Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1993, p. 18

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,- tn c n.,-ý Prnce Wpd nesa.Sctember 1.1993 b There are pocke1 calculators, pOcket cameras pocket recorders ... today we seem to have everyling in our pockets exoepl moneyl Did you know that Canadian automotive journalists chose the Volkswagefl Corrado VR6 theBest New Sports Car« for 1993? 3more provincial lacrosse champions Whitby teams won ail three tities up for grabs at the provin- cial minor lacrosse A chamion- ships in Kitchener Aug. 20-22. Me Whitby midget team,, coa- ched by Jim Bishop and includ- ing several members of last year's bantam team that won the Ontario title, held off Burlington te win the final 9-8. The Whitby bantam teain, also coached by Bishop, who was named outstanding coach of al teams in the tournament, defea- ted Peterborough 7-5 in overtime in the final. It wasn't easy for the Whitby îpeewees, either. They lost their first two games before roaring back te win three straight, in- cluding the final over Peter- borough. In al, four Whitby lacrosse teams won Ontario titles this year. The peewee B team won over the Aug. 7-8 weekend. T'he mid get and bantam teains employed th e strategy for which Bishop is known -- relentless i-unning and solid 'team play - -that proved to be the difference between Whitby and the other teams. Both teams practised each weekday mrorning ail season, and that stxff conditioning regimen saw Whitby players cruise past their tiring opponents in the latter stages of almost every game. And dominant players "don't get preferential treatment"' under Bishop's team play empha- sis, says midget team manager "You gorwth the system, you ou eit from the system,» and the goal is the Ontario titie, Ihemde team won 1 and tied one of their 12 games in the !S atfour games in Kit- chener saw Whitby defeat Bur- lington 9-7, St. Catharines 14-9, Orangeville 10-5 and then Bur- lington 9-8 in the final. Marty O'Brien, the tourna- ment's most valuable player Gavin Prout, Pat Jones and Steve Voituk led the teain in scoring ~-O'Brien and Prout each with 33 points in the 12 games, Jones with 32 and Voituk with 28. Ail are aged 15, f"irst-year midgets, making next year's team probably even more formid- able. The Whitby team also won two tournaments and lest in the final (to St. Catharines) in another in Brampton. Second-year players Dan St. Aubin, Ryan Huxter, Wayne McNutt, Matt Cardwell and goa- lie Trevor Van Egmond were stron contributors as they won their first Ontario titie. Gee Nash was consistently strong in net while other first- ear players -- Paul Saluie, Mike owiand,NMil Maynard, Derek Suddons, David Stabile, Zack Aitken and Bon Death -- assured the victory. The bantam team, sponsored by Lacrosse International, was undefeated in the prelimmnary rounds. Jason Ward scored five goals and Brent Lazary four in an 11-1 romp over Orangevilie. Stephen Death scored four and Arthur Whaley and A.J. Shannon each had three in a 14-7 wmn over Brampton. Ward had four in a 9-6 win over Peterborough, and the two tasaan met in the final. Peterboog tied the score 5-5 to force overtime when Shannon and Ryan Harris, with his second SEIR PAGE 27 MARK PIERCE (Ieft) puts everything into his shot in a Whitby on Oshawa's Baker Park, despite being outnumbered 15-7, Rangers under-1 6 soccer mac ast week. The Rangers took and ended up Iosing 8-2. PoobMakRerWityFePrs Under-14s win U.S. tournifà Ament The Whitby under-14 beys' elite rep soccer teain 'had a memorable Aug. 21-23 weekend by winning the championship of the Connecticut International Soccer Tournament. This was the annual U.S. soccer teurnament and the Whitby team, sponsored by Oshawa Mfidtown Mail, faced stiff Arnerican competition before emerging as tournament victors. In group play, Whitby started with a crossover gaine with Soccer Scene, Mass., state champions and teurnament champions in 1992 and the number one seed in this year's teurnament. Both teans applied initial gressure. SoccercSene took a nief 1-0 halîtime lead before Whitby tied the gaine at 1-1 as Roger Badley converted a crosing pass froîn Jason Schleiffer. Both teains gained one point as the gaine ended in a 1-1 tie. In game twe, Whitby went on t"ta ofl'ence te record a lopsded 8-1 victory over New Haven, Conn. At halftime, Whitby had a comfortable 4-1 lead. Ross Hainill scored on a nifty setup pass from George Epamninondas. Ryan Smith connected for two consecutive goals with good teain play frein Kevin DaSilva and Schleiffer, and Schleiffer finished off Whitby's scoring by converting a pass frein Badley. In the second haif, Wihitby cemented the victory with four unanswered goals. Schleiffer scored his second goal of the gaine with heip from Hamili. Herman Johnson finished off a three-way passing pay froin Epaminondas and Jason Brown. Brown was la on the final two Whitby goals as he scored the seventh goal, finishing off accurate playmaking frein Epaminondas and DaSilva, and he assisted on Whitby's final goal by Antonio Scala. In gaine three, Whitby played Sutton, Mass. in a must-win game. At halftime the gaine was scoreless. WhiitbY won the gaine as Johnson sprung Schleiffer loose on a breakaway which Schleiffer converted, sliding the bail inte the net for a nail-biting 1-O victery. The victory meant aL first-place group standing in a piayoff berth. Adam Farr played weli in goal, keeping Whitby alive in the early mLinutes of the game, and recorded the shuteut with strong defensive support from Smith, Scala, Kyle Miuckian, Jonathan van der Ven, Adamn MoInar and Brown. In the semi-finals, Wihitby played Ludlow, Mass. This proved te be the most excting gaine of the entire tournaînent. Whitby had a wide margin of team play. Schieiffer, Paul Novais Badley and Michael Hadden had ôutstanding opportunities te score. But after an entire gaine plus two extra 10-minute periods, the game remained scoreless, and penalty shots wouid decide the outeome. Ludlow converted both their third and fourth penalty shots to take a strong 2-0 stranglehold lead. Whlitby faced tournament elimination. Badley brought Whitby's sim hopes alive, popping a shot inte the cerner and narrowing the score te 2-1. Van der Ven, in a tense situation on Whitby's last penalty shot, brightened Whidtby's hopes dramatically as he connected te deadlock the score at 2-2. Both teams and players now faced sudden-death penalty shota. Farr made a tension-packed save te, put Whitby in a position to win the gaine. Hamili, with a Whitby victory on the Uine, converted the winning goal with an accurage corner shot. Whitby won 3-2 and went te, the final. In the championship gaine, Whitby piayed a strong, very determined Soccer Scene who applied epening pressure, but Wolves countered by playing gi-eat defence te hoid the opposition off thé scoreboard. Smith connected with a powerful goal froin a free kick for a 1-0 first half lead. SEE PAGE 19 Redmen swept, Brampton mMann Brcoklin Redmen succumbed te the superior talent of Bramp- ton li Ontario major lacrosse playoffs last week. Bomen lest .9-7 at Iroquois Park on Aug« 25 as Brampton Exceisiors wÃ",vi the best-of-seven Ontariofinal i hfour straight. Redinen, playing perhaps their best game of the series, had apparently tied the score in what was an 8-7 game in the late stages. Greg Van Sickle, the team's tepscoerduring the regular season, fired the goal with iess than two minutes remaining. But the referee disallowed the goal, saying Van Sickle had stoýp- ped into the Brampton goalie crease before shcoting Van Sickie reacted%, and was handed an unsportsmanlike miner penalty, a mniscenduct and game misconduct. A minute iat* another Redmen offensive weapon, John Fusco, was aise kicked eut of the game for mis- conduet, and Brampton players had te step in te separate Red- men players from the officiais. Matt Shearer, the fine junior player calied up by Redmen for the piayoffs, who figured pro- minently in the semi-final series against Fergus, had four goals in the fourth game against Brampton after beng held te just a goal in the first three gaines. Fusco had three asssts whiie VanSiekie Bill Passfieid and Mike Harâing had the other Ried- men goals. John Tavares, the league's ieading scorer during the regular season, showcased his offensive abilities in the four games against Redmen. HNe scored flive of Brampton nine goals in the fourth game and added an assist. He aise scored three goals in each of the first two games. Jim Veltinan, another of the game's best players, had a goal and an assistin the fourth gaine. Damrs Kilgour, who had five goals and two assista in the second gaine, scored twice and had an assist in the fourth game. Brampton, defendin gM ann Cup champions, will be teugh te beat in this year's Mann Cup final te be held in British Col- umbia, against either Burnaby or Cequitiain. Page 18, Whithy f- ree Fress, vveu, it-ay, --,wpLug m ouui j 1425 uunaas m. vucrejç,ýj

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