Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1993, p. 6

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Page 6, Whiby Free Press. VWokiesday. August 11. 1993 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whtby residents! MEMBER 0F: rn ONTARIO CANADIAN f iICOMMUNITY COMMUNITY *-UNEWSPAPER C A NEWSPAPER Fo ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION jgM CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD 25,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whltby, Ontario Li N 5S1' Phone: 668-6111 Toronto Uine: 427-1834 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20%/ recycled content using vegetable based inks. «D Ail wrillen material. illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial pupss withoul the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation ai C ada cprghla.erduio fr non.commercial distribution should bear a creditfine to the , h tby Free Press. mhiuthBe edi(t, White pages fr nu To the Edtor: Capy of ltter ta Durham Centre MPP Drummond White Dear Mr. White: Trying tasave maney, oh? Then why is the Workers' Compensation Board tha only gavernment agency, faderai or provincial, that duplicatas its blue-page' entrias with 23 additional white-page listings in the Durham Raglan talephone directary? How many extra white-paga entries has it purchased for the entire province? Does the board have a special reîationship with Bell Canada? Is it nat an insult ta resdents afi these communities ta assume that',' they dan't know how ta use the blue pages? What will this frill cost Ontario taxpayers in 1993? Richard Woolger Whltby Hockey dispute To the Edîtor: The 1993/94 hockey season appears ta b. daveloping intoaa real roller coaster ride for Brooklin-Whitby representative team players due ta an ongaing dispute, between the OMHA (Ontario Minor Hockey Association) and the CANA (Canadian Minor - Hockey send kids to camp To the Edttor: The Children's Aid Society of Durham Rogian has been able ta send 56 children ta camp this summar through tho gonerous support of service clubs, corporations and private donors tram across Durham. The wok done at the Children's Aid Society puts us in touch with many families and children in aur communiies who need aur support and wrha do not hava the resources ta provide camp appartunities for their childran. On behaf aif 56 childran and their familias, w. offar a heartialt thanks ta ail those who hava heped provide a f 0W weaks of outdor f un and learrung. Chldrn'a Aid Society of Durham Region Association). This disagreement might also affect aur select teamns wishing ta compata in outside tournamnents. Tha controvarsy between the provincial and national bodies arase over a new proposaI regarding voting structure within the variaus Ontario organizations. Thora was also concarn over a very large insuranca premium increase levied by the CAHA. The, OMHA continues ta be excîuded f rom the CAHA, the national sanctianing body for aIl minor hockey in Canada. Without sanctianing tram the national arganization, ail OMHA teams could b. denied permission ta attend any non-OMHA taurnamants in Canada and the U.S. This might also affect -our own local tournaments such as the Jim Johnston Mamorial and the international silver stick finals. The OMHA is the Iargest minar hockey organization in the world, representing more than 100,000 players. Ta demonstrate their confidence and solidarity, ail local hockey centras hava vated ta romain under the OMHA banner. The Eastern AAA Hockey Leagua competition wilI continua, along with the York-Simcoe AA Leagua for aur second levai of reprasantative t eams. The Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association is optimistic than an agreeàbla solution be establishad between the provincial and national bodies. It would be very disruptive ta aur arganization an layars without such an agreement. Larry Dancey IM vice prosldnt "rYou got a complaînt?fF Strange goulngs on By Tamara Charman 'm sure l'm flot the anly. one who has noticed that something is seriousîy *wrong with the world today. Each day,. some event causes me ta shake my head and wonder where people's common sense has gana. Now, I think it's important ta state that I am an angry ideaist: I want the world ta b. perfect and l'm angry that it isn't. You cari caîl me naive if you wish - I certainly won't deny Rt. I seldomn watch the news or read the front section of the Toronto Star --* I find these activities too depressing, what with ail the death, murder, mayhem and mishap. Truly, sometimes igniorance is bliss. However, no amount, of ignorance can blind 'me ta the occurrence of some very strange goings-on of lata. I think the straw that finally broke this camel's back and made me angry enough ta lot my thoughts down was a récent article about Cathy Madden being told she was not allowed ta f Iy a 97 x 18" Canada f lag outsmde her townhouse. Reading that made me vary angry indead. Why is so little done ta taster aur sense of patriotism? Why, in fact, are the powers that be making it harder and harder for us ta show how proud we are ta be Canadians? I cite, for example, aur national anthem. Rt was a lovely sang -- one which I was proud ta 'sing loudly. Then someona decided the Iyrics should be changed. Now, when I attend avents whera our anthem is played, I soe that people are afraid ta sing Ioudly, and mumbla the words -- just as I do -- because wPe'reý af raid w're going ta sing the incorrect old words. ft's kind of like the metric system. How much money was spent ta implement the metric systemn? How much is it actually used? Why do we still need imperial measurements on packaged goods and foodstuffs? Because no one really knows what 100 gramrs 15. Sa the imperial measurement is used as a famniliar t rame of refaerence. If the metric systam had been integrated over a set time period, and the population properly educated, there would have bean no need for such ridiculous redundance. t's just twice as confusing now. Either we have metric or we don't. Next, why did someone decida ia was necessary ta have bilingual signs on the 401? How much has this 'renovation' cost? No one askad me if I wanted bilingual road signs. I don't speak French fluent ly. How camne we have ta have signs with French on theni, when our neighbours in Quebec won't alaow signs with English an them? Ether we have two officiai Languages and everybody uses them bath, or w. don't. t's clear that politicians who hold office at any given time, have their own agendas,. with littla regard for what their constituents truly want. Case in point: the GST fiasco. Haw cari ariybady baliave we have a democratic systam of govarnmant when the GST was carried out despite an avarwheîming national nagative response ta it? Why can politicians in power nat see bayond thair brief terms in office -- and I'm talking globalîy naw -- ta a future for the antire planet and human race? Specificalîy, why. are any substances harmfuî to the enviranmant stilî being used? Why is any levaI of industrial pollution still allowad? Why is recycîing not mandatory? Why is tha rainforest in South Amarica stilî being destrayed? Do peopla think we have somaher aIs wecan g o if we use up this wondrous and bautiful planet of oursl What does it matter that its destruction may not corne today, tamorrow, or even In aur. liftimes? I want my childran's chiîdren's childran ta have a dlean and halthy planet. .Thar's j ust one mare item lId like ta mention regarding common sanse. Paliticians everywhere are crying tha blues about how littîs money thera is now for municipal services. I guass it must be true because Politics -of To the Editor: In a maya steeped with hypocrisy and arrogance, Prime Mimiser Kim Campbeil's govarnment has docided ta appeal an Alberta court ruîing that struck down the electoral gag iaw as unconstitutiomal. On June 25, the Alberta court ai Queen's Bench ruled that sections 213 and 259 ai the Canada Elections Act violated Canadians' f reedom aif expression, association and thair right ta an informed vota. The gag law threatened citizens with up ta f ive years' imprisonment if they indepen- dently spent mare than $1,000, individually or as a group, ta support or oppose parties or candidates during faderai alections. Campbeli's stunning decision ta appeal the caurt's ruling reveals 1 see knee-high weeds, unmawfl grass and unbelievable amounts of trash on public lands. Hera is my solution:, have the able-bbdiel people 'who are receivlng unamployment insuranceand walf are benefits perfarm such tasks as grass-mnowing, weed ramaval,, litter pickup, etc. ori governmnent lands. A useful service would -be perfarmad, and the benefit recipiant could feel that ha/sha Is making a contribution to beautlfying the community. More importantly, stand up and taka notice when you read an article lika the one in the July 14 Whitby Free Press regarding the work that is underway on a municipal gardon park. The cost, at 1990 prices, wil be $1.3 million.. A gardon park. $13 million. Say it a couple af times slowly. Think about it carefully.-Thon rememnbar that in'the sanie editian af The Free Press, thero was a front-page article about a wage rolbck fr Town employeas. Is a gardon park necassary wMon aeryone everywhere is being admonished ta curb naadless spendin ? Is this common sansa? Weil. there you'have it. These are some af the issues that make me angry. But, being an idealist, I keep hoping that things wili change,.lit may not be a common- sensa approach, but that's just the way I arn. Opi!nions expressed are those of the author. exclusion her trua colours. While shpr preaches the politics ai inclusion, sfio practises the politics of exclusion. Her, governiment is trying to raviva a terrible iaw that essentiaiiy threatons citizens with jael torms for the peaceful expression ai their polfticai views during elections. With the support af the National Citizens' Coalition,* I shahl fight the appeal ta preserve aur freedoms mnd I urge ail other f reedom-Ioving Canadians, af ail political stripas, to join in. Our heritaga ai freedom is aur birthright. f wa do nat fight ta praserva it. it wiII be Iost ta us.and to aur chidren. Davld Som.rvilli Presiert The National Cftlzens, Coalition, Toronto The Whitby Free Press wekcomes letters to the editar on any subject of conoem ta aur reaciers. Loutera should be brief and ta the point - rarely mare than 300 words. AN letters nmt be acompanied by th1e narne, address and telepharie number of the riter. However, on request. your narne may be withheld tram publication il we agree thee s a valud reason. The newspaper reserves the right ta rejeat or edlt ai letters. Send to: The Editor, WNhy Free Press, Box 206. WWhy, OntLON 551. or dfrop through aur mai siat at 131 Brock St. N. To the editor...

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