Whitby Free Press, 9 Jun 1993, p. 31

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MORE THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, gloritied, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayer fine times a day. By the eighth day yourp rayer will be answered regard less of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. W. & S.6. PERSONAL LOANS from $1,00 and up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. CHRISTIAN DATING & Friend- ship Service. For free information packot, cail 1-800-829-3283. PSYCHIC PALM - TAROT CARD READER on ail li(e's problcmns, on love, health, nian-jage. Appointments. Cal 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 668-0499, Whitby Ont visit will convince you BAHA'IS BELIEVE. The source of ail evil is for man to turn away from his Lord and set his heart on things ungodly. For information cal 668-8665.- DO YOU ENJOY Greek cuisine? Purchase any 5 recipes for $2. Large selectmon to choose from. Caîl: 433-0479 - Whitby. YOU PEOPLE who drive cars and use machines and chemicals that poison the earth and do anything fra 'ob and make the world the way it is so it's unfit for life; continuousl1 deceiving and being deceived.You are building a prison for yourselves and your worlds of illusion are collapsin, one at a time as you f ail. T he devil is turning up the heat again and you are the fuel for his eng mes - to be used up and disposed of like your own garbage. Welcome to the war of words and music. H-ow will you escape? He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit has to say. LSCHC PIITA CHILD)BIRIU EDUCATION The Chiidbirth Education Association of Durham will hoid a program for expectant and new parents, 'Being Bom -- The Baiby's Point of View,' on Monday, June 14, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Whitby Public Library. For more information or te register for prenatai classes, cail the association at 420-3890. LA LECILE La Leche League Whitby wil hoid a breastfeeding support meeting on Thursday, June 10. The toicwill be 'Advantages of Breastfeedingto Mother and Baby.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers are weicome. Cail 723-0542 for more informna- tion, including location. RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale is held every Wednesday, 1 te 2:30 pan., at St. Mark 's Unýited *Church, 200 Byron St. S., Whitby. Whitby Free Press, Weckiesday. June 9. 1993. Page 31 *Employees who take BASE*pride in their work By Lucie Rochette Emnplo yers are happy when they find valuable ernployees who aise value their jobs. Johin Barr and Darren Forbes work in quality control at Para- mount Packaging in Whitby. They inspect p ackaging and identify non-conf orming material and defective products. "Thiey've done a good job with minimal supervision on our part," says Scott Nichoils, Barr's and Forbes' immediate super- visor. The two are working under the Ajax-Pickerng and Whitbv Asso- ciation for Community Livings Basic Alternative to Sheltered Employment (BASE) prograni that helps developmentaily chai- lenged people find work in the community. Some are paid jobs, whiie oth- ers are on a volunteer basis. But ail involved with the BASE pro- grain are proud that they are working in the communty. Barr and Forbes have worked at Paramount since October. There was a four-week. trial p eriod after they were hired, and Paramount provided on-the-job training in a "«famly-type" atinosphere. Both were em-pioyed pre- viousiy, Forbes at the former Cobi Foods plant in Whitby, Barr at the former O'Tooles in Picker- ing. In fact, Barr was such a good employee that when O>Tooles closed in Pickering, he was asked te work in Whitby. t The two have made many friends whiie working at Para- mount and the company is more than pleased with their progress. Kevin Bell is a volunteer at Fairview Lodge in WIhitby. Every Friday he helps other volunteers, serves drinks. and durinL- bingo helps residents, those who can't ASSOCIATION for Community Living Fairview Lodge resident Cora FaHow's volunteer Kevin Bell helps keep an eye on bingo cards at a reent Lodge bingo nîgI4. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Préss see wefl, move their chips. 1-e has worked at r*airview since the end of February, and previously did custodial work at Col. J.E. Farewell Public School in Whitby. Bell likes to get to know Fair- view residents. "He has been a reaily good help,» says Debbie Brown, Bell's supervisor at Fairview. "The residents are getting to know Kevin well." "I feel coinfortable here because I work with people," says Bell, who says his favourite part of the job is bingo. "I really enjoy it here,» says Bell shyly. "i7he peopfle are nice, and they think f do a god job. That's what makes me proud." People are usually referred te, the BASE program. They iden- tify what they want te de and the prograni helps theni obtain a job in that particular field. Paid employees are on the company's payroll. The BASE program has 'ne mochanism te pay for the work. The prograin Job program fundraising Lucie Rochette ST. CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour! Th-is is the last offi- ciai week of school before the exams begin (sniff, sauf... yeah, right). It's been reiatively slow around school because of that. Warning te ail readers -- this school news column will be com- plimentary -- anyone with a weak stomach should proceed with caution, or stop reading here. Sir.ce this is the end of the year, this will be one of my last columns (this y ear, anyways). I'd like te take t his opportunity te thank everyone whe reads my column. I appreciate the support. Aise, I'd like te thank the teaching staff at Ecole Secon- daire Catholique Saint-Charies- Garnier for putting up with ail of us year after year ... (after year, after year, I think you get the p oint). Ail of the teachers have b3een patient with us, and in some cases, have had a littie fun at our expense (it is always in good humour, but they ai ways seem te pick on the students with the best reactions... hmmm, possible connection? Nah.) Included in the staff category are the principal, M. Berry, and the vice-principal, M. i3edard, and the secretaries, Mme Pare, and Mme Thurston, who have been kind enough te put up with myregu1ar Friday afternoon Fnd -Ot-The-School-News phone cails. As for the teachers who organ- ize school activities, and the stu- dent council, there are tee many te mention, but I must say con- gratulations te ail of the staff members and the students whe worked hard te make our activi- ties enjoyable (and time-consuin- ingse we coutd get eut of class). i3gthank yeu and con-grad- ulations te the head of the grad committee, Mme Bedard, who generously gave her turne te help the committee organize what are sure te be a fantastic and inemorable prom and graduation ceremony. Mme 1edard and the rest of the grad committee have been slaving away since the beginning of the school yenr, trying te maise money se we cjuld afford te have a great tCme, and they've succeeded. A big thank yeu aise gees eut te Mine Roch'ette and the year- book committee. The committee works se hard, often late in the evening, and the end resuit is worth it. The yearbook always turns eut beautifuliy, and it is a precieus memento of our schoei. To ail the sports tenins that we have at our school congratula- tions on deing your best in every event, and keep up the good work. Unfortunately, I ar nont aware of ail of the committees at our school, se if I forget anyone, it wasn't donc on purpese. Se, generaily, what I'nm saying is congratulations and thanks te everyone who made an effort te make our school year enjoyable. Exain sehedules were handed eut iast week (Oh ne!). The last "off'iciai» school day is June 14. Exanis begin June 15, and end June 22. Prom is June 24, and the grad is June 28. Sece you there! Goed luck te everyone on their exams, and don't ferget te start studying (What? It isn't the last minute yet!) Well, gotta fly! A la prochaine. gives support," says Patta Chees- man, BASE program suppçrvisor. Cheesman have been Involved with the BASE pirogrim for about fine years. A total of 35 people ar4 in the program, at manydferent levels of support. Many are graduating froin schooi this year, wantiiigsu p port, but a waiting list already exsts. dinatin a prograin that provides jobs and recreatien ai activities for developmentally challenged teenagers. But the students -- Joanna Harding, Steve Marchi and Lisa VanStaveren -- say governinent funding cutbacks mean there is no mnoney l'or roc o pportunities. So they are holding a car wash on June 19 in Pickering and a barbecue in Ajax on July 2 in an attempt te raise funds for the Wrogram which operates in hitby, Ajax anldPick~ering. The car wash will be at the Esso gas station, across frein the Pickerinix Town Centre. The barbecue is at Loebs' su- p ermarket on Westney Road North.

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