Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, August 4, 1993 A Monthly Fashion and Beauty Review * * Natu rai beauty mu inside and out NATURAL INGREDIENTS such as fruit, milk, products, including the honey, almond and herbs are now integral collection. components of a multitude of beauty Rialto Naturals Sweet solution to hair removal By Kathryn McBurney Body sugaring is the service ofTred by an Ajax business to women who seek a kinder, gentler method of tomporary hair removal. «Friends of mine told me about it when it first came eut and the first salon opened up in Toronto," says Denise MeFarlane, owner of Alexandria's Body Sugaring. McFarlane says a- sugar-based product is used that is gentier on skin than waxing. She was a client of Alexan- dria's Body Sugaring in Toronto for six months when she was offered an opp,)rtunity to start her own busindss. Two years later, the business, run out of her home and with about 85 regular customers, is going weII, says McFarlane. "I love it,» she says of ber first business venture. Back-to-nature simplicity - both on the inside and outside - has begun te, permeate our lives. This ia exemplified in the trend away front over-processed food ta home cooking and in the propensity of clothes and cosmetics that contain natural ingredients. In fiashion magazines there is currently a proliferation of clothing and accossories in natural fabrications: cotton print dresses, unstructured linon suits3, raffia vests, seed and abolI neekiaces, wooden bracelets. "Natural ingredients, such as milk, -honey, almond oul, herbs, and fruit, are now integral components of a multitude of beauty products," notes Barbara Broclebank, vice president, cosmetics, Shoppers Drug Mart. Milk Outside -- The beauty secrets of legendary enchantresses embraced a host of natural ingredients. Both Cleopatra and Poppaea, Nords wife, were known te h ave bathed in milk, a natural skin softenor. Latter day sirens can achievo the samne effect by adding a milk bath ta their bath water. Inside -- Milk is rich in many. nutrients but it is a particularly good source of calcium, crucial for the development and mainten- ance of strong teeth and bonos. Fruit Outside -- AH-A (alpha- hydroxy acids) derived from fr-uit (citrus, apples and grapes) is3now being tauted as the new akin anti-aging breakthrough. A number of cosmetic companies ,are starting te, use AHA in thoir .,Kn care troatmonts. AHA works by gently peeling away the surface layer of the skn. This seema ta improve fine linos rninimally in some individuals and givo a more refreshed colour. As well, there are abundant beauty preparations that contain fruit extracts, e.g. papaya facial scrub, wild cherry lip baim, apple pectin shampoo and apricot hand and body lotion. Inside -- Fruit (especially strawborries, cantaloupe, grape- fruit and oranges) is an excellent source of vitamin C, important in the manufacture of collagen, a cementing agent that binds colis together, keeping skin smooth and youthful. Another compelling reason ta eat fruit: adiet high in vitamin C is thought to lower risk of heart disease and breast cancer. Water Outside -- Bathing helps ta alleviate the stress of modemn society. The simple act of immersion in hot water releases the tension on our nerves and engenders tranquility. To add a feeling of luxury ta the cleansing routine, use a bath foamn. Inside -- Water is the essence of life. It is an essential component of ail colis and tissues and ail body fluids. Water is the chief agent in regulating body temperaturo. Whon and how much water should wo drink? That's simple. Drink when you are thirsty and aim for eight glasses a day. Almonds Outside - 011 derived from vegetables and nuts are replacing minerai oul in makeup and skin care products. Almond oil is one of the most popular natural oils being used. Inside -- Protein in the human body is built from aniino acids. Almonds are a complote protein containing ail eight of the essential aniino acids as well as potassium. Eaten in moderation, almonds make an excellent nourishing snack food (10 almonds have approximately 80 calories). Sun safety- did you know? (N('> --I lic skîîî cati lueutr a lotiîif d;îa gc < n Cilii lliod(. l11 lad. uîîc iof hIc coîîdiuiis f(lfiippeupfle Illusi at risk Il'or skirî canicer is two or iiiore hli.eicrig stîhurtis as a clîild or adolesccnîi. Iwith afularray ofmnerchandise & services for your swnmer pleasure. Wachfor coming events. Thec mailiual has somethingfor everyone.