Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1993, p. 24

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Page 24. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 25. 1993 I EDUCATIAL...REI5EAR4 LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and1 protect your Posters, Certificates, Educationai Material, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also avaitable- bookiet making. Cati: 666-2182. EXPERIENCED TUTOR has two openings for private instruction. Grades K - 8. Fee - $17/hr. Cati 433-0479. GUITAR LESSONS. Beginners and advanced. Acoustic or etectric. Cai Lou 666-1979. DRUM LESSONS. Private, at home tessons for beginners or advanced. 25 years experience. Member in good standing with Toronto Musician's Association. 430-2075. WANT TO LEARN the guitar? Begin now! Local, highty quatified teacher with years of experience taking students for classical, folk/rock. Phone 430-0935. (:) OSHAWA 10DRI VINO SCHOOL oshawa *728-0091 Fui Drivers Education Courses SEPTEMBER il th Saturdays 4 week course SEPTEMBER l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course OCTOBER 9th Saturdays 4 week course OCTOBER l2th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course PRIVA TE L ESSONS- REGISTERED a APPROVEOD YTHE ONTARO 5AFETY LEAGU E BABYSITTER REQUIRED for boy aged 6, girl aged 8 attending GtenDhu Schoot f uli time. No pets. Ref erences. 430-2771. NURSERY SCHOOL SPACES availabte at Smalt World and Good Friends N.S. (A.M. and P.M. programs). school begins September 8. Cati 668-5504. SHIFT WORKERS. Mother of 2 (Nurse) avaitable for daycare for evening &t night-shift workers. Snacks, hot meats. Beginning September. Cochrane/Hwy. 2 area. CatI 430-1713 after 5 p.m. MOTHER 0F 1 with Montessori teaching experience will 'Provide lovinq care and educational activities in m4 home for children ages 2 - 6. Nut ritious snacks & lunches provkfed. Thickson/Rossiafld. Caîl Nancy 723-8752. MOTHER with E.C.E. experience, wiII provide g ood quality daycare for your chi!d: Nutrit ious meals, outdoor. activîties, crafts (age appropriate). A home away from homeFtReferences available. (E.A. Fairman area). Cati Wendy 668-4125. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE avaitable. Non-smoker. Large fenced yard. Parks nearby. BrocklHwy. #2 area. Please cal 668-9990. We PfiçateHomSDal Care The system that provides.. *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuIIy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliabte locat back-up covers Provider ilness or hoidays " Complote insurance coverage " Income tax receipts " Children six weeks and up *Fuit or part-time For more InformatIon catI: 686-:3995 a ioensed Agency CmAiLiiA LBRIANS Lawnmower Ropair 721-2844 - 725-8709 LFree Pick U & Deliver ZLAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP Only +partS 7The Mutual Group HERBTRAN cail for quota!Jon 725-6564 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning sinco 1986 CALL 666-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. inNtelocking stone retaining was' wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIMA4TES Written Guarantee 666-9690I MY NAME 15 Chnistopfler and 1I arn 2 years otd. 1 play in a fencedi back yard and h ave a special1 playroom with lots of toys. 1 go outi walking with Mommy everyday. I live very close to St. Theresa/Pringle Creek schools. My Mommy is very experienced wit h lots of TLC. Very reasonable rates. Receipts, references. 668-5464. EXPERIENCED MOTrHER will babysit in my home. Alit ages, close to park, nutritious lunches & lots of T.L.C. Thickson & Nichol. 668-3713. BROOKWOOD - Part-time or before & afler sohool care availabte in my home. Watk to schools. Snacks, receipts & references. 666-9382. FANTASTIC HOME DAVOARE available in Whitby near 4OVGo station. Lots of attention, crafts, activities &t toys. Non-smoking/no pets. A fun & loving environment for your child. 668-82 39. LOVING MOTHER AVAILABLE to do daycare in my home. Nutritious lunch & snack. Fallingbrook & Dryden area. 430-3361. MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER specializing with infants and pre-schoo rer s. Wàrry-free daycare for your smatl one in aur home. Mary 430-8148. PARTr-TIME BABYSITTER available in your home beginning September -7. An y age. Whitby. Cati 668-8754. RELIABLE, LOVING, home dav care availble. Garden/Rssand. AIf ages welcome. Non-smoker. Close to sohools. CatI 668-7654. FRENCH-IENGUSHDUTCH mother. Daycare in my home for 18 mo. ý lus. Michael Blvd. & West Lynde ublic School area. Nutritious food. C.P.R., Frst Aid. References. Supervised activities. For interview, Brigitte 668-2594. DAVOARE in my home. Mother of 3. Qualified teacher. Ages 3 and up. Garden/lMann!ing/Brock area. Cati 666-9835. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Clean, 1 SMALL 2 BEDROOM apart- quiet, unshdrom viable ment. Available Sept. 1. $602 + imeiatety. Includes parking, hydro & gas. 1 - 2 bedroom cable, kitchen use. Suit mature apartment. Available Oct. 1. $602 mate. $85/weekly. First/last. + hydro & g as. 1 - 3 bedroom 668-3640. apartment. Avaitable October 1. $748 + hydro. Close t0 al amrenities. Caîl 668-7196. 2 LARGE ROOMS for rent. Share kitchen & 4 piece bath with one. $90 per week. Cati 666-5417. FURNISHED ROOM in executive home. Kichen and laundry facilities, parking. $100/week. First and last. Ct Debbie at 666-0200. AVAILAIBLE IMMEDIATELY. Room mate wanted t0 share 4 bedroom house. Laundr facilities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utilities included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cati 4S0-7103, leave message. ROOMMATE WANTED. Large house, north Whitby. Private 12 bath, laundry, parking. Quiet area. Ron or Dave at 723-3074. FEMALE to share a 2 bedroomn partiatly furnished basement apart- ment. Non-smoker. $85/weekty. Phone 430-2984. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertlsd here, 1 ,000s like you would be readlng this now. Cali 66811il WHITBY. Large 3 bedroom apartment in Triplex. $750 plus utilities. Availabte September 1. No pets. Ron Bars!. 436-0990. Sutton Group Status Realty lnc. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment available after July 31t Large living room, kitchen, f rdge, stove. AIt utilities includied plus hydro. Close ta schoot, shopping. $595. First & tast. 668-0629. WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, 4 pce. bath, parking. $450 monthly. Fîrst & last . Suitable for single person. Available immediately. Cati 623-4782. CLEAN & NEW bachelor apart- ment near south G.M. Includes kitchenette, utilities, 3 pce. bath, ý rivae entrance. $395. First & last. on smoker. 725-9416. BROOKUN. 1 bedroom apart- ment. Newly renovated. Large yard, parking, fridge, heat, hydro included. $475 monthty.- Cal 668-0648. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. ý$598/month, includes hydro, heat & water plus 1 parking pace. Frldge & stove. AvailabteeSeptember 1 or October 1. Cali 728-9679. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAT - ITS EASY! ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. ___ EDUCATION HEALTH I MEDICAL ÇOUrISFLILOR IRAINIIJO INSTITUrE of NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 y8ars in Vancouiver allers correspondence courses for the Bulsineîss povides HEALTH PAO for an ytrîps up certificats' of Counselling Studies la, begin Sept, 10 180 DAY's. SINriLE & FAMILY RA1 ES under 151h, For a rilrcr'hujr# Phone Toltren efo-800-665 age 73. $1 million coverage - DIRlECT Cl AtM 7044PAYMENT from $49 Io $140(1 CALL 1.800-265. 1657... SALES AGENTS IN YGUR AREA VJACATION 1Tt1AVEL NEEDFD. Fully lurnislred condos. Pools, tennis and more' Golf packages! inIer reintaIs availabte. FaIt rates tram $1271w.elr FRFEROCiIIIGE 1-800-44'8 56353. COMING EVENTS ST. JACOBS CRAFT SHOW & SALE- Saturda-y, August 28. 9,im.Sprn: Suinday. August 29, lOam- 5pm. Adults: $3.00 90+ vendors. At Si. Jacnbs Arena and Community Centre. foltow IIwy. 8f; norrh of KlichanrrWiterlor,. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROIJND membership or timeshare9 WeIl take il' Americas Iargest resale clearisghouse. Cal Rescrt Sals I nternational t1 800-423 59617 (24 hour-;) FOR SALE ENERCRAFT. a teading rmanufacturer of Portable Band Sawmills, atso carnes for immediale deliver. 3 pf hitch and self contaîned wood spltlers. edgers. chainsaw chais grin'fers, bandsaw blade grinders, skrddinq winc.hes and mnore' CatI 1-800-3875553. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONFERING at the Soîîthwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: November 20-26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot of Aucfioneering. R.R 0'5. Woodsflock, Ontaris N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115ý BUSINESS SERVICES BARN REMOVAI: Everything tram i owening aId barns to ground leveltot complete site cteanîip Some jobs treesin exchange for salvaqeGDarn (416)95 7- 1015, Gene (4t6f)643-88 78. POETRY POETRY CONIESI $17.000 in prizsàs Possible prublication Servi ans oiginal posm 20 linp-s or ess toa National Lbrary 01I Pnatry lIon 704 ?IG. Owings Mil-, Mrf 21117 BETBULIG RtCS Stel trarmî yp BES not ILuoNf - 2S -$.74 40es72SriwlTp -0x90 $16.622: -032x54$.375;Oher1si69a avaîlab$1e,6i2:at0xl2mer2c.3arancotParaurro 24 fIirs 1,8002113.84519. SPAH-TECFI STEEL BUlLDIHGS LTD. Fasy f0 erect AI/steel & WoodJ/ster'I buildings. CSSUII Certitîed. Farm, Residential. Industtiat. large or small. contra1ctîng avaitabîs, 24 haîrs t100561. MUST SElI : 6 AIt Steel Buildings Go ractory Direct. Gel up to 40%ý DISCOUNTIS, iîany sizes, FalI/Spring dnl'vîeryIrisaI tnaIt uses PIONFFR 1 8006118.5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Building ni fers nio flesibîlity. may even cool more nrnney. The answer tof Ouality, Integrity & Service -FIJTURIE ST EEL. Thousandsofnipri'pîe cant bre wrnnq, Cati t-800 66-8653. PERSONALS MEET SOMEONE NICEt Introductions for Friendship. dating. mariage. Proves syqtero with 25 successful years* experience and 125,000 introdluctions! Conidenflial. 6021 onqe Stroqet. 8ut 02, Toronto M2M 3W2 REGAIN the sîtality and reshnes-, fai lfe thal rou thought was buried toreveir Buy and reauf Clear 8ody. Oear Mini.<416) 8711 2t41 700 Ynnge SItorontoM4 Y 2A7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INGEPELIDFNT DEALERIS WANTED - ManIer distribuîlf or reks independent d,ýaIers ts represent in ail fortiier andi specrally Iibirant% Yriu wilI he calîing on farmo. in dustry. trucking. and constructrn. Farming or larrn %sales background à bq plus. F igh inconie opporlinitity, preotectpd e ritory W eil Train. PP a e re poîrd to . flland Enterprisq Inc . Suite 1214, 60 Pavane Linkway ntGis: .Onn0il .I3C tAP (41r,)421. I r u ad coutd appt-ar in communif y newspapers in Ontario, or right acrass Canada, ornry indivldniprovince, Space is Limled, sa Cati This Nt-wepFper TodaiyO "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEwe To ech a wdrmas*of. advertise fttvo* he regîonal mernborsho of the Ontr and Canascan Conrmunrfy Nwspaper Associatonrs. AUl Canada 572 newspapera - $1,121 for 25 words For turiher Information please cali the Whitby Free Press clasiieds - 66"-111 ay,9» ý,am t:0 5 00 Pm Fax 668-0594 'fi e 04 on The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essential lifesaving ftrst aid skîtls to people of ail ages. Three and a half hours of your time could save a life. Ca/i St. John Ambulance for détails. 668-9006 St. John Ammlance j Whitby Free-'. Press a

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