Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 14, 1993 A HOME DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT FEATURE Installing a pool in your backyard If you'ro booking for a way te meke the most of those long-awaited sumnier months, a backyard swimming pool cen provide a perfect escape inte your own privato paradise. A pool is aise a great way te stay in shape and bring famly and frienda tegether for some outdoor fun - ail in the convenience of your own home. For many homneowners, a pool is a more attractive option than buying a recreational property or taking the family on summer vacations. If it's the right choice for you, there are several factors te consider before malcing your purchese. One of the first things you should do is contact your local municipal office te find eut the rules and regulations on pools in your area, such as location, size and fencing requirements. Pool types There are two basic types of pools: above-ground and in-ground. An, _abovegromd, pqol in usufl. es.exenie thhn an in-ground one because ne excavation is necessary. Other benefits of an above-ground pool include easier installation and portability that gives y ou the option te dismantle it at the end of the. season or talc. it with youif you ýmave te anew home. However, the depth -of this pool is restricted because it is net constructed below ground. Se, if diving is on. of your favourite water activities, this may net be for you. This t ype of pool aise bas a limited life spart, ranging froni five te 10 years. If you and your family are serious swimmers, you niay prefer an in-ground pool that is usually larger and deeper than on. above ground. Disadvantages include the overali expense of the pool, including more expensive fencing, more extensive maintepiance and more costly repairs. If you decide te instali an in-ground pool, make sure you use an experienced contracter, preferably someone who is recommended by friends or neigbbours. If possible, get two or three estimates before making your choice. Depending on the type of pool you have in mind, it can cost anwere'from $900 te $25,000. àTii. type of materials you select is a big factor in the price. You can. choose ftrm materials such as metal, fibreglass, concrete or vinyl. Concrete or fibreglass are popular choices, but vinyl is the most commorily used material. No matter what. type of materiai you choose, the pool basin should bo finished in white for rniaium visibility. Nover use dark colours, since they make it difficuit te preceive the depth of the pool. Pool deek Safety, cost of materials and appearance should aIl be considered when yeu decide on a dock for the pool. There are many expensive and inexpensive ways te finish the area. Patio stone, wood, turf, brick or concrete are some of the many types of materiais- from which te choose. Concrete or paio,. stone are -the* mose'recommended surfaces for a deck. If you have a tight budget, you may decide te, use an inexpensive materiail, such as naturaL grass. However, keep in mind that chlorinated water tends te kill grass,, wbich is why it!s -net conunoniy.used as a dock surface. Insecte and dirt are other drawbaclcs as weli. No matter which tyVe of materiai you use, make sure it's non-slip and easy te dlean. Also make sure the area is large enough te comfotbly accommodate gueste if you plan te do a lot of entertaining. Pool acoesmoies Remember te keep aside a portion. of your budget for accesseries. For exemple, consider installing underwater lights if you plan te use tho pool for nigbt swimming and diving. Overhead lights te illuminate the pool bottem and deck are aIse, important for night swimming. These lights will enhance the overali appearance of the pool-as Weil. To increase the use of the pool, y ou may want te invest'in a pool heater. Even though they're.. .costly, you'Il b. able te use the po*l earlier in the sprng and later in the faîl, Gas, cil, eectric or slar-energy heaters are available.. Den't fdrget, that yeu'1l need maintenance, tools te keep the pool dlean. A vacuum sweeper is essential for, remeving leaves, dust halls and other debris that accupiulate in'ithe pool. A pool cover will aIse, prevent leaves and dirt from falling into the water. In addition, a pool cever will heîp keep the pool warmn at night. I ~ ~ ......... e te * m esk i ~ i v r 4 :. . . .. . Bmy Mai-got McTavish Banisters of Ajax The. key bore is cemfort level'. You wil ha spending a good deal of time with your designer and you wiIl need te f>stablish a trust to allow her/hirn te function as a designer on ycar haaf. Meeting ycur potential decorater establishes rapport. Do you cemmunicate welI? la the person able te meet your requirements or are they eut cf your reach in budget or directive? The firat stop is te, discuss your project with a decorator over the phone, thon meet one-te-ene. There are many decoraters available witb varying expertise and access te suppliers. Somoe designers work eut cf their homes, others through well- established retail shops that focus on the design end of home decor. The latter cen easily access numerous producta, from wallpaper te, sofas and dining specific needs. Talk with your friends and neighbours. They may have some experionco with a local designer or have heard positive feedback from others. Once you have found the designer you feel comfortabîe with, stay with ber/him -- don't try te work with more than one.. Designers ail have unique approaches and toc many messages wiII beave you confused and in a stalemate.

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