te the outdoors. Laundromats Smoking in the public portion of any laundromat would be prohibited. Municipal Buildings Includlng Recreational Facîlities Smoking in any municipal building, inciuding any municipal recreational facility, would bu prohibited. Places ef Public Assembly Smkin olualwi a designated smoking area o! an y place of public assembly provided that (a) th einated smking areawas fuly enclosed and separately ventilated te the outsmde, (b> the smoking aiea did not xceed 25%4 o!fh indoor floor area, and (c) the designated smoking aiea was flot required by the public for access or thoroughfare. Reception Areas Smoking in any reception area in an establishment or off ice would be prohibited. RetailiStores Smoking in the indoor public ortion of any retail shop would bu prohibited. Service Unes Smoking in any service lino on any promises would be prohibited. Shopping Mails Smoking in any common aiea of any shopping mail would bu prohibited except in a part of an eating establishment designated for the purpose of smoking. Taxlcabs Smoking in any taxicab would be prohibited. Theatres Smoking in any theatre would bu prohibited except wheme smoking was an element of a stage production, in which case, stage performers would bu permitted te smoke on stage. The propnietor of a dinner theatre wouid bu allowed te designate net more than 300/ of the eating aiea of the dinner theatre for the purpose of smoking. HEALTH WARNING SIGNS Propnietors would be required to post health waining signs conspicuously se as to be cleaily visible from al aieas where smoking was permmtted n accordance with the by-law. SIGNS The proprietoir of every bu*.ding. vehicle or area in which smoking was prohibited by the by-iawi would be reuied to ensure that signs were censpicuously posted se as te bu cearly visible and legible f rom ail parts ofthe area where smoking was prohibited. Where an area was desig nated, in accordanoe with the provisions of the by-law. te permit smoking in such aiea, the propnietor wou Id bu required to post one or more signs n any such area where smoking was pormitted, marked »SMOKING IN THIS AREA ONLY.* OBLIGATION 0F PROPRIETOR The propnietor weuld bu required te inferm a person who was smoking in an aiea where smoking was prohibited that the smoking activity was n violation o! the law. SARAH LAWRENCE, 6, and brother Jamnie, 4, show how they retumned a salute to the Metro Toronto Police Mounted Unît after giving. oeremonial "permssion" to the unit to rerform the Musical Ride at the Collseumn during the CNE. TheWhitby kids were recognîzed by the unit for coming Up with 'Sayno,' the winning entry ln the unit's 'Don't Horse Around With Drug s' campaign. In addition to seats ln the Royal Box at the Coiseumr, Sarah and Jamnie received eig ht passes to the CNE and eight coupon boksfor McDonald 's. Photo by Maurice Piflier, Whltby Free Press A tooth can be lest due te decay, gum disease or injury. This can cause serious social or psychological problems. Aise it can affect the remaining teeth because the supr and chewing pattern is altered. The neighbouring or Ã"pposing teeth begin te shiftr drift in an attempt te close the space created by the missing teoth. Thisma cause gum problemrs, formation of decay in abnormal areas, unnatural contacts anfurther breakdown in the dental structure. The simple solution is te repla.ce.4ie missing tooth either by a removable denture or wtih a flxed bridge. A fixed bricge is an arbtifidaltooth which is permanently cemented with the help of crowns ite~tare ited ente the adjacent teeth, after trimming them te a certain extont A crewn i a cap placed on top of a toeth when it has been restored with a large filling or when the tooth noeds te bu protected after a root canai has been doe. THE DURHAM REGION DISTRICT MEALTH COUNCIL IS NOW REQUESTING: APPLICATIONS for MEMBERSHIP on the DURHAM REGION LONG TERM CARE PLANNING COMMITTEE A Long Termn Care Planning Committee is currently being formed. As a dedicated volunteer you will become part o! a skilled and innovative regional planning teamr made up o! both consumers and providers o! long term care services, and ethor interested people. Through ongoing community liaison, your teamn will develop a progressive plan for a coord inated and accessible long term care system which will meet the needs of the Durham Region as a whole. If anyone would like more information or an application package, please contact the Durham Re9 ion District Health Cou ncil by calling (416) 433-4262. The office is open weekdays between 8:30 and 4:30. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 15,1993. ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail its revenue tram advertising ir>one form or another. For obvious self-interest, we want our clients* advertising to work. Our polîcy is ta reach as rnany homes in Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%) and te provide local high-interest content that ensures that peaple read the paper and hence thie advertising as well. We urge readers te patronîze our advertîsers in order that we can provide even better coverage in the future. Wie aise stress creativity. We wil provide aur professianal expenience ta advise clients on ways te make their advertising more effective, but fer a praduct that cannat be repossessed, there are ne guarantees. We strive te aveid errers. but when we make them, a correction will be made in a subsequent issue or a discount atfered. Trie new-mer'^~~s legat liability is onty fer the actual space occupied by the errer. Advertising is sold according ta thie space it occupies. Na additionat charge is made for artwork or tayaut and hence the newspaper retains tme copyright on a:i ils orignal wark.- The newspaper reserves the riez tot refuse adverîsng which .1 'ds obectnabe or detrimental tai itS business. -1

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