Page 4. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. May 19, 1993 Coundil to f111 vacancy on BLA board By Mike Kowalski A vacancy on the management board of Whitby's Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) will bave to be filled by Town council. Blaisdale Montessori Sohool has imited openir'gS for childrefl AES 6 TO 12 in our Ajax location at 545 King ston Rd., (just east of C hurch St.) This program offers UNDIVIDUAL ATTENTION in the core subjects of Math and Reading with the UNIQUE MONTESSORI MATERIALS and an EXCITING CURRICULUM very different from traditional education. (Caîl us for a free copy of this program.) Our administrator, Eleanor Wilson, has 31 years of MONTESSORI EXPERIENCE. Our Montessori teachers are A.M.l.* TRAIMED. US THIS PRIVATE SGIOOL EXPESIVE? *The hig hest standard of Montessori training in the world! Ask us why! Business andnpersonalscodmin ments bave forced local nier- chant Kathy Bazerin to resign from the board. As a result, the Town bas bad to advertise that a vacancy bas been created and invite applica- board. The lest date applications for the position will b e accepted is May 28. Council will then review the applications and choose Cokw~M p p -~ * NOWAVAILAL! ENVIRONMENTAL (ARE'No V.o.C. VELVET PASTELS INTERIOR LATEX PAINT IN FIVE FINISHES 0lînting of this paint con add volatile organic compounds. See producf label for Meails. 1.z8$, 96 SUPER WHITE CEILINO LATEX After sale price $37.928 3.8 OY0c& Ft% oeeIN-STORE %#VTOVVOFFMLWALLCOVERING *Reg. book price. Patterns may vory [rom those shown._ I oU a l,jed ..hOur *e Iliepicoe te poduI or peOo eud 4dc o, opfKfflhn30 dy e l efoed he .3~ dft-n(eofe M ,iec*0 ow etme e eoo, 0 . 0 ut e qo 10 D 01 o , urtow 1ee m oe IOo e ediOl ~Se k efetive=o5Juneo 1 1993. Nol allitms l oflar sYour 1916 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY (Northeast corner of Dundas & Garrard) z 0 c-, Cr Cr. World DUNDAS 435-O8B8 ýw- Sat 9-6, Sun. 11-4 I CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F VACANCV BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT FOR THE WHITBY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT AREJA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whiiby invites aplications for appointment to the Board of Management for the Whitby Central Business District Improvement Area to f111 a vacancy in the membership of the Board. If you are: (a) a Canadian citizen; (b) at least 18 years old; (c) a resident of he Town of Whitby or the owner or tenant of land in the Town or the spouse of such an owner or tenant: (d) assessed for business assessment in the Whitby Central Business District lmprvement Area or the nominee of a crorporation so assesse; and (e) interested in thie improvement, beautification and maintenance of Ipublic lands in the improvement area and promotion of the area as a business and shopping area, y U are invited to make application for appointmrent to the Board of anagement. Application forms are available at the Town Clerks office. Com pleted applications shoutd be submitted to the Clerk by no later than Fnîday, May 28, 1993 for the Councils consideration. The lest date for submlttlng applications la Frlday, May 28, 1993. Ail applications will be reviewed by the Council and applicants wîII be advised of the Councils decision. DONALD G. MeKAY, CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F TNE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-580 'HI W ITBY CAMERA 221 KendaINvmd Rd. Whitby 433-0061en 1 clothing store on Brock Street Bazarin bas been a miember à ~ the DBIA board for just over one year. Bazarin said she wiIl remain a board member until her succes- sor is named and that ber leav- irig was not prompted by any disagremenit with fellow board mem ers. "(They're wonderful people, I wish I bad the time to stay on," she said. The management board is res- ponsible for administering the affairs and budget of the DB lA. Formedin 1978, the DBIA was established by Town council to boost downtown businesses through various means such as improving the appearance of buildings and promnotional cam- pais to attract shoppers. The DBIA bas about 400 mem- bers wbo are assessed a special levy wbich is paid ia addition to their property taxes. Member- ship in the DB[A is mandatory. Centered at the intersection of Dundas and Brock streets, the DBIA geograpbic area juts and jags tbrough the downtown as far north as Walnut Street, east to Hickory, south to Ontario and west to High. To be el' *ble for consideration as a boar member, candidates must be: * a Canadian citizen; * age 18 or over; * a resident of Wfhitby or the owner or tenant of l and in Whitby, or the spouse of such an owyner or tenant; * assessed for business taxes witbin the DBIA's geographical boundaries or the nominee of a corporation 50 assessed; *interested in tbe improve- ment, beautification and main- tenance of public lands within the DBIA and promotion of, the area as a business and shopping area. After the deadline for accept- ing applications has passed, council will meet in committee of tbe whole (closed session) to review the apIications and pick Bazarin's rep\acement. Altbough applîcants are not usually interviewed by council, councillor John Doistra said "everyone is ý_Iven a fair shake." As council s representative on the DBIA board, Dolstra said he may consuit with otber board members and Town staff and then bring forward a recommen- dation to council. Doistra said Wh itby's down- towa has benefited from the DBIA and he applauded the efforts of those who have served on the board. "They've improved it (down- town) a lot," be said. ospital to, Whitby General *Hospital will bold the fiîfth annuel 10k walk- a-thon on Sunday, May 30. Participants can begin the walk in front of the -hospital anytime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Funds raised from the event go to support tbe employees' flive- year pledge to tbe bospital's building and equipment fund. Pledge sheets are available at the reception area of the hospital et 300 Go-,rÉdon St. in Rsouth