BUSINESS OWNER LOSES CONTRA CT WITH TOWN Littie pays big price for crificism JONATHAN SMIT of Whitby was featured on the cover of 'Kids Toronto' and won seasons tickets to the Toronto Ar gos in a contesi p ut on by the magazine. Entrants were-asked to write inl and tell "why my falher's special." Smnit *also received a hat and got, to play football with Argos star Mike (p 1ball) Clemons at the Skydome and met the entire team and got their autographs after a game. Smit learned of the contest after p ickirig upa copy of the magazine at the Whitby Public Library. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Murder charge la id after woman stranAgled A26-year-old Whitby man bas Fulton of Oshawa, a grand- a service is planned for il a. been charged with seconddegree mother, a brother and many teday (Wednesday), followed murder in the stangulation death aunts and uncles. She was pre- burial at Mount awn Memor of bis girlfriend Saturday. deceased by ber son,, Sbane Gardens. Police were called te a lower Andrew Fulton. It's the second murder in Di floor apartment at 105 Craydon She is resting is at Armstrong hami Region in the past week a Rd. in 'Witby around 1:15 p.m. Funeral Home in Osbawa, wbere a baîf. Straadfound the Y dof E Jacke Ion,28, wbo live at theapatmet.Women oft istinction og An autopsy performed Sunday in Toronto revealed she bad been strangled te deatb. Nominations are being aecep- women et distinction. Police questioned the dead ted for tbe YWCA l2tb annual Deadline for nominations woman's b:oyfriend, David Earl Women of Distinction awards. Sept. 30. The arinual awai Saunders, 26, who lives at the dinner will be beld on Thursc saine address, Saturday after- Awards are given in seven Nov. 4 at Gen. Sikorski Pol noon and evening. He was arres- categories: arts; community ser- Vterans Hall in Osbawa. ted and charged Sunday. vice; education, training and Tickets for the event cost: Fulton is survived b y er development; business; healtb per person. For more informnai, parents, Shirley and ichard care; non-traditional roles; young caîl 576-880. a.m. 1by )rial )ur- and Lt 3is ards Iisb $45 tion By Mike Kowalski A Whitby businessman 's criti- cismn of Town council has cost bis com pany a municipal contract. Bill Lttle's vocferous opposi- tion to council plans for future growth in Brooklin bas been cited as a primary reason for the Town ending an agreement it had with Little's firmn to market the municipality. Meeting in closed session ear- lier this summer, council mem- bers voted to terminate a contract signed in the spring with Little, owner of William D. Little Mar- keting & Motivation Ltd. Although denyingf it was an attempt to silence 'Little on the Brooklin issue, three councillors contacted by The Free Press admit that Little's outspoken- ness was a. major factor in gouncil's decision. Council could flot tolerate someone publicly criticizing its actions, while at the sanie time that prson was pai d to represent the Town,The Fres Press was told. Little cdaimns council is ignor- ing downtown Brooklin by favouring commercial develop- ment outside the village. A study approved by council earlier this year recommends designating Brock and Taunton roads as a major commercial area. A 200-name petition demand- ing measures te protect down- town Brooklin be incorporated into Whitby's new officiaI plan was presented to council in June. Although he dees not dispute council's rigbt to end the contract -- for which hie was paid in full -- Little is upset with the way it came about. In a letter delivered te Brook- lin residents hast month, Little accuses Mayor Tom Edwards and pilanning committee chair Ross Batten of beine the driving forces bebind council s decision. "The Mayor's and ... Batten's objection te mjy input bas been se strong it resulted in the termina- tien of my marketing company's contract with the Town," Little writes. He referred te a letter from Whitby marketing directer Peter Lebel. "The primary reasons for the Town's decision te terminate your (Little's) services is that recent actions undertaken by you are feit to be contrary and in conflict witb our primary mnar- keting goal of attracting and encouraging business expansion in the Town," Lebel states. "In other werds, as citizens SEE PAGE 2 See Pages 21 t0 25 Letters ________6 Lit estyle______ 9 Business ______10 Entertainment -14,15 What's On __-___16 Brooklin ______20 Obituaries _____29 -Crimestoppers____35