Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. SePtember 1. 1993, Page 23 HOW TO BOOK VOUR CLASSIFIED AD... Cail 668-6111. Ads placed qjy Fax your ad ta us at Ig Mail your ad ta: Whitby Free eropn9at 5mM dy U . Monclay at noon iMll be 7" 668-0594. Please ensure Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, DUlse h ensa.you provide ail pertinent Li N 5S1. Acis should be mailedatnofrW neaypbiton Vrpyb5 mt aeinformation, and a ta arrive by Monday at noon. If your cari make it in during office l tVISA card when plaaing the ad. reach yoù, if necessary. or provide billing information. o u rn or ...........A.....A... .... .........R..(~ R~ R AL AIPR Fi IO A %Îvm r m cn COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPUICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 TRAVEL end TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS DETA CHAv± s :r~I R-1iDEJ SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 Give yourself the opportunity 721-3052 or 1-800-461-1306 Durhamn College, Continuous Learning Division doesn't want you to gamble with your future. We have over 400 courses that can help you reach your goals. To register beginning August 16 eall 721-3000 or 1-800-461-3260.. For information and a free calendar call 721-3052 or 1-800-461-1306. DURHAM COLLEGE IS YOUR SURE BET FOR THE FUTURE ..............TED CLEANING LADY AVAILABLE. Reliable, dependable. Reasonabie rates. Please cali Maria at 430-0102. AFFORDABLE BUSINESS ALTERNATIVES. Specialists in bookkeeping & office admini- strative services. For ail your off ice needs cal Jacquîe at 728-0492 or Maggie 428-1809. RECEPTIONIST required with telemarketing skiils. Full time position. Cal Thursday or Friday, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. at 683-9322. $370 WEEKLY POSSIBLE. At home. Simple, easy, pleasant wark. lnf: $2 plus sef-addressed stamped envelope ta: C.A.M P.O. Box 21054, 290 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ont. LiS 7H2 rPANO TEACHER Must be qualilled ta teach ýup ta Grade 10 RCMT ENCORE MUSIC 683-6267 Ask for Li Pîcture yourself working with Animais Train ta be an Animal Care Aide In juat 8 monihe i Financlal assistance mu b. available ta qualified students 54 Centre Sieet N. 576-9175 .0BCI USINRSS COLL&£. DURHAM MULTIPLE SCIEROSIS CHAPTER is laoking for volunteers. Jobs available in public relations, fundraising, accaunting and administration. Camre and see what a difference y ur talents can make for people living wit h MS. Cali 1-800-268-7582 ask for Kathy Charlwoad. EARN UP TO $34BIweek ta assemble Christmas and holiday decarations year round, at home. Wark available across Canada. For mare ia, send a sef-addressed stamped envelope t agic Christmas, 130 Siater Ste., Ste. 750, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. MODEL TYPES NEEDED for fashion, T.V. commercials, movies, film extras. Lots ai work available. 404-8233. EARN $450/WEEK from home mailing letters, assembiing light products. (416)631-4791. Ref. 16C. 24 hours. C anadian companies. HOME SEWERS. Invitation ta quate. Whitby based company. 666-1836. RESUM4ES BARB'S SECRIzTARIAL SERVICES Weekdays, evenings, wee.kends 404-8422 ALERT. Stay home - make maney. You assemble Cdn. praducts ,and earn up ta $627 per week. Amazing recorded message reveals details. Cali 705-739-7184 Ext. 24. $200-$500 WEEKLY! Assemble praducts at home. Easy, no selling You re p aid direct. F ui ' guaranteed. No expenence necessary. Cali (504)641-7778 ext. 142, 24 hours. HAIR STYLIST CHAIR for rent and Esthetician room for rent. Caîl 430-7070. THERE'S NO SHORTAGE af work that needs ta be done to save planet Earth. For details, write: S. Pile, 806 Brack St. N., Whitby, LUN 4G5. ,,Torn to ITSCU'cDITA U AN11-AGING NEEDS DISTRI- BUJTORS now for Chinese Herbs/State af Art personai care proucts. Great earnungs patentia. PT, F/T. Cati 619-1318. RENTAL BUSINESS for sale. Ideal for mechanic or service persan. Service bay with car hoist pIlus full line af tools & equipment. Priced ta seli. Cali Days 655-4544, evenîngs 655-8989. TINAS FASHION DESIGNS.1 Custom made wedding gawns,1 bridesmaids dresses, evening Wear, suits, coats and ail alterations. Very affordable. 430-2537. HANDYMAN - Odd jobs, clean y ards and basements.ý Painting. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Cali 655-8361. GREEN CLEANING b Grandma's Company off ers nknoc your socks off" service for ail residential homeowners and their properies. We are flexible people andour services extend to ovens, fridges, walis, laundr & ironing. Ail cleaners are pal ce security checked. Bonded, insure, Chamber member. 725-9177 (24-hour answering). CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmai ds & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and alteration. Garments also made from a ~pict ureJ23-3259. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hire. Private or business. Phone 430-1080, leave message. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery af antiques. Ail kinds of recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years' experience. 430-7568, W hitby. ESSENTIAL HAIR DESIGN promotion. Free cut and style with any perm. Perms from $30. Spiral perms tram $65. Expiry date October 15, 1993,. 430-7070. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies at an affordable price. For your f ree in-home shopping and estimate caîl 432-1714 after 5 p.m. or leave message. Customer's fabrios are welcome. TONIC AND CELLULAR reinformation. Distributors needed now ta be at the top ai MIMI B. Gadin, 161 Orise, Ste-Sophie, Quebec JOR 1S0. EARN $1,00's stuffing enve- lapes. For information, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope ta: RSB Enterpnises, Box 139, Port Perry, Ont. L91 1A2. NAILS 5V KATHY. Acryllc & fibreglass. Na Drill, No Damage. Now providing waxing, pedicures, f acials,. make-up, tanning, massage & tattoaing. Al available at Genesis Studio, 122 Byran St. N. 430-4810. FURNITURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Specializing in Earty Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainiment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quality work- manship g uarantee. Refierences supplied. For a free quotatian cal Gary at 666-1913. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. Russ Wilde. Service upg rades. Free estimates. At 666-21-27 Whitby. EXTERIOR WINDOW CLEANING onîr $25. For fast, prompt service cali 668-0070. -Also, interior quates. CUSTOM DRAPES, valances and co-ordinating accessories. Many styles -and fabrics ta choose - Vour f*>ric welcome. Give a cal today. XPressionz - 666-3762. HANDYMAN - Yard clean-ups, lawn cutting, hedge trimming, rubbish removal, decks, fences, sheds, doors, painting. Cail Doug at 436-0398. 2 MEN with 15' cube van will do household or commercial moves. Short or long distances. Phone 433-0775. CINDYS ALTERATIONS has moved - stilî in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. W., upsta!rs. Came see us for ail your sewing needs. 33 ye ars expe rience between us. 1ues. to Fr1. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. 430-6550. HANDYMAN SERVICES - repairs, improvements, painting or any other jobs around the home. Very reasonable rates. Seniors' discount. Cail 666-0288. Amarsuies Rn %a Saie kâqJss. An Gaage à Yard Saes & CceciUss Haffl A& AputabIeni «Rdni H*~WaUd >çArlcus HaM«uRle Rn kukti. î* Han,.kglSi. At&*&410b I wla A*Weffrwa s ale LaoscS«"ca afft Lgi &bOa8S% S Lobc&Faud -cal a PRosdSaai mowocyums Card of Tiiarirs Personais Cares Pers" iServ.oe Chid Cam Sesims PeWAveStada& 5ç>çie ComingEvenes Rd Esiai comemrilspace Reodani Serima kv Rem or Sge RomlaiReOM DUMe irelucDWe Shared Acmmwodaboer Daft Saoeage EriucaboeServSe., Tenders Emçloym nwarod Trarwn Sevces FarMS/Aeee Trave aicr. Farm Suppbes Vaenines & Eq.apnen:an i BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING # Fail Seals stIii avaiabie i125'AAh&Odul ïPM O#TArio sa Financi Assistance May De A vallabie 2,Campuses in Durham