Page 28, Whity Free Press, Wednesday. June 2,1993 CHLD~AEl BOOMSj IATMM9A1f~HIIHOE BROOKLII- LARGE CLEAN, HUGE 3 BEDROOM apartment PARTIALLY FURNISHED, twe- WHITBY -40VThicksen Rd. ISpecializing in quiet, furnished reem. diose ta ail for rent. Beautiful condition. bedroom basement - apartmont. 3-bedroom new house with Early Childhood amonitios. Suit mature maie. Available JuIy/August. Call Non-smoker please. Cali 430-2984. walkout basement. Available Juiy 1. D. e 1 n^lIà g ...r on _________ar-_a___r__nr__r_ $990/month. Calil493-1816. For Peace of Mnd. Perrtj House Day are Centre Ltd. 129 Perr St., Whltby 668-9476 The sso that provides... *Unscedled homo vîsits ensure quality care for your child " FulIytrained provders receive ongoing Agency supprt " Reriable local back-up covers Providor ilness or holiays " Complot e insuranco coverage " Income tax receipts -Childron six wGeks and up " Full or part-ime For more Information Sail: 686-3995 a licensed Agency FURNISHED ROOM in executivo home. Kitchen and Iaundrty facilities, parking. $100/week. First and Debbie at 666-0200. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brookin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms availablo for rent. Low woekly rates. Cail 655-5308. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Furnished room, includes cable, parking and kitchen use. Available immediately in quiet, clean home. Suit mature maIe. $80 weekly. First/Iast. 668-3640. CLEAN COZY basement om Cablo. ?'rivate entrance, parking. $65. 668-7404. ROOM IN A 3-BEDROOM bungalow. Use of living room, TV, kitc hen, washroom, laundry tacilities. Parking. Utilities inciuded, $450. Caîl 725-7474, noon to 3:30 p.m.; 571-2051 ail day. ni had a vory good rosponse ta my ad - a lot of phone calîs." E.M. ROSSLAND-THICKSON. Fur- nished bachelor apartment. New home, suit mnature person. C-A. Non-smnokor. Private ontrance and parking, cabie, utilities incîuded. $110/weekly. First and last. Cai 430-6727. WHITBY: Clean and quiet one bedroom apartment in Century Building. Suitable for single person. Non-smoker preferred. Available July 1. $475/month. Cati Ron at 668-3011 (message> or 666-3883 (evenings and weekends). WHITBY - ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom, bright & dlean, $795 inclusive. Aise 2-level, 1-bedroomn & den, $785 inclusive. Parking, near GO . Available July 1. 699-5287. EAGLE'S NEST, 'Nhitby. Clean, bright, sunny, bachelor apartment. Furnished. Private parking. $450 ail inclusive. 668-740. WHITBY - Cozy 3-bedroom apartment in duplex. Freshiy Êainted, close ta shopping & GO. Excellent location. $650/month includes utilities. Cail Sandy Herber 668-6171, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.00 for 20 words prepald Or $8.25 bilIed. Cal now ta place your ad. 66"-111 ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedroom, main floor of house. Carpet & steve. Patio. $900, includes utilities. One-bodromr basenert a pt., $600, includes utilities. 725-7474 or 571-2051. IMMACULATE BACHELORETTE apt. in good & quiet neigh-- bourhood. Separato entrance. Utilit les included. JuIy 1 possession. $425/mùnthly. Call 428-3470. CENTRAL WHITBY - 2 bedroom apartment in duplex. Appliances, B rking and utilities included. $695. ave 666-0635. LARGE, CLEAN, one bedroomn basemrent apart ment in quiet West Hill home, w/parkinlg, 4 piece bath, Iaundry facilities, partly furnished. Near tennis court. Suit p rofessional woman, non-smoker. Referenices. After 8 p.m. 282-8760. h il I 3+. BEDROOM HOUSE in Whitby. Available mid July. Full house $1,200. Main f loor only $850. Basement $500. Utilities included. Cali-Diane at 445-6203. NORTH WHITBY- Room in large F . AI. teUb LU a ubII9dIhp- Washer, dryer. Available immediately. $350 inclusive. Cal 430-9340. AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Room in house te share with 3 otheis. Utiities included. Washer/dryer. $350/month. Mature people enly. Aise, available immediately one small room in same home, $300. 430-7103. MATURE STUDENT or employed person. Use of al facîlities. Close te ail amenities. Manning & Hi9hway 12. $400/month ail inclusive. 668-1708. Leave message te view. PRIVATE - 2 family home in the heart of Whitby. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Separato entrances. 40' x 150' lot. 4 car driveway. $175,900. Cail 666-5056. No agents please. BRIGHTON - 3-bedroom ail brick bungalow with in-aw suite, attached garage, gas heat and water. Ail newly renovated. Close te downtown and schois. $122,900. Caîl 613-475-3035. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtewn Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. I NEED A furnished bachelor aatment wher.e I can keep a sallr dog. Must be well mitîe and f ree from car pet s and upholstered f urnit ure. Phone 416-668-3686. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TOIY' Asphait Sealing 2foM4 4d06'Ui/ g.4/9 Sm4ùdiL4 Cracks Fiiied - Pothoies Patched Fuse Esfhnatos 432-0 0 Qug o*uctlonf« oan dBusines - Bathmoms *ldicens - custorn trim - 'c- Ga-s rB&D Fencing ;I# tvtOM65418 & Decks T MtalGru Work Guaranteed çà à -lm:#1KI The Mta r *Gardon Sheds Post SottingHEBTA *Froo Estimates caiî for quotabon *PHONE 668-7951* 725-6564 * 416i-432-4547 (Mobile) * -£ RIFs - AUI r 'e woo fencing & docks "l IFREE COMPETITIVE ES IM4TES IWritten Guarantel I66-969~ To0wn, Window Cleoning Service INSIDE/ ..~rOUTSIDE OUTSIDE ONLY $95.00* * $53.00' ADDITIONS: TRACKS SCREENS CEAr£D ~CLEANED $10.00* b$10.00* - lk ouse *Based on Maximum 2.5500 Sq. Ft. House No-Scratch pant removal diso avioble Cýali 6684276 D & S eul Contracthmg *Dedoe - Jnterloclng Stone *FenCS es *RRoma 1, Carpentiy 985-0412 668-M5365 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. * -siïëP CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT5S FASTI ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL MES il ALI. INVISIBLE FENCING - The originul end pioven dog conlainmenl syslem. Over 250,000 dogs stand beiîind Invisible Fencing. Indoor anti ouldoor syuiems. Ounranlieti 11-8M0661-6288. COOKBOOKS FROM YOUR FAVORITE TV CHEFSI The JUrban Peasani, risquais. Madeleine, Van ... Cali (416) 769-4434 or wriie- Books for Coalus, 2338 Bloor SI. W. 84S93 Torono MGS I TO VACATION I TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH nESOnRT vncalion reniais .Studlios, ana and Iwa bedraam condîrs; friselîeeping provid. Pools, tennis anti mîorel rGolf packages evaliabie Surnmer raies frnrn $SO6wptek FREE BRIOCHURIE REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND mernbersiiip or limeshare? Weii lake hli Americais ligosl resale cieningiouse. Calii esort Saies irlerrlional 1-800-423-5967 <24 hours) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GO FISHIiNG FOR DOLLARS. 3-blillion dollar finduslry. Freeze-drieti bail vending machines. Localion suppiieti. Irîvesl,,îeni irom $7.975. Cod nowIii (416) 238-9116 Mr Martin. 'no WFIESTLING. Local proinoleis wanled for esiabilshed pro wresiiing promnotion. Sien-up les $500 00 For more Irmb , cati (613) 391-8186. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PIlICES - Seel Sirniiwati Type- nol quonset - 32x54 $7.744; 40x72 $11.690; 5Ox9O $16.622. 60n126 $25.175 aiher sires availabie- Final Spnirsg clearance . Parrigon- 2414oursI1-800-2638P499. BUILD A 1REliER BUILDING. iowesl pres STRIAiFHT-SIDED, ail steel. Exaemple- 30x4O VALUE $5.592. NOW $4.568 Quier sires avaliabla. rACTOIYDiIECT i1-800- 66i1 5422? Piorreer. silice 19M0 CAREER TRAINING LEAR1N AUCTIONEEnRING aiIle Sotditweslem Schooi ai Auclioneerillg tNexi CIas- July 17-23. IiniorunalIor, contact: Saulhweslern Ontario School oi Auctiloeerirsg. FI nI.a05.Woodslock. Osilaria MAS 7Vg. (519) 537-2115 Yu dcudappeur ln eomrnunhl y nepapers ln Ontia:o, or right »crues Canada, or any Individuel province. Space la UmJitud, so Colt ThMa Newepaper Todayl *« FT ech wd> ml*t dre s aîogou Ue eIonlEmrshîp of W On.o and Canadan Commuhy NewsPaPOt AssOxabOona 55U daffl. $6572wppr- AU,121 for 2word.l-S3 w 5wo Whiby oeeP~es 88-094 OficeHous: oncay 0 Fida, 900 rn o .:00prn Fax ý668-"0594 BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedreoms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appliances *Central Air * Garage *Paved Driveway * 3 Models * On Site Management * Easy Access te "GO" * Rents Start at $1 ,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. McCall Proporty Management 666-5794 -924-1100I C o U O R C W . ............N T E ..R................._ _ _ _ _ _ BRIANS Lawnmower Re pair 721-2844 -5725-8709. Ffee Pick U & Douiver LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP Oniy MHole Driling & %ot Seun 427-9524 r- 1 ftffl 6rati-bubti. For furem infonmdm pim» cal du Whhby FrS Pnm Cb"Beds - 1 1