Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1993, p. 8

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Page 8. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. August 25, 1993 Many events at.F airview Lodge 's summer festival -- - - .- . Ty -l--- QI a. a f*6 a " ç ,lpa FROM PAGE)1 its titie again this year against Whîtby Hydro and aIl other corn- ers. Brown says an y group feeling energetic can ta ke on the un- defeated fire department squad for a $10 entry fee. There will be the usual craft and white elephant- tables -- anyone interested in setting up a table should contact Brown and a raffle, with a barbecue donated by Consumners Gas as one of the prizes. Tom Gibney and Kate Wheeler of CFTO News are nning t be on hand te help itby lire- fligters serve up hamburgers, hot dogs and ether refreshments, and Dairy Queen will be selling ice cream cake slices. Ail proceeds go te Fairview's day program for people with AIz- bexrner's, and te resident's pro- grams. Three people face assault charges after an argument over a guitar Friday morning in Whitby turned violent. Police say two brothers and another man were driving home when they started arguing after one of the brothers started play- ing te man's guitar. The argument degenerated into a brawl after tbe three got back te their Dufferin Street residence, say police. "nbe two brothers laid a pretty gfood beating on this guy, says nspector Jim FisbleyKey bit bim over the head w'ith bis own House prices in Whitby have gene down from three te, six per cent from a year ago, accrding to a recent survey by Royal LePage. In the Royal LePage survey of Canadian bouse prices, the median price for a standard two- storey home (three-bedroom, 1,500 sq. ft.) in WhitbK is $160,000, compared to $165,000 a year ago. More than $10,000 was raised through last year's festival, with an estimated 2,500 te 3,000~- people attending. More than 100 expected te take antique car show entries are part in thp 'Thuey corne from ail over," says Stacey Van Hemmen, car show organizer. The show, sponsored by Van Hemmen Tlires, will this year include 20 'fun' classes, with the winners in each class te receive trophies. And Fairview Lodge residents will vote for their favourite car. "We theught we'd do a fun show," says V 'an Hemmen. Van Hemmen Tires is denating four BF Goodrich tires as first .rize in the festival raffle. Second prize is a colour TV and third prize is a gas barbecue donated by Consunters Gas. guitar and smashed it.» The victint, a 28-year-old man who also lives on Dufferin, was arrested fellowing the incident. Police say they were told he pulled a pellet gn on the broth- ers. He was charged with point- ing a firearm, weapons danger- ous and assault with a weapen. The victim dîdn't tell police his side of the story intil the next day. Police arrested the brothers, one aged 23 and the other 19, on Sunday and chariged them witb assault bodily harm, assault with a weapon and threatening death. The median price of a detached bungalow (three-bedroomn, 1,200 s.t) is $150,000, compared te rem.55',000 a year ago. The median price for an execu- tive detached two-storey (four- bedroom, 2,000 sq. ft.) is $185,000, down from $ 195,000 a year ago. The median price of a standard townhouse is $115,000, down from $130,000 a year ago. The car show will aise inélude 'Bib,' the inflated Michelin Man, the BF Goodrich inflatable tire and BF Goodrich tent. cars were in last year's show that was enjoyed by visitors. "The residents at Fairview just money raised will go te the Alz- heimer's day program. CORPORATION 0F THE J~g TOWN 0F WHITBY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Assault charges aid House prices idown from'92 ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail lis revenue tram advertising in onle form or another. For obvious seif-interest, we want our clients' advertising ta work. Our palicy is ta reach as many homes in Whitby as passible (usually more than 990%) and ta provîde local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence the advertising as well. We urge readers ta patronize aur advertisers in order that we cani provide even better coverage in the future. We aIse stress creativi ty. WVe wîll provide aur professional experineot advise clients on ways ta make their advertisîng more effective, but for a product that cannai be repassessed. there are ne guarantees. We stnive te avoid errors, but when we make them, a correction wilI be made in a subsequent issue or a discount offered. Thte newspapers legal iablity is ont y for the actual space occupied by the error. Advertising is sold accardîng ta the space it occupes. No add:tonal charge is made for artWork Or tayaut and hence te newspaper retaîns the copyright on ail ils original work. Trio newspaper reserves the right ta refuse advertising whichit finds objectionable or deDtmeftltai ets busine-ss. 0 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING SMOKING BY-LAW_ MONDAYs SEPTEMBER 205,1993 @ 8:00 P.M. UN Committee Room 1, Wfhitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario The Counicil of the Corporation ot the Town of Wityis considering passing a by-iaw to regulate smoking in public places. The by-law would be basod on a modelsmkig by-law propared by the ReionaI Municipality ot Durham. PUl IC. PLACES pROPOSED TO RE REcGULATED Bingo Halls, Bliliard Halls and Bowling Aileys No more than 500/o et the public portion ot these premisos could be designated for the purpeses et smoking. Buses Smoking in any school bus, public bus or Handi Transit bus would be prohibited. Day Nurseries Smoking in any day nursery would be prohibited. EatlngEstablshle5fts No more than 30% et the usoable fleor space et any oating establishment could be designated for the purpese et smoking. The area se designated would be required te be a contigueus unit separato trom the non-smoking area. Elevaters, Escalators and Stalrways Smoking in an elevator or on an escalator or stairway in any building, exoept in a privato rosidonco, would be prohibited. Financial Institutions Smoking in the public portion et any tînancial institution would be prohibited. Halrdresslng Parieurs and Barbershops Smoking in the public portion et any hairdrossing parleur or barbershop would be prohibitod. Hospîtals and Heallh Care Facilîties Smoking in any hospital or hoalth care tacility would be prohibitod except for patient care areas and only if <a) the smokor was a patient and (b) the designated smoking area was fully enclosed and separately ventilated te the outdoors. Laundromats Smoking in the public portion et any laundromat would be prehibited. Municipal Buildings lncluding Recreatlonal Facllties Smoking in any municipal building, including any municipal recreationai facility, would be prehibited. Places ot Public Assembly Smoking would be allowed in a designated smoking area et an y place et public assembly previded that <a) the designated smoking area was fully enclosed anid separately ventilated te the ouýide, (b) the smoking area did net exceod 25% et the indoor floor area, and <c) the designated smoking arW was net roquired by the public for access or thoroughtare. Receptlon Areas Smoking in any reoeption area in an establishment or office would be prohibited. Retaîl Stores Smoking in the indeer public portion et any retail shep would be prohibited. Service Unes Smoking in any service lino on any promises would be prohibited. Shopping Mails Smoking in any common area et any shopping mail would be prehibited oxcept in a par t o an eating establishment designatod for thte purpose et smoking. TaxIcaba Smoking in any taxicab would be prohibited. Theatres Smoking in any theatre wouid be prohibitod oxoept where smoking was an element et a stage production, in which case, stage perfermers would be permitted te smoe on stage. The prepnietor et a dinner theatre would be allowod te designate net more than 30% et the oating area et the dinner theatre for the purpose et smoking. HEH ABRNIN I Propr'îetors would be required ta post hoalth warning signs conspicuously se as te be clearly visible trom ail are-4s where smoking was pormitted in accordance with the by-law. The prepriotor et every building. vehicle.or area in which smoking was prehibited by the by-law would bo requ'red te ensure that signs were conspicuously postod se as te be clearly visible and legib le tram ail parts et the area whore smoking was prohîbited. Where an area was desig nated, in accordance with the provisions et the by-law, te permit smoking. in such area. the proprieter wou Id be required te post one or more signs in any such area whero smoking was pormitted. marked "SMOKING IN THIS AR EA ONLY.* OBLIGATION 0F PROPRIETOR The prepriotor would be required te interm a person who was smoking in an area whore smoking* was pro hibited that the smoking activity was in violation et the law. Any proprieter who failed or neglocted jo pertorm this duty would be guilty et an offence. OBLIGATION 0F PUBLIC Any person who failed or neglocted te comply with the smoking by-law would be guilty et an off once. A public meeting wlll be held by the Operations Commite eto Whitby Town Counicil on Monday, Setebe 2,1993 at8 p.m. In Cmm'ittRooM iathWhitby Municipal Building for the purpose et hnoSePtembr 6,1993.Persnsunab e te tten te meig 0may e wrte rpesn ten ihte ren fgulro thusondyteopF0uday. 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