Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. JuIy 14, 1993 -e- C C.nonSuda Flyig circus Family Restaurant Thne Whitby Inn, Restaurant &Pub Fomeriy lthe Exploier Resaurant 900 Hov . S . tvP.6 -85 ..... for ûtj: . .PN7 STA LITE THE CANADIAN KNIGHTS from Peterborough *march onto the field at the 1993 regional drum and bugle corp s championships held Sunday at Oshawa Civic Fields. Thie competition was hosted by the Northwind Rebels drum and bugle orps.Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Summer fai upcoming--, EVERV WEDNESDAY Live Comedy with Laff Trax Thursday, July l5th Vatican Rip Friday, Juty l6th Easy A ccess CD RELEASE PARTY Saturday July i 7th iIve Easy Pleces Sunday, JuIy i 8th fL'Ving Nigh#tu Easy A ccess Jam Session A "monster mud bog," pet show, demolition derby and baby show are among the events at this year's Osbawa-Whitby Fair to be hel d July 22 to 25. There will be a demolition derby on Thursday; junior, domestic and horticulItural exhi- bits, and truck pull on Friday; saddle and heavy horse shows, horsespul, laser karoake night, baby sow, mud bog and demoli- tion derby on Saturday; car show, pet contest, sheep and light horse shrws on Sunday. Admission is $7 on Thursday and Friday nights, $8 on Satur- day and Sundrny. Midway rides and parking are free. Sonie of the best radio control aipanes and fliers in Ontario wlll be pr of the Great Cana- dian Flying Circus at Heber Down Conservation Area in Whitby on Sunday. The Whitby Aeromodellers have combined airpianes, pyro- technics, stunt-flying and shw business in the one-and-a-half- hour show to be presented at the flying field at Heber Down. Wel-known comedy actor Jîm~ 1Renshaw will portray a World War I pilot who, upon rising, visits the 'littie house with the haif moon.' But the Red Baron in bis brilliant red tri-winged aircraft does a strafing rua on the bouse, blowing it to pieces. The hero escapes, with his pants down, to give the Baron a taste of anti-aircraft fire. The Baron then blows un the ammunition truck, and aleated air battie ensues with planes falling from the sky until the Baron is shot down with the secret weapon -- an 1812 muzzle- loading cannon. Aviation history will be recrea- ted with the club's version of the Goodyear Pylon races, a World War II flyby of legendary aircraft including Wayne Bansf-ield's Lancaster bomber, John Clark's *Spitfire pls a Corsai r, Mustang, Jim Moss's B-25, o rna Chipmunk and an F-16 jet fighter. A dress rehearsal will be held at 12:30 p.m., the full show starts at 2:30 p.m. Food and refreshments are available. Thiere is no admission. HISTORICAL FEATUBE in the Whitby Free Press S. Where was the f irst indoor swimming pool in Durham Region built? 2.When was the Whitby Fire Department f6unded? 3.What happened to the tower clock in the old post office when the building was demolished in 1959? 4.When was the parsonape built for the Brooklin United Church? Answers on Page il This feature provided by gn# C:: OEIC :ý La.:lA AmIitocturalC rvt nAJo.xrq Commato LOCAL BAND Easy Access will celebrate the release of their new 1-song compact disc, 'The Children of the Happy Parents,' at G-Notes in downtown Whitby on Frida. In October, the band wilI begin a two-month cross-Canada tour to promote the CD. 11 Stanley Cri. Unit 12, Whitby <Off Burns Street) 9 WEEKS GRAND OPEINUNG Calli Gaetane Ollesch Dance School & Co.hInc. <EST. 1977) -- 430-9115 R:Summer School rý