Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, June 9. 1993, Page 27 SERVCES ERVCES "'"FOR RN ""Ff lR. E DAYCARE avaitabte in my home. Fui part-timne. Non smoker. Coch rane/Dundas area. Cati 668-5217. DAYCARE AVAILABLE near Palmerston Avenue Schooi. Smoke-free home. Crafts, picnics, outings. Cati Lynn at 430-6585. HELP VOUR BABY to stoep. This medicatiy- proven tape uses a reai human heartbeat as the soothing rhythm of ten traditionai tulabies to catm your baby, newborn to 6 years, to steep. Effective for coiic. Fuit refund if not satisfied. Cheque or M.O. for $15.95 + 3.00 for taxes/S&H to Baby-go-to-Sieep, 8 Midtown Drive, Suite 402, Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 8L2. Approved by the American Association of Pediatricians. DAY CARE for your infant or Sreschooler. Loving care in my omne (Brock/Rossland). Mother- craft trained (infants/preschoolers). Mary 430-8148. LOVING MOTHER WILLING to p rovide day care in her home. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of TLC. Please cati 430-3361. MOM'S DAY OUT. Home daycare, haif or fuit day openings. Many activities. tndoor/outdoor pay. Nutrtious snacks. Gardon, andManning area. Cati Wendy at 668-7644. WOULD YOU LIKE to drop your chitd off at daycare and know in your heart that he/she is tovod and well taken care of? Hf so, this mother of 2 is availabte. Please cali 723-6765. ThicksonlRossland area, near St. Mark's. Boforo and after school chitdren weicome.. LOVING DAYCARE availabto. 21 years experience. Smoko-free home, reliable, saf e care. Rossland/Thickson. Close to St. Marks school. Cati 728-2843. We PrWf oneai Care The systomn that provides... " Unscheduled home visits onsure quality care for your child " Fully trained providers reoive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidars " Comp(eîte insurance coverage " Income tax rocoi ts *Children six weeks and up " Full or part-timoe For more Information cali: 686-31995 a llcensed Agency RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main streot location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. f0 5 p.m. BROOKLIN - LARGE, »CLEAN, quiet, furnished room. Close to ail amenities. Suit mature maie. Parking. Avaiiabie now. 655-5539. FURNISHED ROOM in executivo home. Kitchon and iaundrty facilitios,' arking. $100/week. First and last. CtiDobbîe a t 666-0200. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. $80 Ser week. Share bat hroom and itchen. Studont or workor referred. Waik to ait amenities. base cati 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes f rom Whitby, betwoon Brookiin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms availabie for rent. Low weekly rates. Cati 655-5308. ROOM IN A 3-BEDROOM bung alow. Use of living room, TV, kien, washroom, laundry facilities. Parking. Utilities includ $450. Cati 725-7474, noon to 3:30 p.m.; 571-2051 ait day. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Centrai. $100/week. Cati 619-2981. CHRISTIAN LADY wishes to share her home in Whitby with samo. Largo, warm 2 bedroom apartment. Ail inclusive, $350. Cati Patricia M - F. 10 a.m. - 830 p.m., Sat., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at 686-2186. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE to share. Firepiace, centrally ocatod in Oshawa. Pets aiiowed. $400/month. Ask for Darrin, 721-8542. AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Roomn in house to share with 3 othes. Utilities inciudod. Washer/dryer. $350/month. Mature people oniy. Aiso, availablo immediateiy one smaii roomn in same home, $300. 430-7103. CAJ.I.A EB RAN Lawnmower Repair 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free PickUpi Detiver LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TrUNE Up $49.9 .-$9.9 +parts - e dlvrfyr 668.611 coiý nsWrctlon for Homen d Buswis. - Bathrooms . Ktdiens - Custom tim -neck -G steb s Addidons, etc. 2~wa'~u'rIxs-6554418 r'li46LDfiffing &Post Scting1 4=7«95=41 Derek Dutka Speciatizing in tax & rtiromont planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. D a 8 Gcnn cra ontractlng -Decks - InterokIgStone Fences -, Rec Roms 9 Caipentiy 985-0412 668-5365 fB&D Fencing# &Decks Work Guaranteed çà à -7. Gardon Shedis *Post Setting Free Estimates * PHONE 668-7951 * 416-432-4547 (Mobile) * i we fencing & docks IFREE COMPE Ti Ti VE ES TIMA TESI IWritten Guara'teeI 166-96901 WHITBY - 1 BEDROOM apart- ment avaitabte Juiy 1. $530/monthiy. Inctudes heat, parking for 1 car, fridge and stove. Phone 668-0556 between 9 a.m. and il a.m. or beave message. CENTRAL WHITBY - 2 bedroom apartment in duplex. Appiiances, parking and utilities inctuded. $695. Dave 666-0635. HUGE 3 BEDROOM apartment for rent. Beautiful condition. Avaitabte July/August. Cati 666-5056. BRIGHT, SPACIQUS 2 bedroom aartment. Centrally tocated. Lundry facilitios, heat inciuded. $625/month. Cali 725-3330. MAIN FLOOR - 3 bedroom apartment. Mature, stable family p roferred. No pets. Avaitable July 1. R nt reasonable. References. First and Last.. Evenings, Whitby 430-7298, Days, Toronto Pager 337-3455. WHITBY - Excellent location. Quiet 2 bedroomn in duptex, cozy and dlean. Huge backyard and amples parking. $650/month nci udes utitities. Cali Sandy Gerber *668-6171. W. Frank Real Est ato Ltd. CENTURY MANSION - Weii secured on mature landscaped setting. 2 bedroom apartments. Avaitabte with fireptace, batcony, sauna, exorcise room and parking inciuded from $825 to $950. Available Juty 1 and August 1. 668-2326 (No catis aftor 9 p.m.) CAN'T BEAT THIS PRîCE. Spacious one bedroom basement apart ment. Avaitable Juty 1. Private entrance, working person, non- smoker, no pets. First and last. Referencos. G.M. area. $400/month al inclusive. Cati 725-6179. ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & stove. Patio. $900, includes utilitios. Onle-bedffoom basemont a pt., $600. includos utilities. 725-7474 or 571-2051. LARGE, TWO BEDROOM apartment available August 1 in south Whitby. $559 monthiy. Cati 666-9626 after 5 p.m. or bave message. ONE-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment. Available immodiately. Larg e living room, kitchon, Fridge, stove, utilitios inctuded. Close to schoot, shopping. $600. First & last. 610 Stewart St., Whitby, 668-0629. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE cAti, 0ONE BILL OOES IT AiL. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CHIfIS1IAN l111111D WOFILD DEVELOPLIENT agescy sooks Indivdu.ils Io orgarilze sniall auluinîî ovnis In Votif local aea, Sned nurne ln: 14 Princip Sht. l, laîiiln t(W P21. FLEA MARKETS VEIDofls WANTED. trii.oor anid ouldorir space avaîlable. The 400 Maikel, Bafoie(7051 436- 1010. hie Barn Markltiaie. Peloibotougli (705) 745-1081, FRANCHISES AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVE rFlAIICIIISE TEnniIofliES availatile ln grnwîng secuîily alarm indutîy. Traininîg. suppori, Invoslîîîeîîl rom S$10,900 00 Alliancoe sicuîily Sysloins Caîîîbridge, Cal 1- 600-265-78513 lori lîîonnîalioîî package. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITriES ExIThA iNC.OME' Grow baitworns ln your base.Pmenî or 9-nage. Odloîles opiflon I 0w lîîvestifîngil P mîkel guiaillîend, iri ninfiirmiation. Eaîly DritEcology. ri nFl SI, snîilîîville, ofilario. Io On Ao. (416) 643-42s2 viorim .n fowrFflS wANiFri Ci-îiple wfi gîowing packages Euviioîînieîîally îieidîy. FloIeîeîîcpq avaiîable i. Na Pai DsI& Ecology. 5513 Eîcho fld_ R(3 03 Welafidpnîl. Oîîîiatio Lol 2310(4163)38r, 6F061. CAflEER TRAINING LrAnrJ AiJciiFr.nFitr 'l vin So1iiwes,in Srlîool et Ai.linneilîîq trl rl C.ss Jly 17 23 linîîlsîcontlact Soîlîwnsleiî Ontlario scoiofolAucioîîneîiîg. ri n, 05. Woodslock. Onîlar iîi Ms47v9 (519) 53 721 t5 EDUCATION tir AN iirirîrnn rcllAtî ri n Àîî t gî.i îitoîîîî suIycous-e riii loi a rfi1 F 110>1 1 100 267 1FI29 Ille GlieltiI,ll >lojl (8q717 8 îIcAriIhiîîAvp JIwaO.KIL r6192 PEFiSONALS CHA lAI NE' îsîi îin mcianud wanin aik liv>piCOîîITPIaîîus loi convArsalion. fun, lîîendlslip .and rmal people likn yoîîg Ene îecotIdnd iîîîoîîîalîoîî - Wîîîîniî (4 If»1299 2000 î.îii(416) POETFIy PEIYCONJF1 $12.000(l i e osil pîiffiiai-nn S-murid oîîe niigmî.-il rpin20 unrs or te-; n liia-nal t1îy Olf Ponhîy lin704 PNI). 00F A CAMPGI3OUTJD siietiîberslîip or imneslaie Wn'il take i, Aiinilcas lingnst iosale cleaîitiglouse Cî lsî an nriîloa 800 423-5967 (24 (muis> STEtà L BUILDINGS DIEST BUILDING PIlICES - Sinl dSilîilwaill Type . riiO quorisel - 32x54 $7744: 40*72 $11.690; 50090 $16,622: 6<1*126 $25,375 011>0, 51*05e available FlriaI Sptiîîg rleaaiirn- Paraîjoîr- 24 (louis 14100 263-0499 L.11ST SEIL1: TwaoIi-sîlontbulîdiiigs, iîevni useId 40x* CO and 30xl100 Wuittspl Il --iori li pat 13001 iDoTtommi~cE Caîl Dm4> (4 i6>5.4 (150o4 Al Z nfE-ETi'. BUILDINll>J NO aîîî, sne.n Coîgnîtnnîclal, inJus» iaI îlew tlinos, sIenl/woed. quolistal, ctIadi(J;îî For Tille vaqllue. a-lion & n,wers . Wnlly (416> 62F6 17Q4 rrrF biocbuies lp save SPANITECII SI EFI 311 îîs TaLh(i giinçsswoik mîî il ofliiyiniasînl -1 iilIliiig TaIk in lhe prolesslogials. E-sIabistin.d -ii OIIAI I TY. sEnvIÇE AND FirEPUI.ATION 241 lineîi. I 1800. 561-2200 STEEL IIJILFINcS - Fi-id 0>4 why »»0elaîîî îîoî n popîn buy aiî romîîîiiirîjîii. I Ouatly. lîîlegoiiîy nd !ýtiviie Cal îow loi sperîiaI pruces o» I lay SloîaqIn Tliilêiîq.î i T ( 199 8651 VACATIONIIRAVEL î.inîît F iFAcqiInr>-on T vi fpiîq iici (il 1Sluiîios, rn eand Iwn i bdndiir olos. Golf packages avallaloeS >iîi>iiot lins 56>6 anru FNEF lNO îîî î 1îri pi>4(11s'.' PROPEnTIES rOrI SALE I IrrtIlE-Fîl FýtAtinAN1 P r»>- exceîîetiilcas;h i(bs laige iý îî1 îîu'iî Iri $2 7Q.000 (C-11AI (.îayn (101) ppF. Pol1 Crmc,îî ci-nIfbilin1g îil.ii$79i5,(Iiiif ci $100,000 Flri Lnwpns AiiitlnaIîy (715) 2 7ir 4441 RIECREATIONAL VEI IICLES CO)ACI1.(F.TJCAMPING i IlAII rî--I l arIiol Foldown, rFlîll i aiol ,Tavoil. ik îns lircai iescps. l'itrliîin &Imc 1 legi Trimîîîîîîîli-k 4Caps >îsCnv' i wii'muer iiclulîiig F(ni.iii Iui-I el nIia flo)y'iI Toi& FI V r Cs niîimri-i1e,'î,'iîc(iii lý1 33722 Vo tir ed coi ld nupr.ir lec vitlîîiîiy lie s igîpcr is i e raio. nt iîglîl acte,%$ Catîn-(î ie ' (l dj îlusureprov ln ci- Srare t, L liîîîil rd,!c0 ei l iii ti tJnç .up,înîFidal ~C SCANSADA IAAF:KETrPLACE" To reach a wde< marlcet adverbse tîroughou( UMO regmonal membershiP Of us Osuano andi Cartadian Cornmunily Newspape Assocaiors Coahul x,,î, 55 newspapers -$1 60 for 25 words -AJIl <>ano nompaprs - $350 b0<25 woids Agi Coauda 572 nwmppes - $1,121 for 25 word. Fer furgher nforrrion phe S He althe Whitby Free Prou Clessitieds. 668.094 Wbit~y reaPres>'688059 *Ofîc Hors:Monday 10 Friday 9:00,arn to 5:00 Pmn Fax. 668-0594 Perry House SPC Day Care Centre Ltd. FRPN R$I j ncept Group -2 a 1 mmmmmý m -l 1 1 1 - 11