Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 2, 1993, Page 7 The..... bearfacts .e c"\'nm .f.Merry.Pss.n..ad.b.n.sober.hat.day,.h .ight.n. have~....... ta e n ' h a e c h r m d B o d.'...... theftand reak We'llgo sraigtbtothelourtcase Ifet's see iaI got this traight," MrrytPassonhsysmto the - Bae a ona omTh ase fthe itness BoYusaem! lin cae itosyourhe ouseateartwlif porridge, brok ou csiics hefaurthir anthe rn feuasleofp on yourchasss___________________________________________ "Tht'ssreifght saysMr.ar, sMiling at the judge "t's got sef a peronan'i hwtgofraSnday wao. "us mcin "Ye o saw myocle t eagabowl of porridge?"rZ yu "I asaw gt"sysMs ersiig the empty bowl." 'You saw Goldilocks sit on the chair and break it?" "I know she done it and she knows she done it." chair. Just wbat did you see?" Mrs. Bear adjusts her hat. "We corne in from the walk... , Somebody's taken a bite each eut of two bowls and has 4 eaten the other al Up.1 "Go on." "In the living roomn somebody's been sitting in Papa Bear's chair, it's awfully hard y ou know, and someone has been sitting in my chair, whic~h is awfulfly soft you know, k and then someone obviously sat on Baby Bear's chair and ~ smashed it ail te bits." Merry Passon raises a hand. "Please, Mrs. Bear. Your Honour, could you instruct this witness net te draw conclusions?" Judge Hangin Imbalance scours down at Mrs. Bear. "Stick,' he says, "te facts." "O0kay, okay. I saw an empty bowl a broken chair and that blonde hussy sleeping in my sonsd" "That's ail, Mrs. Bear. The defeace would new like te recaîl Papa Bear." Papa Bear is big, shaggy, looks a lot like a rug. "Tell me about this walk in the woods," Merry Passon ANDREW I-IERON WITH HORSE AT BROO]KLIN SPRING FAIR, C. 1930 asks him. The Brooklin Spring Fair has been held annually since 1913, formnerly on the site of the "Well, like it's Sunday. I make porridge on Sunday, only Meadowcrest subdivision and, since the early 1920s, in the Community Park. Andrew Heron I serve it up, it's too hot, you know. Se we goe for a walk te was a well-known farmer fromn Ashburn.WbtyAcIcpht let it cool down. We cerne back, somebody's-ben eating my ityAhvpoo porrdge but it's stili too hot, somebody's been eating Momma Bear's porridge but it's tee cold, and someone bas been eating Baby Bear's porridge and bas eaten it ail up." "Describe the bowls for us, please." Papa Bear looks kind of sheepish. "My bowl is a buge, 10OYEARS AGO0 big bowl, Momma Bear's bowl is a medium-size bowl." from the Wednesday, June 1, 1983 edition cf the WIIITBY FREE PRESS eAn elite rural bousing development will be established on Cedarbrook Trail. "And Baby Bear's bowl'?" - Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital is off'ering a complote ultra-Sound service for the first "Oh, definitely small." time. Merry Passon rubs bis shin thoughtfully. "Hmmm. How* The 72nd annual Brooklin Spring Fair will be held June 2 ta 5. dees porridge cool, Mr. Bear?"' Sandi Smith of Anderson Collegiate is the mayor of the student Youth and Civic Mr. earloos pzzld. Sur, wel, he iggr abow ~,Administration program. "D)rats!" says Papa Bear. - Carona Garnharn cf Cayuga is the 1913 May Queen at the Ontario Ladies' Çollege. "Henry! Is this true?" asks Momma Bear. * The Myrtle Revers football team journeyed te Oshawa where it was dcfeated by the Most of tbem live happily ever after. Osbawa St. George's team, 2-0. -