Whitby Free Press, 8 Sep 1993, p. 5

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Whety Free Press, Wecfresday. September 8, 1993, Page 5 Naional artytohave candfidate i0Ot.riding ByMike KowaIuld Canada newest political party will conteat Ontario riding in the upcominigfederal election. Pickering resident Robert McMenemy was acclaimed lest week as the candidate for the i National Party of Canada. A financial systemB consultant, McMenemy, 37, is making bis firat attempt at public office. In doing se, 'hie will be repre- senting a party that will net likely celebrate its firat annivers- ary until after the election is hel d. The National Party was only founded last November by pub- lisher and author Mel Hurtig. prime Mfinister Kim Campbell, meanwhile, is expectecdtet announce an October election date any day now.9 Married, with two children,9 the novice politician willingly1 admits bis party bas little1 chance of winning the riding now j held by incumbent Progressivei ConservativeMP Rene Seetens. This electien will be used pri- marily te educate Canadiansi about the party and te build for the future, c Menemy said. «We're trying te attract atten- tien and get our message eut, te show that our party is quite different than teh.e others,- he e updrty, which touts a Stilwell is at c ofl ee F ri d ay Heather Stilwell, national lea- der of the Christian Heritagfe Party of Canada, will be in Oh awa on Friday, Sept. 10. Stilwell, from British Col- umbia, will discuss election issues at the Durham Colege lecture hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. She is on an election teur through Ontario and is aIse visiting the part/s national cm ignhreadquarters at the Chris- tinInfo Icsource Centre, 63 King St. E9., Oshawa. For more information cal Gerry Vanschepen at 576-1784. Suivan to begin campaigfl The Reform Party of Ontario Ridiug sud candidate Don Sullivan will hold their election kick-off public information meeting on Tihursday Sept. 9, 7:30 p.rn., in the HMS jax roem at the . Aax Community Centre on Cè-ntennial Road. Sept. 9 marks the one-year anniversary of Sullivians nomination. "This yer bas been a lot of bord work .1for My campaign teara and ail our volunteers. Were al ready for action. 99L in porticular, ama looking forward te listening te as manY constituents as possible over the next twe months. The people who pay the bills in tis riding deserve to be lheard, said Sullivan..y A ick-off campaign 'cake, along with cotTee, wýill be served after the meeting. I~~ Go nuts I ROBERT McMENEMY strong 'Canada Firat' set of poli- cies and principles, wants te make the counftrysparliamen- tan7 system more «demecratic» and resesiete Canadians' neefds, McMeey said. "We thn ost peple are dissatisfied with the other par- ties. None have the political will te make the changes necessary te Canada's future,» ho said. On the economic front these changes would include allowing the dollar find its own level on the international money markets and «more realistic» interest rates, McMenemy said. "Interest rates should be what they were like in the '40s te late '60s, one te one and a haîf per cent " ho said. "«We'e making borrowing tee expensive, especially for smal business. While Canada's high un- empleyment levels will be the maJor focus of the party's elec- tien campaign, ether issues such as free trade and parliamentary reforra wilb e raised, McMenemy said. For example, the National Party believes more free votes of MPs should be permitted in the House of Commons. Although the Reform Party also champions this cause McMenemy said bis party woulcâ extend it beyond «moral issues» like capital punishment and abortien te economic and legal concerne. as a t The National PartY asew. t to change the way in which nlitical paorties are funded in bndMcMenemy said. "We-want to chanee the fund- ing 50, that politfcians don't spend 90 per cent. of their time raising money,"ýhe gad. The Naitional.Party refuses te accept contributions fromn cor- =ortions, unions or special net groupe- sud relies totally on individual donations. McMenemy said this principle sheuld be applied te ail parties. Truh their income tax forme, anadians could direct. that $1 of their taxes be given te the party of their choice, hie said. MêMenemy stressed that the National Party is net a «protest party or reactionary group» *or merely ULberals in a hurry' as some critics contend. "The people who started the payty have, ne strong desire te be prime minister but te protect the country from eresion,"he said. "Kim Campbell preaches the politics ef inclusion but there's nothing to back it up (and) I don't think (Liberal leader Jean) Chretien will be znuch of a chan ge. Menemy is the fourth per- son seeking te wrest the seat that Seetens has held since 1988. Other candidates are Dan McTeague of the Liberals, Don Sullivan ef the Reform Party and New Democrat Lynn Jacklin. Ontario riding includes Whitby south of Taunten Read, plus the towns of Ajax and Pickering. Soetens opens campaign headquarters Rene Seetens, Ontario riding MP and nominated candidate fer the Progressive Couservative party in t he riding in the upcom- ing election, opened bis cam- Cérmoie, er hldtomark the epening of the location in the plaza at 1670 Kingston Rd., unit 3 (Highway 2 and Brock Road). Kidney Foundation volunteers in Durham Region aren't nuts. They're just selling them sud it!s for a good cause. The annual Peanut Campaign, which raises money in aid of idney patients, is about te begin and organizers hope te raise $18 000 in Durham' Region. IBuring September and October, bags of peanuts can be purchased nt specific hospitals, schoois and corporations. Te purchase peanuts. or volunteer during the cajupaign, cail the foundation at (416) 445-0373. ~Preserviug our heritage... for our chitdren The Whitby L.A.C.A.C. and B.I.A. invites you to attend HERITAGE DAY S aturday, 1993 9:00 a.m. t( 4:00 p.m. Ir-,eebrates Day -!iDowntowfl Whtby ( Hertage Activities include: APPLE PIE CONTEST Get out that special recipe and enter your winner at 11:00 arn to Miracle Food Mart (601 Dundas St. W.) PRESERVES COMPETITION Bring your best bread & butter pickles. chil sauce, dill pickles and/or hot do g relish at 9:45 arn to Whitby IGA (350 I3rock St. S.) SIDEWALK ARTISTS' CONTEST .11 starting at 10:00 arn. Individuals will be assigncd a spectflc location. Categorics: hildrcn (10 & undcr) TAKE NtOCE TAe ome 2 r ck193 Shre rS.)me a orrtae ay nafo tie Tadngofshtb. CiorensorIformitiyaeon ouaed tclebrae66e-41t89.an "heritage Dof hinafrte Town of Whiatecnthe olwri.vns Cake Cutting Ceremony- Historie Walking Tour of Downtown Whitby Historlo Photograph Display at the Banîk of Nontreal -Earl Pascoe's Antique Clock Display at the Bank of Montreal *Display of Histoi Police Department Vehicle DiOspay of H-istorie Fire Department Vehidle *1892 Wagon on Display - Royal Canadian Legion Memorabilia Display *AU Saints'Anglican Church Archive Display - Whithy Library Childreri's Story Hour Whitby DBIA Apple Pie Contest * Whitby ÉBIA Sidealk Chalk-art Contest *Big Sisters Face Painting- Wood Carvers *Whitby Brass Band - County Town Singers -Wandoring Mnstrels -Magicai flusker - Town Crier DATED at Whitby, Ontaio this Ist day of September. 1993. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR du

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